Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stepping Forward in Faith Equals Magic

At a recent holiday party, I was asked to explain my approach to helping another heal. I mentioned that I have always affirmed that I do not teach anyone anything, but I help clients to remember and reconnect to their own divine natures, which often is hidden underneath fear and negative and limiting programming. By connecting to their true essence, clients recapture the clarity and joy to step forward, hear and act upon their heart’s yearnings, and excitedly join in the magical and miraculous dance of life’s journey. It was then that one lady commented, “But how does one find their faith, when they have lost it.” I explained that faith is not something that we can ever lose; as it is inextricably part of our God given natures and is always within us. Connecting with our faith is merely a choice as to whether we choose to see beyond our limited visual sight, hear with our inner knowing and not rely solely on our ears, and follow the excitement in our hearts. She then replied, “Isn’t that a very illogical way of living?” To which I replied, “You bet it is!” Having lived this way for the past 10 years, my husband Pete and I have traveled quite an unconventional path that has lead us to amazing experiences, and magical opportunities and connections that our ‘linear logical’ minds could never have conceived. I know that many of you reading this newsletter are at a quandary as to trying to figure out what your life’s purpose is; as you want to be of best service. Well, back in 2005, this was not an issue for me. After my spiritual awakening in 2003, with my clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts reawakening within me, I reconnected with whom I truly was, established my beloved business Angel Healing House and became a Reiki Master/Teacher. I adored being a Healing Practitioner and an Intuitive Counselor and had started channeling and writing books the previous year. So when I was reading the newspaper one day and came across an advertisement for a job in a New Age/Crystal store, I had no idea why I began to feel exited and got shivers all up and down my body. The ad went on to say that the applicants must have knowledge of crystals, their characteristics and healing properties. Using crystals extensively in my Healing Practice, I had a thorough knowledge of crystals, minerals and gems. Shaking my head, I thought, “I love my Healing Practice, how could I ever think of doing anything else?’ I then closed the paper and got ready for my scheduled healing sessions. It was a few days later that I had prepared an early morning tea and took the paper out to our sunny back porch. The warmth of the sun felt so nourishing, that I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, a gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew the pages open to the back section of the newspaper. There on top of the opened page was a larger ad for the New Age/Crystal store. Upon seeing it, I received intense shivers all up and down my body and the same excited feeling. That evening I said to my husband Pete, “I don’t know why, but I am getting excited about the prospect of interviewing for this position at this store. But, I adore being a Healing Practitioner.” Not fully understanding where this exited urge was coming from, I decided to follow my excitement and interview for the position. I was chosen as one of 5 girls to work part-time, 2-3 days a week , at this beautiful store in the heart of the largest and busiest shopping malls near our home, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. When customers would come into the store and they would walk past me, I received psychic impressions as to what their physical, emotional and spiritual health issues and needs were. Standing in front of our vast array of books, the customers would ask me to recommend books to them. The customers were mesmerized by the messages that I was bringing forth to them and amazed on how I would know certain things. I would explain that I am a Healing practitioner and clairvoyant. Along with their purchases, they would ask for one of my brochures for Angel Healing House. This one act of handing my brochure out, would be re-enacted hundreds of time in the year that I worked there. In fact, in that one year, I drew to myself 200 new clients just from working in the store, not to mention the many recommendations and referrals I received from these 200 clients. This added clientele gave a tremendous boost to my meditation nights that I held in my house every 2 weeks; with often 25-30 people attending for each night. Now don’t get me wrong. Faithfully following the still small voice inside of ourselves, when all logic dictates otherwise, can be challenging to say the least. But the rewards can be untold and beyond measure. God can only work in miraculous, magical ways if we would only reconnect with our faith by stepping forward and following our joy and excitement. So what is blocking you from connecting with your Faith within? Are you still blocking the path to your Faith with negative feelings about staying in a job you dislike? Perhaps the path to your Faith is clouded by not respecting yourself enough to allow only honoring relationships in your life. Or is it hard to connect with your Faith because of low-self esteem and not feeling worthy or deserving of miracles in your life. Through Angel Healing House and the heavenly messages from my angels, I have been helping clients re-connect with their Faith and recapture the joy, bliss, peace and magic in their lives once more. Make 2012 the year that you clear away all obstacles on your own path, to accessing your divine Faith and stepping forward to all the miracles that are just waiting for you. To clear your path, call Candy on 831 277 3716. Happiest of New Years for an extraordinary 2012. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Magic in Our Lives Happens 'Off List'

Two weeks into the December holiday season, and the frenzy of people’s activities seem to be escalating with each passing day. With all the ‘to do’s’ such as decorating, planning social functions, cooking and baking, gift and re-gift giving, the proverbial list can get very long at this time of year. With all of these activities and many more, are you making your lists and checking them twice? I used to do that. I would diligently make lists and feel so much better as things got crossed off. Years ago, my life was so structured that I had a Day Runner organizer for my Filofax. I was constantly buying inserts, with tabs and plastic sections to prioritize organize and arrange my days. My life was so obsessively well ordered, that I had lists for my lists; as I desperately clung to controlling life. (From a higher perspective, I now know that because I allowed others to take control of my life, I tried to cling desperately to this one area that I ‘seemingly’ had control over.) Don’t get me wrong. While there is great joy in seeing one’s efforts and actions manifest in the accomplishment of tasks, it is really important to remember that the most amazing, miraculous things that occur in life happen off list. It reminds me of the amazing way I met my Twin-Flame, Pete. (A Twin Flame is the only other person in any space, time or dimension who is the divine completion of who you are. They are very different to soul mate relationships that come in with drama, irritation, agitation and push our buttons. Having drawn my own Twin-Flame to myself, I created the ‘Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ (which I will be presenting on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 10:30 am in Culver City call 831 277 3716 for details) that explains the difference between soul mate relationships and Twin-Flame relationships and includes the very practical, grounded tools that I used in my life to manifest my own Twin-Flame.) In January of 2003, after I had found the inner strength and courage to honor and respect myself enough to leave a destructive and deceitful abusive relationship, I decided to write a decree to God. Before writing this very powerful sacred pact with Divine Source, I voiced aloud that I would never ever compromise myself and give my power away when it came to love. When I went on to create this decree and write down exactly who would manifest in my life, it was as if the pen, the voice of the Divine, and myself were writing it together. Upon completion of the decree, I saw it as a very important letter and slept with it under my pillow and read it out morning and night. Just as important was the fact that I showed God, that my actions, the words I chose to use and the feelings in my heart continually reflected a higher Source. In so doing, I lifted my vibrational energies physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. As I faithfully and consistently followed this daily and nightly routine, my clairvoyant vision began to pick up that I was going to meet my Twin-Flame by water. At that time, I lived across from the Broadwater on the magnificent stretch of beach called Surfers Paradise, along the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. So what did I do?? I bought the sexiest exercise outfit and walked for miles along the waterside esplanade every single day, thinking that I would meet him there for sure. Well I never did meet him along the esplanade, as my limited linear mind had told me it was going to happen. Through a set of unbelievable, synchronistic happenings, our paths divinely came together in a series of events that no detailed list could ever have scripted. (I go into details and recount these miraculous events at The Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop.) But suffice it to say that we met on a Saturday and Pete wanted to ask to marry me after 3 days, but waited until 5 days later to pop the question. Ten days after, I moved to his lovely beach home and two months to the day that we met, we were married on the beautiful stretch of coast. Over my years as a clairvoyant and psychic, my angels and guides have told me that the most amazing things happen off list because they want us to be surprised and astonished at the wonder and enchantment of our wishes and dreams manifesting for us. (After all, if we knew exactly how and when things were going to happen, we would miss out on the magic and excitement of life’s journey.). All we need to do is to place our intentions for what we desire for ourselves, set them firmly in our hearts, and have the complete faith and trust in God/Universe/Source that all our prayers will be answered in Divine ways and in Divine timing.. Yet, what if your faith and trust in yourself has been sorely tested and diminished because of a broken heart, hurt, sadness, anger, bitterness, resentment, and regrets? Through my practice, Angel Healing House, I have helped so many people with relationship issues; as they have found themselves constantly replaying compromise in order to be loved, giving their power away and/or finding themselves being used or controlled by someone dear to them. In the majority of cases, this has lead them to close down their hearts to receive love in their lives. With the combined healing Reiki sessions and Intuitive Counseling, my clients clearly understand why they have sabotaged love from coming into their lives and how to practically restore faith and trust in themselves in order to manifest and experience authentic, honest and honoring love. This holiday season as you are checking things off your list, remember to open yourself to the limitless possibilities of the magic of life that only occurs off list. Wishing you boundless opportunities to experience synchronicities wonder and miracles during this Holiday season and throughout the year!!! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Tale of Two Rose Bushes

By now, many people have heard about the Laws of Attraction and that by focusing our attention on what we desire, we will be the energetic conduit to help it manifest in our lives. This past year, I drew to myself an amazing example of how our energies can affect another living thing. When my husband and I moved into our lovely home in Los Angeles a year ago, two very dear friends decided to get together and buy me a house warming present. One of my friends is bright, open and receptive to the abundance of life. Her happy go lucky nature and optimism is infectious. Because of the Laws of Attraction that states, “like-attracts like”, the Universe matches her openness and brings to her a myriad of opportunities for prosperity to flow into her life. The other friend lives in constant fear and lack when it comes to not having enough. By controlling and telling the Universe how and when it should give to her-instead of ‘letting go’ and allowing the Universe to give to her-it has kept her staying in dishonoring jobs just for the paycheck, has kept her living in dishonoring conditions because she was so afraid to move and has kept her paralyzed to allowing an honoring love to enter her life. Each of these friends presented me with a beautiful rose bush in small pots. As one of the rose bushes was dark pink and other was a lighter pink, they were very easy to tell apart. The next day I went out and bought very large pots to transplant the roses in order to give them room to grow. Every week I would tend them, give them especially formulated rose food, talk to them and I even played classical music for them. Nourished, loved and looked after, they both had the same advantages in order to grow. Yet after a while, I began to notice a marked difference between the rose bushes. The optimistic and open friend’s rosebush produced many buds that burst forth in large blooms. As soon as one would open, another would burst forth; as if the buds were having a race. The bush was full of color, which created a wonderful canvas of dark pinks. The friend who is constantly talking about not having enough and cutting herself off from the flow of life, has a very different rose bush. In the year that I was given the rose bush, it has NEVER flowered!!! The plant looks healthy and produces so many buds. But instead of opening fully, the buds open only a fraction and then refuse to open anymore, and just wither and die. I have sought out expert advice for the rose bush and given it special supplements and attention, but to no avail. My friend’s limited view of life and her attention to lack, has squeezed the life out of so many areas of her life. I guess it really is no surprise that her rose bush is simply emulating the same limited and controlling energies that she demonstrates to life. This rose bush is the perfect teacher to show us the importance of • How our energies affect everything else and • The importance of opening ourselves to the limitless ways that the Universe can give to us. The month of August is all about clearing out any areas of our lives in which we are being inauthentic. By hanging on to something that is no longer honoring to us i.e. marriages, relationships, jobs, living conditions, health issues etc these dishonoring energies will seep in and affect all other areas of our lives. And like the rose bush, other areas of your life will fail to bring forth color and bloom. Because we are creatures of habit, it is sometimes difficult to step forward in faith; knowing that the Universe always will be there to assist, protect and guide you to your highest good. Through my healing practice, Angel Healing House, I have helped people connect and live their most authentic life for almost 10 years. My clients have often reported to me that with the shift in their perception and by making more beneficial choices, their whole reality started to change for the better. When it comes to the Laws of Attraction, the Universe will match the exact energies that you focus on. In addition, the Universe does not care how much we rationalize and justify our negative or pessimistic energies. It will only send you more of whatever energy you choose to keep perpetuating. By putting your energies on what you do desire, instead of excuses and reasons why you could never manifest them, you set the wheels in motion for the Universe to manifest the circumstances to allow your dreams to become reality. Every time you default back to an old programming of lack, remember the remarkable story of the rose bushes and consciously choose that which you do desire; not that which you don't. May the rose bush of your life not merely be alive, but may it thrive! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Change Your Work to Your Passion

As of 2012, what if you never have to work another day in your life? Every night before going to bed, you would be so excited about getting up the next day and doing what you love? In fact you would never, ever again use the word work, to describe what you do. You might be thinking that this is just too good to be true. Well, that describes me to a tee; ever since I connected with the wealth within myself, and established my business Angel Healing House. You see, I adore what I do and I have never referred to it as work. I do not have days off from my business, as I don’t long for or need to have a break from what I do. I get energized and so darned excited by sharing my talents through my healing sessions, my intuitive counseling, by being an inspirational speaker and my gifts as a clairvoyant and angel practitioner. This is because after 47 years of searching, I discovered that who I am, in fact, is inextricably linked with what I love doing. As a result ever since 2003, I have felt whole, complete and wealthy. I was recently a presenter at the CrazySexyMoney Financial Seminar and wanted to demonstrate this different way of viewing wealth in our lives. To start off my talk, I asked the audience to close their eyes and think back to their youth and visualize themselves as a little child. I said, “See yourself as a little girl or boy, getting excited about sharing the things that you are good at, your achievements and your creativity.” As they were visualizing themselves, I asked them to feel what it felt like, to do what they loved doing. (Perhaps you would like to participate in this exercise and take a few moments to do the same thing before reading any further.) I then asked them to quickly open their eyes and complete the following sentence, ‘When I grow up I want to be a_________________.’ I then went around the room and had the participants say their answers out loud. Their answers reflected quite a diverse group. We covered most of the alphabet, as we had astronauts and actresses, to fireman to zookeepers and many other professions. After I thanked them all for participating, I brought it to their attention that no one in the room had said, ‘When I grow up, I want to be a rich person.” Now how is that possible??? Especially when one considers that most of the concerns of modern day women and men seem to be directed at scheming, planning, and machinating on how to get more money or network and connect with people who can help them get more money. There is a simple reason for no one saying that they wanted to be a rich person. The reason is that as a child, you knew that you were already divinely and inherently rich, wealthy and abundant because that was, and still is, your Source given nature. As a child, you knew who you were and what you adored doing. When I was a child, I used to get lost for hours and hours as I excitedly wrote and created the most wildly creative stories and tales. My parents say that I lived in another world. I loved telling and reading my stories to people. I then would take my stories and put on plays with my friends and younger brothers. (Ok, I must admit that my younger brothers were not always as enthusiastic in participating as I was; but then again, an older sister can be quite persuasive.) As I got older, instead of pursing what I creatively loved doing, I listened to the very practical advice of others, that I should do something sensible with my life like becoming a primary school teacher, a nurse or a secretary. I went on to become a wonderful primary school teacher. I was also a wonderful anorexic and wonderfully depressed, as I was living someone else’s representation of what my life should look like. As I had given up control of who I was, I sought to gain control over some portion of my life through food issues. I basically silenced the fullness, wealth and riches of my excitement within, and was literally and figuratively starving without it. Once I started living my own life and making my own empowered choices, amazing gifts and abilities started to be experienced. For nearly 10 years through my beloved business, I have excitedly written 6 books and created presentations and seminars, workshops, meditations, inspirational blogs and newsletters. As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Intuitive Counselor, I have helped clients break down programming, beliefs and fears in order to regain that childhood zeal, enthusiasm, and passion for life once again. Within those 10 years of seeing clients, it became quite clear that the overwhelming majority of my clients who were emotionally and physically un-well, ere also no longer excited by some or all aspects of their lives. And the majority of those clients were also miserable about their financial situations. When my clients expressed their financial concerns, these four sentences were used most often: 1. I am not rich. 2. I don’t have money. 3. I hate not having money 4. I am miserable without money. And although I have helped many people with this same exact concern, there was one client’s case that demonstrated the most clear correlation between wellbeing, wealth and excitement, and I shall call her Lauren. *Lauren was a beautiful, creative and highly intelligent young lady. She was also exhausted, depressed and had lost all motivation for her life. As such, she had to quit studying after her first year at college. During our session together, when I asked her what she loved doing, her face lit up like a Christmas bulb; as she told me of her love for fashion design. Her earliest memories were those of sewing patterns for clothes for her dolls and even the big family cat. This childhood passion followed her throughout her teens, as she sketched original designs and sewed clothes for her friends. Although it was blatantly clear how much joy she received from sewing and designing, her father had other ideas as to Lauren’s future career. Her father was a lawyer and had told Lauren that as soon as she received her law degree, that she would work at his law practice. Although she was not interested in the law, she did not want to disappoint her Dad, and she applied to law schools. She told me that as soon as she began to get accepted, she started to feel ill. In fact, once she went to college, she was in and out of the infirmary more times than she could count remember. Completely exhausted towards the end of her first year, she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. To help improve her immune system with Reiki treatments, she came to my healing practice. I asked her to close her eyes and said, ‘Imagine that you have all the certification, all the money and all the connections in the world. What would you be doing?’ Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I would be designing clothes.” She went on to tell me that she had a recurring dream that she was behind the scenes at a fashion show and that the people in her dream were speaking Italian. I told her that with each passing day that she was not fulfilling her hearts desires, she was denying who she was and her body was reacting with illness and exhaustion because of the sadness of her unfulfilled heart. I explained to her that if she started to make movement toward researching fashion design schools, that the Universe would pick up her excited energies and send her opportunities, people and connections to help fulfill her excited intentions. By the end of the session, Lauren’s whole demeanor had changed. She was sitting upright and was animated and excited about stepping forth on the path to making her love of fashion designing a reality; even if this meant disappointing her father’s dream for her. It was several years later that I received a letter and photo of Lauren at a fashion show in Milan, Italy. She told me that once she decided to quit law and to enroll in a fashion design school, her symptoms of illness magically began to disappear. The simple reason for this was because Lauren was happy, fulfilled and joyous as she was living her own dream; not someone else’s. When Lauren thought about designing fashion, she felt whole, and complete. And, as a result of that she felt wealthy and prosperous. Now we all may not all have chronic fatigue syndrome, but we know when we are not happy with our relationships, careers and health, What makes us stay in areas of our life that have ceased to become fulfilling and joyful, is the programming, belief or fear that somehow we are not allowed to be and to do exactly what we want to do. My clients are able to turn their lives around because they take their focus off of external abundance (money) and put their focus on their inner abundance (inherent wealth), by emphasizing the words, excitement, fun and creativity. My clients realize that: They are not rich, because they are not creative. They don’t have money, because they don’t have any fun. They hate not having money, because they hate not having excitement. They are miserable without money, because they are miserable without creativity. Each and Every one of us knows what truly makes us happy, gives us fun and ignites our spark of creativity within; and you do not have to be clairvoyant or psychic like myself to get in touch with this excitement. As of today, you have 24 days left in 2011 to proactively turn your life around, in order to start 2012 off as the year you stopped working and started to do what you adore. I help awaken clients to reconnect themselves with their passion, fun and creativity of life again. I can help you visualize a fulfilling life outside of the current box you find yourself in. (The sad part is that most of the times, it is a box of our making and we are the ones who continue to keep ourselves captured inside.) Call today on 831 277 3716 to start to peek out of the limiting and unfulfilling box that you may be finding yourself in, that stops you from being in complete bliss, joy and adoring what you do. Here’s hoping that you live your bliss by changing your work to your passion like I did. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Monday, November 28, 2011

I Wish You Well...No Matter What As of last Thursday, Nov. 24th, we here in the Northern Hemisphere have un-officially entered into the season of well wishes. On Thanksgiving, Pete and I were blessed to receive well wishes from both family and friends near and far. Similar to years past, this official day of giving thanks seems to open a door for people to be more cordial and kind and express good tidings to one another. Usually, these well wishes are not dependent on finding out if someone follows a similar belief system or whether one chooses to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwansaa, Rohatsu, Ramadan or anything else. In most cases, the well wishes are given out freely and generously with no strings attached. I began to think about what it actually means to ‘wish someone well’. The wishing someone well could be translated to mean that you hope all their holiday plans run smoothly. With the increased traffic during this time of year, one could wish someone to be well in order to be safe on the roads. With the arrival of cold winter temperatures in most of the country, it might mean that the well wishes could be a literal prayer for someone to remain well and in good health. It could mean all the above, or simply expressed as a general wish for wellness. I surmise that I, like most people, do not set out to dissect what it is that we are actually wishing them well for. But I do know that I give these well wishes out freely to people, both family and friends, who are important to me, who I love, cherish and hold dear in my life. It was then that I began to wonder, if the fundamental core of wishing someone well had to be dependent at all on whether one loved, agreed with or even liked another person or their actions. While I held this quizzical thought in my heart, I manifested a perfect example of this, which allowed me to put my theory to the test. While browsing on FaceBook last week, I was drawn to a photo and a comment that a close relative had posted on his page. With him ‘friending’ me, it had appeared on my page, as well. Underneath the photo, one of his friends posted a random comment, “Not on the topic, but congratulations on_________’s engagement”. (Contained in the blank was his sister’s name.) Staring in disbelief, I could not fathom that his sister-who shall remain nameless-had become engaged 4 days previously and chosen not to call me and tell me. I had seen her grow up and been so much a part of her life as a child and as a young adult. Searching on the internet, I discovered that she was engaged to a celebrity TV host and not only had all the newspapers carried the breaking news, but, the happy couple had announced their engagement on a nationally televised Awards show. Stunned, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Australia finding out about her engagement 4 days before I ‘indirectly’ found out. As I sat with this fog of disbelief surrounding me, I heard an angel’s voice faintly break through the dense fog of my shock and whisper in my ear, “Wish her well.” Smiling, I allowed the angel’s words to settle in my heart; as it was exactly what I have expressed through my business Angel Healing House for nearly 10 years. I have always held to the belief that each and every one of us is Divine. As we are all inextricably linked to God, the Source of All that is, divinity is our eternal nature. And although we are Divine at the very core of who we are, we are very much human as well and make choices that are based on our free will. Although many of the choices that a person makes is often made through unresolved anger, sadness, bitterness, regret and resentment, it does not negate the fact that underneath their choices, they still remain Divine. I have also held a long standing belief that what a person does and how they react to you truly has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their perspective and perception. In this way, for example, nobody can make us sad or angry, it is we who choose to perpetuate an emotional state or not. After all, two people can have the same experience and one can choose to see it as a blessing and another can choose to see it as a tragedy. Adhering to this belief, I immediately started to see her engagement as a blessing, regardless of how the news came to me. Having just celebrated my own 8th year wedding anniversary, I remembered my own engagement to my cherished husband Pete and how I was floating on cloud 9 when he asked to marry me. With this energy of love in my heart, tears filled my eyes as I recalled watching this beautiful gifted young woman grow up, and how I wished her health, and that she should come to know joy, peace and love and be blessed with the fulfillment of her dreams. With the realization that my prayers, my hopes, and my longings for her had come true, my heart was bursting with happiness for her. It was then that I composed a letter to her and wrote: I was overjoyed to read about your engagement and see the joy and excitement in your beaming face. Pete and I want to congratulate both of you and wish you a life of togetherness and wonderful times ahead. My hope for you is: May God bless you with infinite joy and blessings on your engagement. May you always remain under God’s umbrella of pure love, warmth and care as you travel along life’s journey together in all kinds of weather. May your union be blessed with peace, laughter, understanding, and compassion And above all, may you always be caring, loyal and kind friends to one another. Prayers and blessings of joy, health, and peace for your beautiful union together. And in that letter I realized, that I had wished her well……no matter what! May this story be a reminder that although we choose to see and perceive the world through very different eyes, underneath our choices we are all Divine, from the same Divine Source. My holiday wish is the same that I wish on all other days of the year. May we take our focus off our often controlling and limited visual sight and finally ascend to where we can begin to see each other through our connected hearts and solely through the eyes of love. Only in this way, will peace and unconditional love finally reign on beloved Planet Earth and we will live in acceptance, harmony, and unity. God Bless you, your family and friends and I wish you well…. No Matter What. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hope for Brighter Tomorrow

When I was a little girl growing up on the East coast of the United States, I remember the arrival of winter with thick blankets of snow, covering everything in sight. And although I loved the sleigh rides, snow ball fights, making snow angels, and thawing out by an open fire, the thrill of these winter events began to diminish after 3-4 weeks. I would sit by our large bay window and watch the snow accumulate as another storm arrived. Those long winter days seemed endless, cold and icy; as I longed to go out and spend time exploring nature. One day, I noticed that the sun was brightly shining through the window. As I was fed up with staying inside, I rugged up in a heavy coat, gloves, boots and scarf and decided to venture outside. Stepping out into the frosty air, I headed down the farm road to the barn. Everything was covered in white and the snow created an eerie silence. I suddenly felt like I was all alone in the world. I strained my eyes against the glare of all that white; hoping to see some sign of life. Way off in the middle of the field, I noticed that there was some color. As I trudged off the road and got closer, I could see that the color was bright purple and that crocuses had broken through the snow. I was amazed at how much optimism and confidence that little plant showed. Regardless of the snowy, cold temperatures, it had decided to be brave and burst forth in anticipation of a warmer time to come. Standing there looking at the bright purple flowers, it gave me hope that springtime and renewal were not too far away. All of a sudden, slight turbulence jolted the plane and brought me back to the present moment. You see, I am returning to LA, just having spent a week in Charlottesville, Virginia visiting my Mom and my Dad, who is recovering from a stroke he had 6 weeks ago. On the trip over, I kept steeling my heart that whatever I was presented with, I could handle. After all, I am a Healing Practitioner and a counselor and I handle issues like this all the time. When I saw my Dad, I was totally prepared from an intellectual point of view. But what I was not prepared for was the jolt to my heart. Seeing my once healthy, larger than life Dad lying in a hospital bed made him appear to be small and vulnerable. I was relieved to see that he was doing physically and mentally well. But the hardest part for me was to see him diminished emotionally. My once proud and independent Dad was now totally dependent on the help of others. I can’t quite remember what we spoke about; as I was not emotionally prepared to see such a change in him. In fact, our conversation reminded me of a tiny water bug running along the top of the water. Our amiable chat avoided the obvious and skimmed just above the surface; for fear if we would venture into any deeper topics, that we might both drown. While we spoke, I suddenly felt like I was that little girl again walking all alone in a stark white colorless world, desperately scanning the landscape for a sign of hope. My sign of hope came in the form of my brother, his wife and four children and another one of my brother’s. Our faces lit up like Christmas bulbs upon seeing one another. Clinging to each other as we tried to find an emotional anchor to help us process this experience, I noticed that we hugged a little tighter and held each other just a little bit longer. Not having seen each other for 6 months, we would have normally talked about our businesses, our careers, and our busy lives. Yet, with the occurrence of the stroke, none of that seemed to have any importance or interest for us. We all sat around the kitchen table and laughed and joked with each other. In this way, we bonded, supported one another and loved each other deeply. And as the jokes were flying and the laughter rang through the house, the endless expanse of snow that seemed to have covered my heart began to melt. No matter what happens, I know that my family and their great love for me are like those purple crocuses of my childhood. I know that their presence, support, caring, and concern is my anchor and my hope that everything will be okay. No longer alone and out in the cold, I am warmed and supported in their love. And with love, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Great Blessings and Love to you and your families at this time of year. Claire Candy Hough Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Follow Your Excited Energetic Barometer for a Wealthy Life

Follow Your Excited Energetic Barometer to Create a Wealthy Life Over the last 10 years through my business Angel Healing House, I have had many clients who are miserable because of their financial situations and their terrible relationship with money. When I have asked these clients to tell me about their financial situations, it was as if they were speaking with the same voice; as their comments were similar: 1. I am not rich. 2. I don’t have money. 3. I hate not having money 4. I am miserable without money. And while these clients felt absolutely miserable, each one actively chose to perpetuate their focus on what made them sad, what was missing in their lives and what they lacked. In other words, they chose to see themselves as poor. These clients were poor in spirit, as they chose to hang on to anger, sadness, bitterness, resentment and regret. And they were poor in hope and belief as they constantly replayed worry, doubt and lack and lived in some imagined future. Their lives were transformed when they finally realized that the only way to obtain true wealth was by following their happiness and by living in the only moment that they have available to live, which is the nano-second of the now. The reason for this is that the present moment is the only place that miracles, synchronicities, opportunities and connections can occur. And one need not look far to see a clear example of just such wealth and abundance. All around is an extraordinary wealthy Universe that is constantly presenting us with an ever changing vista of excitement, abundance, growth and trust in the process of life. In fact, our Planet is literally bursting with examples of excited movement. We have babbling brooks, running rivers and many oceans that are continually ebbing and flowing. After a time of hibernation at just the precise appointed time, something stirs deep within the plants, and trees; propelling them to move forward and bring forth new leaves and buds, in the springtime. With absolutely no hesitation, the Earth’s flowers show their faith in the divine plan and burst into beautiful hues and tones that paint the planet with vibrant colors. Nature does not need an i phone, it does not have to consult a calendar, google it, or phone a friend. It gets it cues when to burst forth and make movement because it listens and acts upon the subtle vibrations and energies of Mother Earth’s rhythms; telling it that it is time to move forward. In addition, Mother Nature never questions this excitable energy inside, never postpones it, or stops it from occurring because she tries to logically ‘figure it out’. This beautiful cycle of excitement, growth, movement and trust is nature’s built in energetic barometer that speaks loud and clear. And the most wondrous thing of all is that absolutely everything that has life force within it has this miraculous excitable energetic barometer inside of it; telling it when to get excited, move and trust the Universe. One of these wondrous things that contains this excitable energetic barometer is YOU! We are literally made up of the same vibrational components as the plants, flowers, and trees. As such, we are all made up of energy. And while we are not itching to grow buds and sprout new leaves when the warmth of the spring hits our bodies, we are very receptive to picking up energies around us. Our lives are constantly being directed and created by the energies we are choosing in every thought, every word and every feeling in our heart. As humans, each of us is blessed with this excitable energetic barometer because we are part of an abundant Universe. In fact, the Universe is constantly working to guide us, protect us and provide for us abundantly, just as long as we allow ourselves to work in harmony with it. It is as if we have a sneaky secret weapon inside that excites us as to when and to what to make movement towards. So knowing this....why the heck would anyone stop themselves from making movement forward toward that which excites them??? A perfect example of this came in the way of my client *Lauren, who was a beautiful, creative and highly intelligent young lady. She was exhausted, depressed and had lost all motivation in her life. As such, she had to quit studying after only her first year at college. During our session together, when I asked her what she loved doing, her face lit up like a Christmas bulb; as she told me of her love for fashion design. Her earliest memories were those of sewing patterns for clothes for her dolls and even the family’s pet cat. This childhood passion followed her throughout her teens, as she sketched original designs and sewed clothes for herself and friends. Although it was blatantly clear how much joy she received from sewing and designing fashion, her father had other ideas as to Lauren’s future career. Her Dad was a lawyer and had told Lauren that as soon as she received her law degree, that she would work at his law practice. As graduation from high school drew near, Lauren knew how much it would mean to her father for her to practice the Law, and she did not want to disappoint him. Her applications to college were met favorably. She told me that soon after she began to get accepted, she started to feel ill and chronically exhausted. She thought that perhaps it was the stress and strain of the application process. And although her father was thrilled when she got accepted by her second choice, her symptoms continued. In fact, once she went to college, she was in and out of the infirmary more times than she could count. Completely exhausted towards the end of her first year, she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. To help improve her immune system with Reiki treatments, she came to my healing practice. I asked her to close her eyes and said, ‘Imagine that you had all the certification, all the money and all the connections in the world. What would you be doing?’ Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I would be designing clothes.” She went on to tell me that she had a recurring dream for many years that she was behind the scenes at a fashion show and the people in her dream were speaking Italian. I told her that with each passing day that she was not fulfilling her hearts desires, she was denying who she was and her body was reacting with sadness, exhaustion and illness. I explained to her that if she started to make movement toward researching fashion design schools, that the Universe would pick up her excited energies and send her opportunities, people and connections to help fulfill her intentions. By the end of the session, Lauren’s whole demeanor had changed. She was sitting upright and was animated and excited about stepping forth on the path to making her love of fashion designing a reality; even if this meant disappointing her father’s dream for her. It was several years later that I received an email and photo of Lauren at a fashion show in Milan, Italy. She told me that once she decided to quit law and to enroll in a fashion design school, her symptoms of illness magically began to disappear. The simple reason for this was because Lauren was happy, fulfilled and joyous as she was living her own life and her own dream; not someone else’s. My other clients, like Lauren, were able to turn their lives around because they took their focus off money and prestige,and put their emphasis on the words happiness, fun and creativity. They then realized why they were sick, sad, unmotivated and miserable in the first place. 1. I am not rich, became I am not creative. 2. I don’t have any money became I don't have any fun. 3. I hate not having money became I hate not having happiness. 4. I am miserable without money became I am miserable without creativity. Each and every one of us knows what truly makes us happy, gives us fun and ignites our spark of creativity within. I help awaken clients and students to reconnect themselves with their passion, fun and creativity again, to creatively think outside of the box of lack that they have kept themselves imprisoned in. No matter what our financial situation is we all have the unlimited capacity to reinvent who we are and to joyously create a new impassioned script for ourselves. And remember, how much money we have now has nothing to do with the wealth of who we are and our extraordinary, limitless capacity to be a magnet to amass more in our life. Have fun creating! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Miracle of Our Divine Technology-Our 'i Heart'

There have been so many gadgets and inventions in the technological world in the past few years, that it is hard to keep up with all of them. And while technology is a wonderful thing to help keep us informed, it seems that with the inventions of the i phone, the i pod and i pad many people have completely forgotten the greatest source of information that any of us really needs. I like to call it, my 'i Heart'. My i Heart is the voice of the Divine helping me co-create a life of bliss, joy and peace. When I am in need of guidance, advice, solace, assurance, confirmation and validation, I plug into my i Heart and receive all the information that I will ever need. To operate my i Heart, I do not need a manual; for I was born with the information on how to access the unique and special knowledge that is always available for me. One of the requirements of plugging into my i Heart, is to make time away from other technologies and people. Because the signals that are given through my i Heart are subtle, I can hear my i Heart much better in silence and in quiet surroundings. The more I make time to connect with my i Heart, the more I can tune into the rythms of my soul and the more I know which are the most beneficial steps in order to follow along in the dance of my life. For instance, when there is a decision that needs to be made, my i Heart will either make me happy or sad. If my i Heart is sad, I immediately know, not to go in that direction. It doesn't matter what others say, it doesn't matter if it goes counter to family, friends, perscribed groups, religion or organizations. Because nobody knows me better than my i Heart. 10 years ago, I rediscoverd and honored my i Heart and started to really listen to it. As a result of that I drew to myself my marriage to my beloved Twin-Flame Pete,my remarkable business Angel Healing House and cherished clients and friends who I dearly love and dearly love me. By honoring my i Heart , I have stepped forward in faith and trust. As a result, my life has been a series of honoring miracles and extrarodinary synchronities. The wonderful news is that each and every one of us has our own i Heart to access whenever we need information. For instance, are you miserable in your present job or career? your i Heart is telling you to seek a new direction. Have you had an idea for a book, film, or TV show that excites you? This is your i Heart telling you to make creative movement in this direction. You might be asking yourself, can it truly be that simple? And the answer is that life is very simple. By going against what your i Heart is telling you, you will bring adversity, struggle, sadness, hardship, and a constricted life to yourself. Oh, and the best thing about the i Heart, is that you never need an updated model. Because with every single beat of your i Heart, it is always updating what is most wonderful, most beneficial and beautiful for a life of joy, ease and Grace for you. Have fun reconnecting! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stop Pushing Life and Let Life Flow Through You

I have heard from many people that they are very frustrated because they feel stuck, as if they can't go any further. Or, they have lost their certainty of direction and sense of self where they fit into the Universe. Try as they may, they keep doing and following the same process that was once before successful in ttheir life, but it is no longer working. They have no problem recreating the same energy that worked before, yet now they seem to have hit a wall. Some have told me that it feels like they are spinning their wheels, with no forward movement.
Simply put, because the world is changing energetically and ascending into higher consciousness, it is changing the vibrational dimension where we live and how we interact with the world.
This is happening with greater frequency because most people are stuck in the old paradigm (illusion) of moving down a path to something, because we have always thought the path to be straight. All our senses were programmed to deal with time following linear steps to get to where we were going.
Yet in these higher energies of ascension and consciousness, the path may present signs and synchronicities that take 90 degree twists and turns and prompts us to flow in a very different direction then we had planned with our linear minds. It is prompting us to flow in the direction of our hearts. When we follow our hearts we open ourselves up to receiving all the boundless and limitless possibilities that the Universe can give to us.
Yet, many people cannot discern what their heart wants because they drown it out and allow the programming of fear, self-sabotage, and limitation to silence the strong desire in their heart.

Each and every one of us has an extraordinary gift to give to the world, and nobody else can carry it. In fact it is the reason why you are here to demonstrate this gift and talent in your own unique way.
Yet people have been hesitant about living from their hearts because they are so busy and set on perfecting themselves before they do so.

For the better part of 10 years, through my business Angel Healing House, I have helped people stop waiting to perfect themselves and realize that what they are waiting for, in fact, they already are.
I’ve always liked the quote that says, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, is the height of insanity.”

I have helped so many clients to stop pushing and forcing life, to allowing and letting life naturally flow through them. In the first instance, one lives a hard life and in the second, one experiences the wonderment, joy and excitement of life unfolding.
In so doing, their lives have been transformed, as they begin to live from their divine natural state, authentically coming from their hearts and being a co-creator with the Universe.

Personally, because I have lived this way for the past 10 years, life has presented to me the most extraordinary, unplanned opportunities, connections, and possibilities to fulfill my intentions of my dreams coming true. All I had to do, as a co-creator, was to follow in the direction of my heart.
If you need help living the life of your dreams and realizing that what you have been waiting for, in acutal fact, is what you already are, give me a call.
831 277 3716
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Allow the Winds of Heaven to Dance at the Party of My Life

Are you a person that is highly organized? Do you diligently make lists and feel so much better as things get crossed off?
I used to be like that.
Years ago, I was so organized that I had a Day Runner for my Filofax. I was constantly buying inserts, with tabs and plastic sections to organize and arrange my days. My life was so obsessively well ordered that I had lists for my lists; as I tried to control life. (From a higher perspective, I now know that because I allowed others to take control of my life, I tried to cling desperately to this one area that I seemingly had control over.)
I would diligently follow my lists with military precision.
In so doing, I probably missed out on the most wonderful miracles and synchronicities that the Universe had on offer for me. The reason for this is because with my eyes trained myopically on my list, I failed to look beyond the horizon of logical possibilities and closed myself off from receiving the magic of life.
For most of the time, it is in the minutiae of our planning and over planning that we miss the forest for the trees.
Having chosen to live a conscious life of awareness these past 8 years, I am laser beam focused on my intentions (dreams, goals, desires and wishes). But, I have let go of the “how” and the “when” they will manifest in my life. By co-creating with the Universe, God and the Angels, I allow the winds of Heaven to dance at the party of my life; in order to bring me magical connections.
When one lives like this, and does not put any limitations as to how and when things “should” happen, the most amazing connections and opportunities occur that the limited human mind could not script nor possibly conceive of ever happening.
Case in point:
Back in October, I met a lovely Reflexologist at a Wellness Institute where I was working. He suggested since I am new to LA, that in order to get better known, I should join some business networking groups. This made sense logically but at the time I didn’t wiggle. Sorry, let me explain. We all have an inner voice, our intuition that speaks to us and tells us to step forward in excitement or if we are not getting a good feeling about it, this means to back away.
I am so clear now, that when something is for my highest good and would be of great benefit to me, I wiggle. I get an overwhelming childlike, excited flutter in my tummy and I know to proceed; no questions asked. As I was not feeling excited back in October, I didn’t proceed with his suggestion. Several months had passed, and for some reason, the Reflexologist popped into my mind. I immediately arranged a lunch date for us to get together. At lunch, he asked me if I had joined any business organizations. And suddenly, I got head to toe goose bumps. The rest of lunch was spent filling myself with French onion soup and salad greens; as I digested his suggestions for business networking organizations. I felt myself get excited about the one that had no joining fee and presented monthly mixers that one could attend. I excitedly put my information on the website, and scanned the bios of the members. As I was going through the photos, I stopped at one woman’s face and my fingers froze on the keys. Suddenly, I got this overwhelming feeling like I had to meet her. I sent her a message saying that since I am new to the area, maybe we could meet for a tea, coffee and a chat.
Her response was positive and we met at her friend’s café the following week. The more we spoke, it turned out that our lives and backgrounds had been quite similar. Amidst our sharing, she said, “I would like to invite you to attend the West LA Chamber Women’s Business Networking Group, which meets next week. I have only recently taken over from the lady who was running it, as she is ill.” Once more, I get an overwhelming shiver of goose bumps, which is my signpost to step forward and go to the meeting. Arriving at the meeting, I secured my name tag, grabbed a plate of food and chose a seat. Immediately, a lady sits down next to me and I introduce myself. She stares at me in amazement and says, “Do you hold the traditional Reiki lineage?” I told her yes, as I had been taught by a teacher who could trace her lineage back to the gentleman, Mikao Usui, who had rediscovered Reiki in the 1800’s. In this way, I have been taught and attuned in the traditional way that Reiki has been passed down through the years.
She then states, “I have been asking the Universe to send me you.” It turns out she is also a Reiki Master. But as a journalist, practicing Hypnotherapist and a midwife, she no longer has time to practice Reiki. She has been searching for someone who has been traditionally trained in order to refer her pregnant clients for the wonderful calming, rebalancing energies of Reiki.
As the meeting came to order, each one of us had the opportunity to stand up and introduce our business and services. As a result of my attendance, 30 more women received my brochures and now know about me. In fact, since that night, one of those ladies booked a session with me.
Now the logical thing to do would be to circle the date on my calendar for their next Chamber meeting, pay my dues and become a member. And that may or may not happen. Because life does not necessarily work like that, and here is why.
Just because I was led intuitively to attend this group this time, does not mean that the Universe has to give me business in this way. And although it is possible that lightening can strike twice in the same place, it is highly improbable. Knowing this, I have garnered clients from anywhere and everywhere just by being present, crystal clear on who I am and stating my intention to the Universe.
My intention is, “Bring me people who I can help, and bring me people who can help me and let my eyes be clearly open to see them.” In this way, I have met clients in grocery stores, at gas stations, in fitting rooms of department stores and in ladies rooms, just to name a few places.
If you authentically and honestly respect who you are, what you do and are passionately shining your enthusiasm and joy out to the world, then in every moment of every day-no matter where you are-your inner light acts like a beckon that attracts others to you and what you do.

Once you consciously live this way, it is very easy to follow the individualized signposts that the Universe and you are co-creating. These signs act like a compass to keep pointing you in the direction of magical synchronicities that continually fill your heart’s intentions.
Living this way, I no longer chase after clients and tell the Universe how it must send me more business. I set my intentions, keep my eyes open, stay fully present and step forward and act when I get that 'wiggly' feeling.
In doing so, I clearly feel the winds of Heaven blow in my direction as God and the Angels orchestrate and choreograph with me the most astounding dance of life.
All I need to do is stay in my childlike wonder, let go of controlling, and when the Universe invites me to dance, I wiggle.
If you would like some lessons, on how to wiggle, give me a call:
831 277 3716

Friday, February 25, 2011

My 9th Anniversary of Acknowledging the Divine in Others by Claire Candy Hough

Soon I will be celebrating a very eventful anniversary. You see it was April of 2003 when I received my Master/Teacher Degree in Reiki. The very next week, I applied for my business license, bought a massage table and I became a Healing Practitioner of Energy Medicine and Intuitive Counseling.
This was joyfully supported by the Universe; as clients and referrals easily flowed through my door.
When I look back to those early days of my Practice, I remember my clients walking in to my healing room and they would comment how welcoming, clear and peaceful the energies made them feel.
After filling out a form, they would lie on the massage table and begin to feel the recharging, relaxing Reiki energies calming their nervous systems and rebalancing them.
In 2003, Reiki was starting to be used more and more in hospitals, hospices and cancer centers. With the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization classifying it as ‘Energy Medicine”, the benefits were shown to be amazing.
By replenishing the energy within the body which had been compromised and diminished by tension and illness, Reiki was shown to reduce stress, provide pain relief, charge the immune system and increase the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
These benefits were evident in my sessions; as clients experienced not only pain relief, but they felt at peace, totally relaxed and clear as if someone or something had vacuumed away all their inner fog. They left my practice floating out the door with a renewed sense of calm and balance.

Some weeks later, I received a call from these very clients stating that, all the wonderful feelings from my session had dissipated and they needed to come back for another restorative energy boost.
In the following weeks I noticed that I had this very same conversation with several clients. After hearing this repeatedly, I really began to take studied notice of what God, Angels, the Universe were trying to tell me.
My first thought was, “What the H*ll are these clients doing???” After all, my sessions relieved their pain and brought them back to a place of wholeness and balance. Trying to figure it out, I turned my attention to the way that I chose to comport my own life.
I thought, I don’t need to go to another Healing Practitioner to keep my energies flowing, positive, bright, healthy and happy. In practicing the art of living a life of conscious awareness- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually-I always choose positive, loving, non-judgmental thoughts, words and feelings in my heart. These high vibrational energies continually fill me with such beautiful positive energies that they are like a well-spring of abundance filling me with joy and health. These energies not only nourish me, but they also spill out into the world and uplift everyone that I meet.

Being very fresh and young, I was certain that I was being of best service by “saving” and “fixing” my clients by replenishing their diminished energies.
After all, I had been well-trained, and was accomplished in the healing arts. With my knowledge and application of Reiki at their disposal, all they needed to do was to be lifted energetically and they would be ‘healed’.
(I am so embarrassed to think of how naïve I was to think this way. But I guess that is where the expressions ‘impetuous youth’ and the ‘wisdom of experience” come from.)

I began to delve deeper into exactly what it was that I was actually providing for my clients.

After some careful thought, it dawned on me that without the acknowledgement of what these clients had chosen to focus their attentions on and the non-beneficial choices that they had continually made in their lives, it really didn’t matter how extraordinary the Reiki energy sessions were. In the end, these clients all went back to their ‘normal’ lives and all the beautiful, rebalancing, peaceful energies would not be sustained; as they did not realize their contribution to their emotional or physical un-wellness.
The Angels then showed me a vision of a colander, as clients were allowing all the positive energies to sieve out of their lives by not taking accountability and refocusing their energies.

It was then, that I decided to begin the sessions by asking each client to tell me the story of their life.
As they spoke, my Intuitive Counseling would begin; as I showed the client their life from a higher perspective. With this Angel’s view, they could clearly see their negative habits and destructive patterns and how their very own thoughts, words, feelings and actions had perpetuated negativity and lead them to emotional and physical un-wellness. (Actually, what they began to see was how powerful and limitless they were to have carefully crafted and constructed quite a negative life.) With this limitless and boundless ability to create this kind of life, they became aware that they could also-in any given moment-begin to create a new and very different ‘reality’ for themselves. They began to understand that all their life, they had chosen a palette of paints containing dark blacks and grays and browns to paint their reality. With this new accountability and acknowledgment of what their previous ‘color’ choices had brought them, they became very excited as they began to choose very different color choices to form their new pallet of paints. Consciously choosing uplifting, light filled paints from their new pallet, their life very quickly began to change and reflect their new brighter color choices.
Once the client consciously understood their contribution to their diminished ‘life force energy’, we then spoke about the individualized practical tools that they could follow to keep their energies positive and joy filled.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but what I was really helping my clients to do-and the most crucial component of the session that was so desperately missing- was to restore their faith in the sound of their own voice. In this way, sometimes for the very first time in their lives, they would have the opportunity to be acknowledged and listened to.
By this one, seemingly simple act of demonstrating to my clients how much I truly loved and cared about them and acknowledged to them that they had the right to be heard, their overwhelming cathartic releases were extraordinary.

From this one realization, my sessions provided- and to this day-provide a haven of acknowledging the Divine in my clients.

Each and every one of us is an aspect of the Divine in human form. Throughout my journey as a Healing Practitioner, the more that I choose to truly listen with my loving heart and provide a safe sanctuary for others to finally peer out from behind their self-made mask of denying who they really are,
myself and the client begin to experience the miracle of the renewal of the Divine within ourselves.

Happy Anniversary to Me!!!

Love and Blessings,

Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
P: 831-277-3716 (U.S.A.)
SKYPE: candy.hough

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I HAVE ASCENDED ENOUGH! Where in the H*ll is my Twin-Flame??

How is your ascension going these days??? Ascension, you might say, what ascension? Well, the more we choose to live from a more unified, accepting, and loving awareness, the more our choices begin to reflect this awakened state.
As many of us are consciously living a ‘heightened’ sense of awareness, we diligently incorporate this knowingness into higher vibrating, more beneficial choices in our lives.
For instance, from a dietary standpoint, many of us have cleaned up our diets to showcase more foods that are grown organically, to drinking pure water, and filtering foods with artificial color, flavoring, additives and preservatives.
From a spiritual point of view, many have taken up forms of meditation to get in touch with our higher selves, and read many New Age self-help books to help us with our new sense of being.
There are even those who no longer compromise their souls for just money and have honored themselves as to doing work that is nurturing and nourishing t their soul.
We take our reusable bags to the grocery stores to protect the environment; we diligently recycle and give what we can to the homeless and less fortunate.
So, within our conscious lives of awareness…How is your love life?? (If, you don’t mind me asking.)
I hear from so many clients and students that everything is going beautifully in their lives, yet the one area that has still eluded them is a precious, cherished beloved partner to share their life with. A love that allows them to be themselves without any game playing and is built on a solid foundation of honesty, transparency, honor and respect, which one does not have to compromise any aspect of ‘who they are’ in order to be in the relationship. A love that they burn and hunger for; as their heart yearns for a love of Divine proportions.
The good news is that not only do these relationships exist, but they are in each and every person’s capacity to experience this love.

What most people on the Planet have been experiencing when it comes to finding love is ‘Soul Mate” relationships. And while there is beautiful love in them, they come in with irritation, agitation, and drama that pushes our buttons. They do this in order to reflect on to us something that we have to clean up within ourselves. They are there to create this contrast and annoyance, in order to help us honor ourselves, to grow and make movement forward for us to clean up our Karma.
So how are you with playing the Soul Mate game? It’s pretty challenging and disheartening, isn’t it? How do you know if it is a Soul Mate relationship? Well, if there is anything that irks you in any way shape or form or makes you feel like you can’t be yourself, than it probably is one.

Sick and tired of feeling used or compromised in love?

Well, it is time to step up to the next level in the ascensions process.
I am living proof that this is not only possible, but relatively easy to do now that you have consciously started to live all the above steps on the way to ascension.
In 2003, after living 47 ½ years in which I was a victim and gave my power away in order to be loved, I started to look seriously at what I was doing to have attracted these less then desirable relationships to myself, and started to practically live a very different way. Within a short amount of time my reality started to reflect a very different picture.
Six months later, I drew a very different love to myself called a Twin-Flame Relationship.

Twin-Flame Relationships have been rare on the Earth plane because people’s energies have not been high enough to draw this Divine complement to themselves. In fact, A Twin-Flame is the only other person in any space, time or dimension who is the completion of who you are. When brought together, it is the original Divine representation of perfect love.

And with 2011 being the year of Disclosure (Wikileaks, Egypt collapsing, UFO Disclosures etc) the human species is waking up to the fact that we must live lives that are authentic, honest and transparent.
This information of the Twin-Flames is timely; as it grounds the Divine in human form through a beloved, cherished relationship.

Are you ready for it??

If you are ready to ditch the Soul Mate game with its often heartbreaking, soul destroying, dishonor and disrespect, then find out what you can do to draw your own Twin-Flame to yourself.

Having drawn my own Twin-Flame to myself, I have created ‘The Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ to help others experience this love.

This Transformational Workshop:
* Explains where Twin-Flames originated and the characteristics of such a relationship;
* Explains the difference between a soul mate relationship (your ex, parents, siblings, children, friends are all soul mates) and the extraordinary bond and heightened spiritual awareness that are shared by Twin-Flames;
* Demonstrates not only what you can consciously focus on to bring your Twin-Flame to you, but also reveals what things you are doing that are preventing you from finding your Twin-Flame.
* Provides information on how to deepen your current relationship.

For more information on where and when you can attend one of these workshops, or if you would like me to present this timely, transformational workshop to your group, business or organization, please call me on 831 277 3716.

With transforming and transmuting so much of who we are in the past years, in order to ascend, we have opened the door for new beginnings and we can feel the new energies promising to reinvigorate us with new life, new passion, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Make your next conscious decision to open up to finding out how your own Twin-Flame Relationship is possible to experience in this lifetime.

Love and Blessings, Candy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rich Beyond Compare

As a presenter and motivational speaker, my workshops are filled with examples of the Laws of Attraction. To demonstrate the Universal Law of ‘like- attracting- like’, I weave interesting personal stories of how I re-focused my attention on what I wanted, instead of what I didn't want, and overtime my life became more positive, rewarding, and abundant. As a result of this, many of my dreams were realized.
So having experienced the results of focused desire and intention, I decided to create a new vision board for 2011.
My former vision board had worked a charm. A year previously, I had cut out a photo of a VB New Beetle and an iphone and miraculously the money manifested for both in divine timing.
I excitedly worked on my new vision board; cutting out visual representations of my dreams manifesting into physical form. Last but certainly not least, I pasted copious amounts of photos of money swirling around the pictures.
Within days of putting up the vision board, I received a call from a former Reiki II student of mine who was experiencing terrible back pain. Her Reiki session with me calmed the twisted nerves in her back and once again, she was pain free. We decided to go out to dinner afterwards and she asked to invite three of her friends that were very excited to meet me. During dinner, I mentioned that as I had recently moved to the Los Angeles area, I was thinking of different ways that I could inform more people about myself and my Healing Practice. With great excitement, my student said that months ago her Chiropractor was looking for a Reiki Practitioner to work out of her office. She said that she would send my brochure and a letter of recommendation to her Doctor. One week later, I met Dr. Iris Williams on December 22nd. There was an instant connection between us and she asked me to join Halo Chiropractic.
A similar example of how the Universe does not work in straight lines came shortly after I moved to Los Angeles. Without consciously looking for it, through a synchronistic meeting, I was enthusiastically asked to join a Wellness Center in Culver City. Although I sprinkled my brochures and business cards around the clinic and spoke to many people, the clients seemed to be blocked from coming to me for some reason. The Reflexologist who worked there mentioned one day that he had a wonderful friend, who I just had to meet; as she was also a Reiki Master and a Theta Practitioner. Upon meeting each other, we connected immediately. She was very interested in the workshops that I had created and expressed interest in coming along in the New Year.
Now what does all of this have to do with my vision board you may well ask?

Looking back to my vision board, I asked for more money; and lots of it. And if the Universe worked in straight lines, taking us on a direct journey from point A to point B, then from the time I created my vision board and turned around, I would have fallen over a huge pile of money.
But, fortunately, life does not work like that, and I’ll explain why.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have chosen to incarnate to work on our spiritual growth by learning lessons that we draw to ourselves. Many times these lessons can only be learned with the help of others along our path in the journey of life. Sometimes we are the ‘life line’ for someone in their time of need and at other times, our prayers are ‘magically’ answered by just the right person, appearing at just the right time. You see, by drawing my student back into my life, she brought with her wonderful connections that opened up doors of possibilities. The two of the young women that came to dinner that night have become new clients. And, in addition, one of those young women recommended me to another friend of hers, who has since, also become a new client.
Since working at Halo Chiropractic, I have acquired new clients and received greater exposure for my work as a Healing Practitioner and motivational speaker. Not only that, I get to work in a nurturing, energetically welcoming and happy office in the middle of Hollywood. (Oh, by the way, on one of my former vision boards when I lived in Australia, I had pasted up pictures of Hollywood, California thinking that Pete would be working there. Well Pete has realized his dream and is working in the film industry in LA. But, strangely enough, it is I who am now working in Hollywood.
(You can play your own version of, the Twilight Zone’ theme music here.)

In addition to these wonderful occurrences, I received a call from a lovely lady who was looking for a Reiki Master/Teacher to study Reiki with and the Colonic Practitioner at the Wellness center recommended her to me.
Looking back, all of these things occurred within 3 weeks of focusing my intension on my vision board of acquiring more money.

Having seen very tangible results in the last month of exactly how the Universe works, I have decided to ‘tweak’ my original way of thinking. Instead of refocusing my attention on what I “want” to appear in my reality, I am going to accept the fact that I am “RICH BEYOND COMPARE” and accept and allow for the limitless possibilities and ways that the Universe/God/Source/Angels wish to manifest that in my reality.
The huge difference now will be that I will be able to clearly see the abundance in exactly what shows up, rather than looking everywhere else for my limited and preconceived notion of how the Universe should be answering my prayers.
And there within the great difference lies.
By choosing to live life this way, I now live a life of acceptance and joy for exactly what turns up in my reality.
For if it is there, it has been ordered by Divine Source to be the greatest good of myself and the greatest good of all concerned.
What a relief!! I no longer have to push, plead and beg for anything to arrive in my reality, in any other way than it is presented to me.
And with this feeling of letting go to what is, I feel so much more empowered as I have given myself permission to, “Do my best, and leave the rest.”
Caution:If you choose to accept what is, instead of constantly forcing what isn’t, you just might find yourself being happier, more balanced and more 'gosh darned' peaceful than you ever possibly imagined that you could be in your whole life!
Love and Blessings,
Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716