Saturday, November 30, 2013

Belief In Our Dreams Equals Magic

Belief in Our Dreams Equals Magic!! I adore this time of the year. Come rain or shine or anything else, on December 1st all of our 100 angels come down from the attic and fly onto the Angel Healing House Christmas tree. We only have angels on our tree and The Posse of Angels is stating, “What else would Angel Healing House hang on their tree? I am like a child, filled with wonder and enchantment absorbing the decorations, embracing the season of giving and brimming with good will and peace for all. And while every day for me is Heaven sent, this time of the year is especially magical because my belief that anything is possible seems to be heightened. The ability to choose to believe is certainly not seasonal. It’s within everyone’s capacity, yet is underutilized by many people. What makes many of us automatically assume that the fulfillment of our wishes either will not happen, be very difficult to achieve or that we will have to accept a compromise? The Posse of Angels is saying that while our programming and belief systems have a great effect on our perceptions of life, it is we who ultimately have free will as to how we choose to perceive our lives.The unwavering belief in oneself and belief in ones heartfelt dreams creates an alchemical magic that often brings about astounding results. A wonderful example of the power of belief came to me from a client who found me on my Angel Healing House Blog Talk Radio program. Jim, not his real name, was a classroom teacher and he longed to rise to the position of being a principle. Deciding to make movement to the fulfillment of his desire, he went back to school for additional credentials. With increased certification, he searched constantly to find a position. But year after year, he kept coming up empty. When I spoke with him, he said that he didn’t get a job as a principle because there were too many over qualified people for too few jobs, and that good paying jobs like these were scarce. He also said that he and his wife longed to move north; as the neighborhood in the south in which they lived had changed for the worse and was quite dangerous now. But with not getting a better job, there was no way they could afford to move as the northern suburbs were more expensive. In addition to being downhearted, he was physically suffering from back problems, shortness of breath, and was not sleeping at night. The more he spoke, the more the Posse of Angels showed me a leaf that had been caught in an eddy and it had his face on it. This Jim leaf was caught in a downward whirlpool of his own making, created by his thoughts and beliefs in lack and focusing on a defeatist attitude of not being able to achieve his desires. Firstly, The Posse of Angels swooped in and reminded Jim that there is only what he desires. Actually there only is what each and every one of us desires. This was an unbelievable revelation to him as he thought he was in fierce competition with everyone else. I went on to paint him a very different, but vivid picture of just how multi-dimensional we are and that there is a different reality for everyone depending on their desires and their energies within. I then explained to him, compassionately of course, that until he changed the sad and sorry tale that he kept telling himself day in and day out about not being able to get a job, that he would never, ever achieve what he felt in his heart was his due. The reason for this was because his feelings were so energetically opposite to what he desired. Once we allow this knowledge to settle on the deepest part of our soul, then we realize that it doesn’t matter how many other people in the world are going for those jobs. What matters is that whatever we ask for and faithfully believe in, must manifest for us. But I emphasized that we must let go of the how and the when for our hearts desires to be realized, as this area is the providence of God and the angels, not ours. In this way, the most magical of possibilities and miracles can occur to answer our prayers; far from the limited ways our logical minds can conceive. For the rest of the session, I shared with Jim tried and true, simple exercises that he could focus on and practice that would help turn his desperate, sad energies into those which were more grateful, positive and optimistic. By letting the grace of God work in his life, I told him that he would easily draw a job to himself that fulfilled his desires. Four weeks later, I received this email from Jim: “I just wanted to let you know and to thank you and the Posse of Angels for your guidance. I am happy to say that last night I was named Principal at a terrific elementary school. I know that our session together and my changed, positive outlook made all the difference. My wife and I both send well wishes to you!” Jim New Jersey, USA This was not only wonderful news, but Jim went on to tell me of the additional miracle that was attached to the fulfillment of his dream. He said that the principle’s job that he was offered was in a Northern suburb, exactly where they initially desired to move! Fancy that, what a coincidence! Jim told the Universe, God and the angels exactly what he desired and what clinched this deal with God, was his focus, faith, and belief in the magic of life. Then ABRACADABRA, magic happened. Now The Posse of Angels is chiming in and saying that our having faith is not the belief that God will do what we want. Rather it is the belief that He will do what is for our highest good and for the highest good of all concerned. In this way, all prayers are answered. But in order for this to occur, we must surrender our linear limited view of life, and allow for our prayers to be answered through God’s handiwork. My lovely client did not begin to change his outlook of despair to belief in order to influence God. But his change to optimism and having a positive outlook was to change the nature of himself. And as many of us have experienced, it is only by changing from within does our world begin to change on the outside. You need to believe in things that have not happened yet; for they will never manifest into the physical form without that energy of belief behind them. One of the greatest gifts that we can give ourselves, not only in this holiday season but all year round, is the gift of belief. By surrendering and allowing for the grace of God to enter into our lives, we will allow for infinite possibilities to create miracles for us. Now, is being asked to believe an easy thing to do, especially when there is no tangible physical evidence that things will all work out for the best? Absolutely not! But having lived this way for 10 years, I find that it is only when I am in a state of suspension, with absolutely no place to land in sight, that it forces my wings to unfurl in order for me to fly. And as I fly along, buoyed by the grace, the majesty, the infinite love, protection and guidance of God and the angles, I may not be aware of my destination, but the magic in life happens because I have had the faith to let God be the wind beneath my wings and allow His winds to carry me and give me direction. Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Homecoming to Who You Are

Like many people, I love this time of year with its pumpkin scones and lattes, cheery jack-o-lanterns and cooler temperatures. The mere smell of nutmeg and allspice has me hankering to wear my pink flannel bunny pajamas and putting my scarves and sweaters from the back of my closet to the front. And while the month of October in the past has been a time of harvest, The Posse of Angels is sharing with us that October had many of us experiencing a very different kind of harvest this year. The harvest of October has traditionally been associated with gathering foods to can and store away, in order to sustain us physically through the winter months. Yet, what many of us have experienced this past month was so revealing, that in some ways, the spiritual nourishment that it provided will feed our souls now, during our winters and for all our days to come. After we experienced a somewhat sleepy summer with not much happening, September saw many of us draw connections that finally opened doors and created forward motion towards our heartfelt desires. And after this brief flurry of activity, October came in and seemed to have presented us with a time of stillness. The Posse of Angels is nodding their heads and saying that this time of void was invaluable to really take note of our lives. The quiet of October gave the collective consciousness a chance to reset, as to how we relate and connect on a more conscious level to ourselves, to others and to our environment. And as we spent so much of October resetting how we interact in the world, many returned to fully living from their Divine Eternal natures. And The Posse of Angels is saying that many have finally decided to return ‘Home’ to themselves. With many Lightworkers doing this, we chose to return to our biological families in October. Our relationships with our families are sometimes the hardest to deal with; as they are often laden with the heavy burden of blame. The Posse of Angels says that there are several reasons for so many of us reconnecting with family. By returning to our birth families, many saw just how far we have come and how much we have enlightened. With many Lightworkers having cleared and cleansed their issues, we have allowed ourselves to detach from family stories and dramas. Practicing detachment, we allowed our family members to live and experience their own journey. And by loving them for exactly where they choose to be, we have transcended the need for blame, finding fault in others and seeing ourselves as victims. With clear-eyed awareness, many of us have taken responsibility for our contribution to the perpetuation of negative emotions attached to family relationships. Having done all of the above, we have chosen to spiritually come home to who we are and then chose to literally go back home to our roots. My client Mary (not her real name) experienced her own ‘going home’ and what it felt like to return to her birth family in October. She had revealed to me that being the only girl in her family of boys had been very difficult for her whole life; as she was raised in a culture and religion that praised sons and virtually did not recognize daughters. It was actually voiced by her parents that education would be wasted on her, as she was very pretty and the expectation was that she would be married off to someone rich and have children. And while Mary was not against marriage or having children, she grew up deeply sad that her talents of writing were not praised like those of her brother’s. Putting all her effort into her looks, Mary made the decision to get the recognition of her parents by marrying a wealthy man. She went on to have children and endured many years of being subjected to his abuse. After she divorced, she decided that even though her family did not honor her talent of writing, she would respect her gifts and she began to write books. In the years that followed, only out of a sense of duty, she forced herself to visit her family. On the days before her departure, she would begin to sense a heavy feeling of being either judged or not being listened to. And every time she visited, her feelings were like a self-fulfilling prophesy that had her holding back tears of rage, at her parents blatant disregard for her efforts as they lauded her older brothers. Through Intuitive Counseling and Reiki Sessions with me, Mary was able to clearly see her life from a higher perspective. She understood why she had chosen certain souls to be her parents. She also saw that, because of her own actions in previous incarnations, she had chosen their contrasting characteristics to help challenge her to grow spiritually. Through our sessions, Mary became empowered to respect her talents as a writer. With renewed enthusiasm and passion, she finished her first novel. She then honored her writing and signed with a literary agent. It was sometime later that she joyously called, to tell me that a major publishing house was going to publish her first book. Now that she was a published writer, she decided to return home to prove to her family that she was deserving of being a recognized writer. Sitting with her family while they had tea, she excitedly told them what she had accomplished; as she had kept the publishing of her book a secret from them. The only thing that her mother said was, “You know, your older brother is such a brilliant writer, why doesn’t he get a literary agent?” It was in that very moment, that Mary realized that what her mother said or did not say, no longer had any effect on her. With the work that Mary had done in our sessions, she was no longer reactive. She knew that her mothers’ words and actions, had nothing to do with whether she was talented or not. Her mother’s words were reflective of her upbringing and programming to favor sons. In that instant when Mary realized that she no longer needed anyone else’s recognition of her talents, she smiled knowing that she was no longer needy and dependent on her family’s recognition. Mary thanked me for helping her remember that we all are Divine and each of us chooses to be where we are on the journey towards enlightenment. I had shared with Mary that we each carry the keys of spiritual awakening within us. Some of us choose to find the keys to enlightenment quickly, some choose to find the keys slowly and keep themselves in the dark. And then there are some others who choose never to find the keys and never experience enlightenment. Turning the mirror back on herself, Mary remembered that it took her to the age of 40 to find her spiritual keys and awaken to who she was. She then let go of judgment on how her parents should act and allowed them the same freedom of choice on whether or not to enlighten. By surrendering judgment, she stopped blaming others, and using them as an excuse for being a victim and not honoring her God-given talents. By letting go of self-imposed limitation, she opened herself to live from her divine eternal nature and her unlimited power inside. Mary said her trip back to her family was not so much about reuniting with them, but more so of reuniting with herself. For the reflection of her family helped strengthen her conviction to the path she wished to follow. No longer shackled to some self-imposed illusion of the past, she was now free to confidently step forward to her dream of being a writer. Happy Homecoming to One and All! Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Monday, September 30, 2013

“Allow God to be Your Compass”

Co-creating with God and the Angels has been my guiding light and pretty much my only compass for the past 10 years. As a child of God, I know deep in my heart that God and The Posse of Angels are always answering my prayers for the greatest good of myself and the greatest good of all concerned. Now I really want you to take note of the last part of that sentence, ‘for the greatest good of all concerned.’ When we hold intentions for our life through our prayers, dreams and wishes we normally focus on an outcome that would be most beneficial for ourselves. And from the second we do this, God and the angels hear our prayers and they immediately start to fulfill our intentions; but not in the way most people imagine it happening. You see, we have been pretty much programmed that our dreams should come true upon the mere utterance of our request. Like so many others, I was brought up with the idea of ‘immediate wish fulfillment’ with examples like, the rubbing of Aladdin’s Magic Lamp, the instantaneous effects of crossed arms and blinking eyes of Barbara Eden in “I Dream of Genie” and who could forget the rapid fire results of Elizabeth Montgomery’s twitching nose in “Bewitched”. Yet, The Posse of Angels wants to remind us that there is a reason that many of our prayers do not manifest instantly. The reason is that God and the angels, in their infinite wisdom, organize the magical and miraculous coming together of people to serve one other. These people often present us with the uncanny, perfectly timed and synchronistic opportunities and connections, to bring about the fulfillment of our desires; for the greatest good of us and the greatest good of them. In fact, for the greatest good of all concerned. The Posse of Angels wants to remind us that although each one of us is a special, unique being, we are all part of the one collective consciousness. On one hand, we have a very important puzzle piece to share with the world. But it is important to remember that the majority of the time, for the fulfillment of our dreams to come to fruition, we have to be open to receive in the way that God wishes to give to us. And, that so often involves other people. In this way, no man, or for that matter, woman or child is an island. With God’s limitless scope and view of the world, He can cut down on His work time by multiplying the fulfillment of many prayers all at once. This is done by organizing synchronistic meetings for people to be of service to one another. (Funny that God is so great on time management, when there is no time in Heaven!) Having devoted myself to live this way for the past 10 years, I have experienced unexplained and wondrous synchronicities that manifested to answer my prayers and desires. And recently, I experienced one of those miracles. As many of you know, I had been told by The Posse of Angels for many years that I would be doing, in their words, ‘radio but not radio’. Not knowing quite what that meant, I waited for further signs to receive clarity on how to proceed. That very clear, undeniable sign showed up in January 2012 to begin my own show on Blog Talk Radio. I created my weekly Angel Healing House Radio program to passionately bring forth channeled messages from my beloved angelic family to give people intuitive insights with free angel readings. One of the first callers that I received was a lovely lady from New Jersey, named Caroline. Immediately upon speaking to her, I felt that she was a kindred spirit and there was a deep bond between us. She went on to explain that she no longer resonated with her job of working on Wall Street. When I asked her what she loved doing, she replied that she wanted most to help people. The Posse of Angels shared with her that she did not have all the puzzle pieces as yet to be shown the signs as to how and when her desire of helping people would be fulfilled. Caroline continued to be a regular listener and caller and then suddenly, I didn’t receive any calls from her for many months. About 4 weeks ago, I was on air and winding down one of my weekly shows and with 5 minutes to go, I saw a single phone call light up the switch board. Usually with such a short amount of time to close the show, I do not take any more calls. But something told me to answer it. It was Caroline and she said “Candy, I have some very exciting news”. I remembered who she was and told her that I would call her back after the show. When I called her back she said, “It was finally revealed to me by my guides and angels what I am being urged to do. I have become a literary agent and publicist to promote advanced Lightworkers and would love it if I could represent you.” My whole body lit up like a light bulb with a shiver of goose bump confirmations. For you see, it was 4 years ago when I began to channel a huge novel and completed it about 2 years ago. Ever since then, I have asked ‘The Posse of Angels’, “Should I send it out to publishers”, and they emphatically said, “No!” I would then wait and impatiently say to them, “Should I try to find a literary agent?” and they repeated, “No! By your own, you need do nothing. Wait on the will of God to show you how to step forward with this important book.” So instead of worrying about the how and the when of it going out into the world, I began to thank God for sending me the best person to fulfill my dreams of getting my book published….that person is Caroline. I would not have found her if I had not followed God’s word and the angel’s direction to do, ‘radio, but not radio.’ Within a week, we had signed the literary agent’s agreement and my book was sent out. And while this is a professional agreement, we know that because we both allowed God to be our navigator and to show us what the next step will be, He and He alone brought us together to ensure the most magical outcome. And in this way, I have pretty much lived this quote that I created, “I let go of the steering wheel of life for God to drive me around to all the miracles.” With His eyes on the map, I am free to look at life with eyes of wonder, enchantment, belief and the miracles born of having faith in God’s direction and His compass for me. His track record has been pretty good up until now. Having followed God’s directions so far, He has led me to realize my Fairytale life come true. Have fun letting go of the steering wheel and being driven around to all of your miracles! Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough “Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

Friday, August 30, 2013

Speak Your Truth

The Posse of Angels and I are so excited!!! As of August 20, 2013 Lightworkers may not have realized it, but we have crossed over a monumental demarcation line. This energetic line that has been crossed over is having so much grander an effect on our lives than last year’s much anticipated date of 12-12-12. With all that has been written about this New Age, the collective consciousness has now risen to such an extent that we have crossed over from the Piscean Age into the Age of Aquarius. And just like the lyrics of the song “The Age of Aquarius” proclaims, “…..and love will rule the stars.” The Piscean Age was dominated by reason, logic and rational thinking that were built on a foundation of cold hard facts. This so-called ‘Age of Reason’ saw the majority of the Planet put their faith and trust in science and if something could not be proven through clinical trials and research studies, many chose to not accept and believe in it. And the Piscean age served the Planet well from an energetic point of resonance; as much of the world was not energetically in alignment with even considering anything metaphysical or spiritual. By only being able to perceive the world through our limited linear minds, many people’s hearts were closed and as a result they chose to perpetuate denial, fear and being controlled, By shifting our consciousness, many of us have now opened the doors to perceive the world, not by thinking and reason, but by experiencing life through our hearts by feeling, imagination, wonderment and intuition. By trusting in the Universe that we are abundant and that all our needs will be met, we open doors of infinite and limitless possibilities to abound in our lives. As we crossed that demarcation line, we have now gone from saying, ‘I’ll believe it when I see it’, to ‘I’ll see it when I believe it'. The reason that this event is so exciting, now that the Planet has shifted to a higher vibrational frequency, is that many of us will be able to be heard, seen and perceived by many more people. As a result of this, The Posse of Angels is saying that we will be drawing situations to ourselves to communicate our Truth to others. Our Truth is so unique that when we are not in physical form, we can energetically be recognized by our Truth that we emit. There are souls that may have a similar Truth; but there never has been, never is, or never will be any one with your exact Truth and energetic resonance. This Truth is not within us by happenchance, and it is there for a much higher Divine purpose. Each of us carries an integral puzzle piece of the Planet that is contained in our Truth and is made up of those things that we hold true in our hearts. Many Lightworkers have communicated their Truth to other Like-minded souls who also shared their beliefs. In these like-minded circles of love, light, and acceptance, each person had a safe platform to speak their Truth in supportive surroundings. But The Posse of Angels is saying that in order to create a world where honesty is the norm, Lightworkers are creating situations and chances to communicate just how important their Truth is to them, and not just in the comfort and security of like-minded groups. When we are imparting and sharing our Truth to others, it’s important to remember that we are not doing it to try to change anyone’s opinions. In fact, when sharing our Truth it is tantamount to remember that we are not doing to be evangelical, there is no hidden agenda behind what we are saying and we are not speaking our Truth to try to get anyone to believe us nor even necessarily to agree with us. We are merely speaking our Truth in order to be authentic. The Posse of Angels is not only hearing your thoughts, but they are picking up a great deal of fear. Some of you are thinking, “Yeah, but if I start to tell people outside of my New Age community that I see and hear angels, faeries, UFO’s and I get messages from dead people, won’t they think I am crazy and disassociate with me? There are some who will and some who won’t. But what people do with our Truth is not within our control and has nothing to do with us. In fact, by firmly stating your Truth, the Universe knows exactly where you stand and will send you people, opportunities and connections to support your Truth. The Posse of Angels is strongly reminding you that this support could come in the form of naysayers and those who challenge you. Remember that our conviction in ourselves is bolstered many times by not defending our right to our Truth, but by fearlessly standing in our Truth and holding fast to what we believe, no matter what anyone thinks. In fact, by holding no attachment to whether anyone gets you or believes in you, you allow others to walk their own journey and hold to their own Truth; as they are also a unique and integral puzzle piece to create the New World. Is following our Truth easy? And the answer is like many things in life, yes and no. Life becomes easier when we stand in our Truth, as we will be clear inside as to what path to follow. And yet, following our Truth may reveal others who are threatened by what we believe in. For example, those of us who speak openly about angelic connection, see faeries, and receive messages across the veil from those who have crossed over, will be very different to others. Other people may not be at the stage energetically where they can perceive, hear, and communicate with other beings. In addition, many people are so deeply conditioned that even if they do see and hear things, their programming on what is possible will override what they are experiencing. I was recently on a radio program and with the topic being about my angelic Walk-in experience, the interviewer said, ‘But there is no scientific proof to substantiate your beliefs.’ Science is of the mind and for the majority of the Piscean Age, we were programmed to experience life through our logical mind. With the New Aquarian age, we are shifting to a higher vibrational frequency of consciousness to perceive life not so much through thinking, but through feeling with our hearts. Feeling through our hearts opens us up to experience multi-dimensional realms and outcomes that we couldn’t possibly rationalize justify and explain with our limited linear minds. By experiencing, feeling and knowing the Truth through our hearts, we open up doors of wonderment, faith, belief, imagination and trust to co-create with the limitless and infinite power of God and the Angels. You know it is interesting when others are challenged when I speak my Truth about my angelic connection and they tell me that there is no scientific proof, I remind them that the majority of the world finds comfort, peace, empowerment, guidance, healing, and courage because of their connection to something that has never, ever been scientifically proven. Much of the world believes in God and will staunchly and vehemently defend their Truth in this higher invisible Source. And like God, much of the world believes in something that lifts our hearts, gives us joy, makes us feel more connected, and opens our hearts to live in peace, harmony, and unity. This thing that has never, ever been scientifically proven to exist is Love. And like the ‘unproven’ scientific proof of God and Love, the perceptions that many Lightworkers have experienced and know to be their Truth- whether they are connecting to ET’s, angels, faeries, unicorns or mermaids-we do not need to prove ourselves, defend ourselves, substantiate, corroborate, validate or show scientific proof for anything. The greatest thing we can do is to just be ourselves, to live our Truth, to tell our story, honestly, openly and transparently. By being the peaceful loving Spiritual warriors, standing in our Truth, we become the example of living a life of higher consciousness, as we shine our Truth to create a Truthful World. Love and Angel Blessings, Angelic Walk-In Claire Candy Hough Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough “ Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dance with the Grace of God

Are you a person that is highly organized? Do you diligently make lists and feel so much better as things get crossed off? I used to be like that. Years ago, I was so organized that I had a Day Runner for my Filofax. I was constantly buying inserts, with tabs and plastic sections to organize and arrange my days. My life was so obsessively well ordered that I had lists for my lists; as I tried to control life. (From a higher perspective, I now know that because I allowed others to take control, I tried to cling desperately to this one area that I ‘seemingly’ had control over.) I would diligently follow my lists with military precision. In so doing, I probably missed out on the most wonderful miracles and synchronicities that the Universe had on offer for me. The reason for this is because with my eyes trained myopically on my list, I failed to look beyond the horizon of logical possibilities and closed myself off from receiving the magic of life. For most of the time, it is in the minutiae of our planning and over planning that we miss the forest for the trees. And if planning and organizing and pushing for the Universe to answer our intentions were the way to realize a life of fulfillment, many of us would be experts on how life works. But, The Posse of Angels, my angelic family, are chiming in here and reminding us all of how life works. We, as children of God are pure intention and can have whatever we desire. But the majority of the time we choose to think small and not allow for the miraculous intervention and grace of God and the angels entering our lives. In order for this to happen we need to release ‘that which we think we want’, in order to open to receive the most amazing things which are being divinely arranged for us. By co-creating with God and the angels, we allow ourselves to dance with the Grace of Heaven and open to receive limitless possibilities. When one lives like this, the most amazing, connections and opportunities occur that the limited human mind could not script nor possibly conceive of ever happening. Ever since my Walk-In experience in 2003, I have said to God, “Allow me the infinite blessing of being an instrument for your voice.” And over the last 10 years the platforms for this to occur started out small with meditation nights and workshops, one on one healing sessions and teaching Reiki. In the last 2 years, these platforms have grown ever larger with guest interview spots on many radio shows and hosting my own international Angel Healing House radio show. But the Posse of Angels is telling me that the platform for being an instrument for God’s voice is about to get a whole heck of lot bigger. In 2010, three months after moving to Los Angeles, I decided to pamper myself at a wellness center and during my treatment, the practitioner found out that I am a Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher. As I spoke about my Practice, she received goose-bumps and after our session, she said, “Our Reiki Practitioner has just moved on, and I would love for you to come and be part of our staff.” Upon hearing her words, I started to wiggle. Sorry, let me explain. We all have an inner voice, our intuition that speaks to us. Our intuition tells us to either step forward in excitement or, if we are not getting a good feeling about it, this means to back away. I am so clear now, that when something is for my highest good and would be of great benefit to me, I wiggle. I get an overwhelming childlike, excited flutter in my body and I know to proceed; no questions asked. I assumed that my wiggle was telling me that this invitation was the answer to my prayers about increasing my clientele. As the first month passed, I was surprised that I was not getting any Reiki clients. I tuned in and asked The Posse of Angels what was best for me to do and they said, ‘Wait”. After another 3 weeks of no clients, I received a note saying that all staff were expected to attend the staff meeting that coming week. After the staff meeting, the Reflexologist said to me, “You know, I have a friend who is a Healing Practitioner who also moved here from overseas, is also a Reiki Master and does Theta Healing as well. I really feel that you two have to meet each other.” My wiggle told me to get excited and a meeting was arranged for the following week. When I met his friend Kristie, it was as if we had always known each other. She told me that she was just starting to create and write a project on the Indigo children. While she spoke, I received full body shivers and something told me to tell her about my experiences, not only having a son and daughter who are both Indigo children, but that the majority of my clients that I have drawn to myself have been Indigos. In the days immediately following my meeting with Kristie, I noticed something strange starting to happen. One by one, the Practitioners at this Wellness Center slowly began to resign and leave. Having been on staff for almost 2 months with only one client, I decided to sever ties with this center, and just concentrate on my private practice. Quite perplexed by the whole exercise of being lead to align myself with this center to ‘seemingly’ no avail, I questioned The Posse of Angels once more and said, “Is there any insight that you want to give me on ‘why’ I needed to join this center?” And they said, “God does not deliver the fulfillment of our intentions in straight lines. The greatest benefit of our life happens as a result of the Universe not moving from point A to point B. All will be revealed.” 1 month ago, 2 years and 8 months after we met, I get a very excited call from Kristie saying that her project has taken off and will be turned into a Documentary TV Series called “The Children of the Rainbow”, about Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children. She said that she would be honored if I would be one of the Alternative Practitioners who would be interviewed with my experience and understanding of working with the Indigos (To find out more information on the documentary TV series, the IMBD link is ) Now this is a great example of how the limitless Universe is always working and conspiring for our highest good to answer our prayers; although with our limited vision we are not always able to see it. Just because I was intuitively led to join the staff of this Wellness Center, I assumed it was because I would be there to service clients with Reiki. But with my narrow focus trained on just one way for God to utilize me to be the instrument for His voice, it obviously did not mean that the Universe had to give me business in this way. The Posse of Angels later told me that the main reason I was there was to meet Kristie. The more we allow ourselves to dance with the Grace of God, the more we can clearly follow God’s signs that act like a compass that keeps pointing us in the direction of magical synchronicities. In this way we become less focused on destinations and are able to enjoy the marvelous journey of life. In living this way, I no longer chase after clients and tell God how He must send me more business. I set my intentions, keep my eyes open, stay fully present and step forward when I get that 'wiggly' feeling. In doing so, I clearly allow myself the great blessing of dancing with the Grace of God; as the angels orchestrate and choreograph the most astounding dance of life for me. All I need to do is stay in my childlike wonder, let go of controlling, and when God and the Angels invite me to dance, I wiggle. If you would like some lessons on how to wiggle, give me a call: 831-277 3716 Love and Angel Blessings, Candy XXX Writer Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Saturday, June 29, 2013

You Are Famous, You Are a Success

At almost 91 years of age, my client Maggie had certainly lived a very full life. When she was in her 20’s, she had been chosen to be the singing voice for several major film stars in very successful movie musicals and she headlined as a singer on the radio. As her professional star was shining brightly and on the rise, she met her husband who was a famous jazz pianist. When they married, she decided to give up performing in order to raise their children and be supportive of her husband’s career. Wistfully she recalled her former achievements and all the possibilities of success that she had been presented with but that had not been realized. As she spoke, she frequently sighed, as if there was a heavy resignation sitting on her heart. With 4 small children, Maggie was pretty much housebound. Although she occasionally sang with her husband’s band, she was relegated to watching her husband’s career soar as he played for the legends of music like Aretha Franklin, Sammy Davis Jr., Pat Boone and Ella Fitzgerald. She went on to say that even though she was not performing, she desperately wanted to express her love of music; so she decided that she would teach voice lessons from her home. When I asked her how she felt about having decided to teach over performing, she replied that it provided her with an outlet to express her love of singing. But she said, “I guess the old saying is true, those that can, do and those that can’t teach. Teaching was fine, but it was nothing like performing. I really felt alive when I performed.” Sighing deeply again she said, “You know, I could have been famous, I could have been a success.” This longing of not having achieved fame was a constant weight she carried. During the remainder of our session together the Posse of Angels showed her, her life’s choices from a higher perspective. Her path to performing was actually blocked because of what she wrote into the contract of her life was of such immense importance; not only for herself, but for the lives of her countless students. Her passion, light, enthusiasm, and creative expression demonstrated an immense joy and had a transformative effect on her students. The Posse of Angels showed her that each student that was under her tutelage was like a light bulb which she helped turn on. They were so affected by her teaching and how it individually changed them that they went on to emulate these same qualities in their lives. During her 50+ years of teaching, many of her students went on to be international opera singers, musical directors, and Broadway performers and each one carried Maggie’s enormous light in their hearts as they illuminated the path of joy and passion for others to follow. With the insights from our Intuitive Counseling Session and the Angel Reiki Healing Session, shifting and lifting her resigned, stagnant energies off her heart, she said afterwards, “Candy, I do not know how to fully express my gratitude and appreciation for our session today. You and The Posse of Angels have given me the freedom and empowerment that I needed. At 91, I now feel like I have a new lease on life. I feel so much lighter, like a burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. I feel like I can fly again!" After Maggie’s session, I found her words, “You know, I could have been famous, I could have been a success” echoing over and over in my head. It got me to think, what does it really mean to be famous and how do each of us measure success. So, I asked the Posse of Angels for their heightened perspective on fame and success, and this is what they said: Firstly, The Posse of Angels laughed. And as I have mentioned before, they never laugh at us, but they laugh with us. They began by stating that when we ask to be famous and successful, we are asking for that which we already are. Being children of God, and coming from the purest most loving Source, we are infinite, limitless and Divine; whole and complete just as we are. On some level, be it conscious or unconscious, we know this in the deepest core of our souls. It is irrefutable that we are famous and successful at being who we are; for there is no other soul or person in any space, time, and dimension like us! We know this when we are born and we retain this knowing while we are very young children. Children say and do things not to be quoted or noted for what they do, but they are motivated to act and to speak directly from their hearts. A child’s identity is allowing themselves to be who they authentically are. It is unfortunate that when some children get older, they become re-programmed to believe that they are no longer famous and successful for just being who they are. This message of not being enough, finds them turning their attention outward in order to attain or achieve something in order to determine identity. This is bizarre, as the highest Source possible, God, created us from pure Divine Source and made us enough in the first place. We do not have to produce or create anything in order to be Divine; in order to be who we are. Once we turn our attention outside of ourselves to receive recognition, external forces start to impose their ideas of what success and fame means. We look to the outside world to determine whether we are worthy and deserving of not just being who we are, but ultimately, for existing in the first place. Now The Posse of Angels wants to remind us that as humans, we are pure intention and there is nothing wrong with having goals that we would like to achieve. But, what is most important is that we do not lose the forest for trees by losing our sense of who we are, with or without the achievement of said fame or success. For no matter what fame and recognition we realize, the luster and the thrill from that achievement will eventually die down and it will be replaced with some other goal, dream or intention to succeed at. The Posse of Angels is saying that ‘this is so’ because this is how human nature works. And if we need that constant outside validation and so-called ‘hit’ of fame or success in order to get our sense of identity, then the eventual high from that attainment will wear off and we will quickly turn to the next big thing to get our identity from. And once fame and success fades away, so does your belief in who you divinely are. To be human and not to lose one’s sense of self in the process of attaining our goals and dreams is no small feat. And great goals and dreams in life, demand great sacrifices in order to obtained. But along the journey to those dreams, it is imperative that we do not lose who we divinely are and we take our achievements in stride. An example of not being carried away with one’s fame and success came from an article I read recently about where actors keep their Oscars that they have won. The actress Emma Thompson, who keeps her two academy awards on a shelf in her bathroom, says she does this in order to help keep her perception in check about being famous. Unlike many others who achieve fame, Emma is one of those actors who had a solid sense of self before she became famous. By understanding who she was before fame arrived, she was able to not let fame define her. Each of us was formed by God as a unique expression of fame and success and sent into this human incarnation with a full tool kit to build, imagine and create a glorious life. The more we bring forth our gifts and talents and creatively and passionately share them with the world, we will connect with the fame that is already part of our Divine inherent nature. By doing so, our success is felt by doing what we do well, without any thought being famous. And The Posse of Angels is reminding all of us that a life lived with passion, creativity, joy, love and integrity even if it lacks the publicized perception of fame and success is like a radiant bright star that not only lights a path for others to follow, but also shines a heavenly light for the angels to dance by. Can I have your autograph??? Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Lightworkers Next Important Step

Have you noticed that there has been a major shift that has gone on for the last 5-6 weeks? The powerful eclipses of April 25, May 10 and May 25th shined their intense light to help us transform into the highest ideal that we have for ourselves. In transforming ourselves, many have been guided to let go of relationships and choices that were no longer for our highest good. By freeing ourselves from those people and things that are not in direct alignment with our highest vision, we opened the doors for new relationships to manifest in our lives. And while the energies of these influential eclipses affected everyone, it was the role of the Lightworkers, and in particular the first way showers, that were most affected by it. Now, you may be asking, ‘How does one know if they are a first way shower?’ Well if you have been living a conscious life of awareness and been putting your emphasis on promoting peace, love and unity, then you most probably are part of this first wave. As people rapidly shift, they will be hungry for answers to their spiritual questions, and it is the first way showers that they will turn to for support and inspiration. With this in mind, has your journey as a Lightworker changed since you awakened and is it different to what you first expected?” My own journey began with my Walk-In experience in 2003, and beside the fact that I was ungrounded; I was naïve to think that helping the Planet to enlighten would be an easy thing to accomplish. My gentle, angelic nature thought, “When each individual is presented with love rather than fear, of course the world will embrace this change.” How innocent was I!!! I can hear the Posse of Angels, my angelic family, laughing; of course their laughing with me and not at me. They are saying that ignorance is bliss, and perhaps that is correct in this instance. For if many of the Lightworkers knew at the start, how much effort, money, energy and time they would be putting into holding the light for others, they probably would have given up a long time ago. The disparity of our expectations of what we thought we would have achieved by now, compared to what has manifested, has seen many Lightworkers who are disheartened and disappointed. And for many, the level of enthusiasm that we once had to help enlighten the Planet may have waned. In fact, I recently discussed this subject with my dear friend Catherine who said to me, “Candy you are still like an excitable child, having incarnated as a Walk-In only 10 years ago. You are still hungry to get out there and keep spreading the message of love, peace and unity. I have been doing this since the 1960’s, and I am just bone weary and exhausted.” Now, not everyone has clocked up the number of spiritual miles as my dear friend. But there have been many who have invested so much of themselves as Spiritual Teachers and established businesses as Healing Practitioners that are lamenting their lack of success, financial rewards or real tangible accomplishments up until now. And it is understandable why many Lightworkers have lost heart and have judged their lives harshly, because they have not seen the physical manifestation of their expectations appearing ‘yet’ in their lives. And the Posse of Angels is emphasizing this word ‘yet’ because what is presently occurring on an energetic level on the Planet, is about to be, what some may call, a game changer. As a result of the energetic frequencies of the three eclipses, our beloved Planet Earth will see the numbers of people awakening to consciousness, rapidly spread in the millions. And those numbers will keep on increasing even further as we go through June. With the consciousness on the Planet dramatically rising, many of us that have held a high frequency will now be able to be heard, seen and perceived by others. As more and more people shift, they will be in alignment with our higher dimensional frequency. Our writings, books, public speaking and creative projects which have seemed to be held back for no darn good reason, will be green lit as the people and opportunities will show up now with ease and grace to help us manifest the fulfillment of our desires. The Posse of Angels is saying that it is really simple to understand why we were seemingly held back; as the world was not energetically and consciously ready to receive us before. The Posse keeps telling me that June is show time; as we will be called to assist others along their newly shifted spiritual paths. But, The Posse of Angels is really emphasizing that compared to what we did before; we will be serving in a very different way for ourselves and the world around us. For much like my dear friend Catherine, many of us are weary of carrying energies for others in order to create a New World. And while for many years, we were happy to help, save and enable others as they shifted into higher consciousness, many of us will be thrilled to learn that this is no longer our primary role. Throughout past years, we moved as a collective consciousness to bring as many people as possible on board the train of enlightenment. But with these powerful eclipses, we are being asked to serve in a different capacity. The only responsibility we have to the Planet now is a very personal one; as we are being asked to stay in the energies of what feels best for us. Your decision and your choices will serve the Planet best if you stay in the energies of joy and love. And because we all have different fingerprints, how that physically manifests will look different for each and every one of us. Now you might think with so many people waking up on the Planet, how you can use your experience to save, and enable others. But just like it was vastly important for all first way showers to ultimately learn to discover our true, authentic selves and what makes us joyful and filled with love, it is paramount that we let the second wave of Lightworkers figure this out for themselves. Yes, be compassionate, be kind, be loving and be supportive but, ultimately,let them figure it out for themselves! And the Posse of Angels are saying that we, the first wave of Lightworkers, are so weary and exhausted having held the light for so many for so long, that we get to retire into a life of just focusing on joy and love. Now there are some out there who still have the energy and deep desire to teach and mentor the next wave of awakened Lightworkers. And if this really feels joyful to you, then by all means, go for it. But the Posse of Angels are stressing that we need to allow others to work through their deepest fears by themselves. The vision that the Posse is showing me is that of the phoenix bird rising from the ashes after being burned in the fire; as many of us went through immense challenges and dark nights of our own soul, to have arisen wiser, stronger, and more peaceful and loving as a result of enduring our struggles and trials. As the first wave of Lightworkers, we had to explore our own deep pain, fear, sadness, bitterness, regret, resentment and anger in order to transmute and transcend them. We have graduated and do not need to fall back into that process again by saving others as they go through it. Our role as the first wave ambassadors of Lightworkers is to tell our story and shine our example out to the world of what we have endured and the challenges we have overcome. And the more we do this with joy, unconditional love and passion the more we will be the example and inspiration for others to follow. And believe me; if you are a part of the first wave of Lightworkers, you have an incredible, special and unique story of how you transmuted your own fear, judgment and un-forgiveness into love and joy. And the more you share your story with others, in whatever ever way you choose; it will give others the strength to transmute their own fears into love. The Posse of Angels is saying that we first wave of Lightworkers have done what no other collective has ever done on the Planet before. We have elevated love and joy to such a heightened level, that it has made it possible for others to shift and enlighten into consciousness as well. God and the angels are so proud of your accomplishments and encourage you to embrace your story and share it with others in whatever way you are most passionate about. By living in pure joy and love in every moment, you will not only create your own individual Heaven on Earth, but you will be the shining example for others to go forth and create their own Heaven on Earth. Have fun sharing your unique and marvelous story with a now, listening and awaiting world! Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough “ Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Write A New Story For Your Life

Many of us have come to a significant juncture in our life’s journey and it has all to do with several things that have occurred as a collective consciousness. The first part of this grand journey was for all of us to remember our Divine eternal natures. To help us with this, many of us spent our time, focus and money at New Age Shops. Whether we spent our time devouring spiritual books, videos like ‘The Secret’, or attended spiritual workshops, all of these things were helping us to remember the spiritual wisdom that we were already born with. Once this remembering of our spiritual wisdom was done, many of us felt compelled to share our newly awakened awareness with others. We then embarked on an immense time of service, devotion, and helping others through our work as Life Coaches, Reiki Master/Teachers and Angel Practitioners like myself, and Motivational Speakers, just to name a few. Then, the energy from that immense phase of helping others began to very noticeably recede. And The Posse of Angels tells me that it began to recede around September 2011, as the Universe asked us to turn the mirror back on ourselves and re-ignite OUR dreams and desires by bringing forth our creative talents. This saw a veritable flood of Lightworkers begin to publish their books, create YouTube videos, attack the social network markets with podcasts, and webinars, write newsletters and blogs, and some even created their own radio programs…just like me. In order for us to have arrived at this most important threshold of new beginnings, The Posse of Angels is saying that this never would have occurred unless we decided to write a new story for our lives. Reviewing our past literary efforts, many of us can clearly see that the chapters that we had previously penned were written with a much darker ink. This stands to reason as much of the content that we focused on was heavy and written with a disheartened, disappointed and an unfulfilled pen. Looking back over the story of my life before I awakened, I can clearly see that what I wrote for my story was filled with fear, low self-worth and self-denial. Re-reading those past chapters, I saw that they had to be released as its dark content no longer resonated with the level of light that I now embrace. So when it came to re-writing chapters of my story, I went about releasing my abusive marriage, and released the predictable programmed way that I was allowing myself to live other people’s visions for my life. Once the pages were released, I stared at a new blank page, and that scared the heck out of me. It had been so easy to allow others to tell me what to write and determine the content of my book of life. But now the power was all in my hands and I decided to write what I wanted to read about in the future. Along with choosing the content for my own story, I decided to write with a very different pen. I chose to write with a fearless pen, a pen that was authentic and empowered. As a result of this, my new chapters took on a very different feel. Suddenly my life went from being a predictable tale of blame, having written myself as the victim, to turning my story into an adventure/thriller. My story became one in which the heroine, me, lives life on her own terms and faces the thrills, spills, challenges and triumphs of living a life without compromise. Reading over the new chapters of my book of life, some of the chapters were quite sad, while others were happy, joy filled and exciting. Like any good novel, my story now contained moments of struggles, perilous uncertainty, and renewed faith in myself and God. These then lead to restored hope and overwhelming achievements, successes, and victories. Now, was writing a new story of my life easy? No and Yes. The hardest part was deciding whether I was going to stop writing my life with fear and limitation as my main characters. Once I chose to change my main characters to faith, courage and strength of my convictions, an intriguing tale turned into a whole different novel. Having now written new chapters for the story of my life for over 10 years ago, I see that in each moment of every day, I have the ability to edit and alter my story. Realizing that the power lies in the wielding of my own pen, I know that life does not’ just’ randomly happen to us, as we are always choosing what to write. Some people love to write about drama, tragedy and conflict and they seem to derive such joy from being stuck in a loop of being a victim and speaking about chaos, heresy and gossip. The chapters of these people’s stories almost always contain lots of judgment, with very little resolution and a whole lot of blame and fault finding. Then there are other writers who choose to look on the bright side of life, and write content that is uplifting, inspiring and elevates the soul. These people do not necessarily have an easier life, but it is their choice to change their perspective and write about their experiences as blessings, which makes their stories inspirational reading. The Posse of Angels is asking, ‘So what kind of story have you written for your life so far?” Is it one that you love reading, or do you prefer to hide the story of your life in some dusty attic or forgotten area of the basement. If we have previously chosen to write a story that was written with a sad, fearful pen of limitation, it is vastly important to go back, wipe off that dusty book and re-read those chapters. For it is in the re-reading that we will acknowledge the struggles, the pain and the heartache that we endured and, so often, pushed us to get us to the stage of writing a whole new story. When I go back and re-read what I wrote for myself before I awakened, I am not embarrassed; but I am so proud of myself as to how far I have come. I have had many clients tell me that they have a book inside of themselves, but just have not written it yet. They look at my beautiful book 'Angles of Faith' and they ask how did I go about writing it and what preparation did I do.” Quite simply, I tell them that, “A writer writes.” An inspired writer does not think so much with their mind about what they are going to write, as allow themselves to feel the story in their heart and then co-create with the greatest author of all, God, in order to pen their story together. When I chose to stop writing myself in my story as the victim, always blaming and finding fault in others, and I started to write myself in my story as the triumphant, successful heroine, my life began anew. The characteristics that I write for myself as the heroine are joyful, childlike, adventuresome, curious, brave, authentic, truthful and fearless. My heroine chooses to script chapters that are positive, challenging, passionate, loving, non-judgmental, forgiving, and filled with my faith in myself, God and the angels. As a result of this, the novel of my life is an unbelievable best seller and the sequels to come are even more astounding. And if you have not started to write a new story for yourself, start today. For your new extraordinary life cannot begin if you keep writing the same less than desired content, with the same less than desired characters and pen. Happy writing! Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough “ Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Forgiveness Opens Doors of Magic

Here we are, one quarter of the way into 2013 and I can hardly contain myself, as we are about to experience this magical month of April. Now some of you may be asking, “Why is it so magical?” Well, it will be magical for those who have chosen to live authentically, and chosen to be happy over being right. Those of us who have been crystal clear about honoring our heartfelt dreams, have cleared negative emotions and dishonoring people from our lives, and have chosen to creatively bring forth our unique gifts with great passion, will begin to see very tangible results of our desires manifesting in our physical realities. I am wiggling with excitement how all of this is going to alchemically come together. Now some of you may be thinking, “But what if I haven't done all of the above? Do I miss out on the magic?” Well, I can tell you that life is not a race, but it is the journey that matters. And for that journey to be all that you could possibly desire, it is tantamount to focus on the above points to see where they are not being addressed in your life. This first quarter of 2013 was crucial for our forward movement. For during that time, many people finally felt drawn to forgive others and themselves. The Posse of Angels is applauding us for taking this all important step. In many cases, it doesn’t matter how spiritual we are, forgiving others can be a very difficult area to address. But the Posse of Angels really urges you to look at forgiveness from an angel’s perspective. When it comes to forgiveness, the most important thing to remember is not what a person says or does. The most important thing to remember is that if that person is in your life, you contracted for that soul to be there. In fact, the road to forgiveness starts with taking responsibility for the appearance of everyone who is in your life. And not only did you contract for that soul to be in your life, you chose their characteristics as well. Now The Posse of Angels knows that for many people this is really hard to believe; especially if that person has abused you and if they were controlling, judgmental, dishonoring and basically 'done you wrong'. But they are saying that you contracted this Divine soul and their contrasting, controlling natures, to push you to be authentic and speak up for yourself. By forgiving others, we don’t condone, tolerate or allow any disrespectful behavior. We are just choosing to stop the suffering of carrying the burden of un-forgiveness anymore. We forgive for our own benefit; as we truly cannot control anyone else’s actions or the choices that they make. There are many people who may see forgiveness as a sign of weakness when, in actual fact, to quote Mahatma Gandhi, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” The Posse of Angels is chiming in here saying that unless we forgive others, we cannot fully put to rest the memory of any less than desirable relationships or events which have happened. And by not finding closure with forgiveness, then we simply cannot move forward, freely with our lives. (The Posse of Angels is adding that un-forgiveness actually closes us down to fully being open to receive and realize our wishes and dreams coming true.) One of most extraordinary stories that I experienced came as a direct result of taking responsibility and forgiving another person. In 1998, after 22 years of experiencing abuse in my marriage, I had no-self-worth; as I had allowed myself to become anorexic, co-dependent, and controlled. When I finally built up the courage to end my abusive marriage, I was so frail and disempowered that I really did not have the emotional strength to fight my powerful, very clever ex who was a lawyer. I basically let him set the terms of the financial settlement. He structured the settlement in such a way that the first part of the agreement would happen after a year and then, he would determine when the second part of the settlement would occur. Now, you’re probably thinking, how could she have possibly allowed this? But I can tell you, I was not awakened and the same person that honors and respects herself today. Thinking that after a lifetime of devotion and servitude to my husband and raising our two children, the second part of the financial settlement would certainly come in a reasonable amount of time. I waited and saw the end of 1999, the end of the year 2000, 2001, and 2002 with absolutely no communication from my ex. He would not receive my phone calls or correspondence on the matter; as he had been given free rein to structure the open terms of the agreement. It was at the beginning of 2003 that I was at the lowest point in my life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They say that when we are at our lowest, there is nowhere else to go, but up. It was at this time that I decided to let go and allowed the grace of God to enter my life. I remember one evening, I had just finished meditating, and I felt this overwhelming compunction to compose a letter to my ex. In the letter, I stated that I felt that is was about time that I told him how grateful and appreciative I was for the life of wealth and beautiful opportunities that his hard work had afforded myself and our children. I thanked him for the beautiful homes we lived in, the children’s school tuitions that we could so easily afford, the wonderful international trips that we were able to take, and the many forms of entertainment that we were privileged to take advantage of. I thanked him for his dedication to his work, and the sacrifices that he made in order to provide for us. In the letter, I stressed how grateful I was for his efforts and did not write one word about his controlling, emotional and mental abuse. Before I sent the letter off, I quietly called in my higher self and I also called in my ex’s higher self. I acknowledged that I had written him in the contract of my life to help me learn my lessons. I thanked him for giving up part of his incarnation and playing a contrasting role, so that I would really honor myself. I blessed him for exactly where he chose to be on his path of life and then I released and forgave him. I remember surrounding him in green healing light and then I sent him waves of pink clouds of unconditional love. Posting the letter the next day, I continued to forgive him in my daily meditations and sent him green healing light and the pink light of unconditional love. It was one week later that I received a call, out of the blue, from my ex’s lawyers saying that $250,000 would be deposited in my bank account that afternoon. Was this merely a coincidence? The Posse of Angels are shaking their heads ‘no’ and saying that it simply comes down to the Universal Laws of cause and effect. Because I decided to come home to the spiritual wisdom inside of myself and lovingly forgave a fellow soul from my heart, I basically chose to live my Divine eternal nature. And by doing so, I allowed the full measure and magic of the Divine to enter my life. Wishing you all kinds of magical doors opening up in April! Love and Angel Blessings, Candy Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Friday, March 1, 2013

Children, From An Angel's Perspective

If there is one word that I would use to describe what many of us were focused on in February, it was the word forgiveness. It was as if we were taking all of the spiritual knowledge and wisdom that we knew in theory and decided as a collective to personally employ it in our lives. With many of us having finally released forgiveness, this unblocked negative energies and started the alchemical magic of opening doors of amazing opportunities to enter our lives. Anticipating very new beginnings for ourselves, we feel like we are at a crossroads between our past and our future. Many of us feel a freedom akin to being a child under the direction of our parents and longing to be independent to make our own decisions. And when that day finally comes to leave the nest, we step forth; no longer beholden to our past, and finally feeling liberated and all grown up. By forgiving ourselves and others, many of us have taken grown up responsibility for the roles that we chose to play in our present incarnation. By taking accountability for our part in the experiences that we have had with different souls, many can clearly see how we may not have respected ourselves and allowed others to take advantage of, disempower or dishonor us. With this in mind, the first 2 months of the year saw many drawing a proverbial line in the sand. By standing in our Truth, empowered, and all grown-up, many of us chose to take responsibility and no longer have dishonoring people in our lives. The Posse of Angels, my angelic family, is chiming in here and saying that the attrition rate of friends, even long standing friends, was enormous. For in this all important year of 2013, we can no longer be inauthentic in any area of our lives and allow anyone to disrespect us. But what happens when that person that is disrespecting and dishonoring us is ones’ grown child? I recently was presented with this question by a client who came for a healing session. Jean, not her real name, had told me that she had been a devoted loving mother to her daughter and she admitted that her daughter’s birth was one of the happiest days of her life. Yet along with the joy of motherhood, she also told me that had she endured an abusive marriage for 26 years because she did not want her child to experience a broken home. But after a lifetime of abuse, Jean finally honored herself and decided to divorce when her daughter was grown at the age of 20. Jean was prepared for the challenges she would have to face financially and emotionally to end her long standing marriage from her husband. But what she was not prepared for was the abuse and dishonor that came from her daughter. Jean said that although she was loving and respectful toward her daughter, her daughter hurled abusive comments at her and treated her with disrespect. Jean went on to say that the comments were so awful that she would not have expected this kind of behavior from her worst enemy. Through tear filled eyes, Jean said that several years ago her daughter chose to sever all ties with her and recently, she found out that her daughter was getting married and Jean was not invited to the wedding. Deeply downhearted that she would not see her only daughter wed, she asked how she could best deal with her daughter’s decisions without destroying her own soul. I answered Jean’s question in part, by reading her a portion from a book entitled, ‘The Prophet’ by Khalil Gibran. Written in 1923, this book is just as fresh and relevant in today’s world. In his section on children, he writes: “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward, nor remains with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children, as living arrows, are sent forth”. I went on to explain to Jean that once the arrow is shot from the safety of an archer’s steady, guiding bow, the arrow must then fly forth on its own and has to deal with all kinds of things along its journey. Things like how the arrow deals with weather conditions or obstacles that blocks its’ path, are all unknown quantities, and can only be addressed once the arrow leaves the safety of the bow. And so it is with our grown children. They are not yours and the reason one is experiencing any kind of hurt, disappointment, or frustration with one’s grown children is that one is assuming some sort of expectation that should come from their child. Perhaps one assumes that with all that they sacrificed for their children and gave to them, they should act or speak in a certain way. My angelic family, The Posse of Angels is saying that there are no ‘shoulds’,’ no ‘have to’s’ or no ‘ought to’s’ in this world. The more we respect, honor and allow someone else, including our grown children, to walk their journey exactly as they choose, the more we free ourselves then to walk our journey; unencumbered by expectations. And while we allow them grown up freedoms in their choices, I told my client that if a grown up child’s behavior is not respectful towards us, then it would be highly beneficial to draw boundaries and set limits, and not allow the child to dishonor us in any way; just like we would do with any other person in our life. I explained to Jean that her daughter’s actions and what she says actually have nothing to do whatsoever with Jean. The anger, sadness and pain inside her child are emotions that she is choosing to replay and hang onto in order for her to be right, and to justify her disrespectful behavior towards her mother. I shared with her that I have counseled many divorced couples and families, and while it is not emotionally easy for anyone, in time with mutual respect, and open understanding, all parties have been able to move forward and honor each other’s choices. To help us allow our children to make their own choices, I pointed out to my client that is helps enormously to understand why that child is in our lives from a higher perspective. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that before we incarnated, each and every one of us met with the Etheric Council. This is a wise sage group of Ascended Beings who once lived on the Earth plane. Having had the benefit of experiencing a human life, they help us to write our contract for our incarnations in our Book of Life. As we begin our contract, we pick not only the souls that we want to be in our lives to help us learn our lessons; but we choose their characteristics as well. And though it is hard to believe, many times we will choose a soul’s characteristics to be in great contrast to our own. Our most important lessons often come as a direct result of having chosen someone with a deep contrasting character. These deep contrasts help to challenge and test us to see whether we will still forgive and love that person unconditionally. (Now, The Posse of Angels wants to make it very clear here that one does not have to accept or put up with someone’s damaging behavior in order to love and forgive them.) When I asked Jean to consider that she chose her daughters behavior to help her in some way, she actually started to smile. She said that in her abusive marriage, she never could speak up for herself and she was a silent victim. But she told me that from the moment her daughter could speak, the daughter was outspoken and forthright. Jean used to marvel at her young empowered daughter and she found herself wishing that she was more like her. I laughed and told her that many times, by our children we will be taught. But as our children become grown adults, they are just like the arrow that needs to go forth and fly unaided by the archer. Yes, we can give them love, support, and even the occasional kind hearted advice, but ultimately they are not our children. They are separate souls with their own Divine imprint and they need to have the freedom of choice that we struggled and pushed so hard for as young adults. Once Jean understood to let go of any expectations from her grown child, she felt as if a huge burden had lifted from her shoulders and experienced a new found freedom. And even with all of these angel insights, my client Jean will still not be at her daughter’s wedding; for she has no control over this. But what she does have control over is whether she chooses to destroy her soul with sadness or whether she chooses to send her daughter prayers of love, healing, and wishes for a blessed heavenly marriage. By sending her daughter these loving energies, Jean will be giving a beautiful gift, not only to her daughter, but to herself and to the Planet as well. Feeling so much better, more empowered and in control after our session, I told Jean that on the day of her daughter’s wedding to plan something special for herself. I suggested that she go out and celebrate not only the gift of motherhood that she chose, but to celebrate how much of a wonderful, loving mother she was to her daughter. And that, she has full control over. Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The World Is Waiting For You To Live Your Passion

Firstly I would like to say a HUGE Happy Anniversary to myself and Angel Healing House Radio. For it was one year ago on January 31st 2012 that I began hosting my first radio program on Blog Talk Radio. Looking back over the past year, there are certainly some things which I intuited would happen as a result of starting this radio program. As a result of being on the airwaves, my show has enabled me to go global: allowing more clients to connect with me. (In fact, the statistics on the Blog talk radio site that records the number of people who have listened to my archived shows to this date, is numbering almost 30,000.) My radio program also gave me the opportunity to internationally share the beautiful and inspirational messages from The Posse of Angels, my angelic family. And although, I had been a guest speaker on many other people’s radio and television programs in the past, this was a very new experience for me. Was I fearful? Did I doubt myself? You bet! But the encouraging voices of God and the angels was much stronger than these two illusions. Armed only with a great excitement to host my own show, I stepped forward in faith. Every Tuesday morning at 11am, I sought to bring forth a heavenly show filled with humor, down to earth practical angel advice, and most of all love. The two expected outcomes from my radio program, going global and sharing the angels’ messages, were both a known quantity. But there was one area in particular, probably the most important area, that my radio program allowed me to develop. This was in the area of my writing. The Posse of Angels is laughing now and they are saying that most of the time the angels work in very sneaky ways. From the initial show, they told me not to feature any guests on my program, as my show would solely be a platform for bringing forth channeled angel messages on relevant topics. Not having any guests, and never being quite 100% sure whether I would have any callers, The Posse of Angels and I composed 4-5 pages on a different topic every week. And while I had written books and blogs in the past, this regular weekly radio show kept me on task and forced me to be diligent and focused on my writing. As a result of this, I allowed my natural talent of writing to be developed every single day. Now just a note here, it is amazing what one is capable of when one takes a leap of faith in oneself and ones talents. Week in and week out, by honoring my great love and gift for writing, I honed my craft and built a strong foundation of being able to create easily. And now, writing is even more of a joy and inspiration for me; as my creative efforts flow quickly and effortlessly. The Posse of Angels is nodding their heads and saying that all this practice to my passion of writing has been like a dress rehearsal. It has created an energetic vibration of joy on a stage of my own making. I may not have realized it at the time, but the accumulated energies of all this joyful preparation will burst open the new doors of writing opportunities and connections that are on the horizon for me in 2013 and beyond. In fact, having owned this talent of mine, I now state openly and emphatically that I am first and foremost a writer and an author; for this is what I am most passionate about and brings me the most joy. The Posse of Angels is saying that because of my diligent efforts in believing in me as a writer and author, The Universe will have no ambiguity as to how it will help me co-create my heartfelt wishes to come true in 2013. And while my path to this new beginning year of 2013 is different to others, I can tell you that we are all in the same boat, as we riding on the waves of a very new frequency and a great change in energy. This energetic change is like nothing else we have experienced on our Planet. For you see- you, me and everyone on the Planet has finally made it to a very important crossroads in our lives. Cross roads are wonderful as they give us possibilities to step forward in new directions, but only if we are willing to make that first step. If one lingers too long at these intersections, the energies at crossroads tend to be stagnant, still and cause us to be immobile. Of times when we come to a crossroad in our lives, it halts our movement, and causes us to ponder which way to advance. And it is in this time of stillness at these crossroads, that it gives us pause to linger and take a long look back to how far we have come. How many of us reading this have finally closed doors and decided to leave dishonoring people, dishonoring jobs, become proactive about looking after our health, and nurtured our passions to share them with the rest of the Universe? The stillness of January has been extraordinarily useful for us to stand at our own individual crossroads. Many of us have taken a really hard look at where we are now after completing the grand march to 2012 and we are now poised for the the new to unfold. And just like myself bringing forth my passion for writing, this new energy has all to do with each and every one of us finding that passion inside and then sharing it with the world; sharing it with the world is the most important component. This energy is expansive, limitless, unbounded, filled with magic, miracles and endless possibilities. And the wonderful news is that this new energy and the ability to utilize it for whatever your heart desires, is now a part of a brand new you. You might not have felt any different since the start of 2013. But let me assure you, whether you realize it or not, you are now in possession of a new power within. Ask yourself, “What would I do if I could not fail?” “What would happen if I truly let go of all preconceived ideas of what I should do and followed my heart as to what I love doing and share it with the rest of the world?” Now is the perfect time to review your unique and special abilities, step up and own them. In the majority of cases, this ability is something that comes forth effortlessly. This passion or talent is often something that when you do it, you lose all track of time and you would do it even if you were not getting paid for it. This gift is so much a part of you that it is inextricably linked to who you are and brings your heart immense joy. The Posse of Angels is saying please do not hide your talent or passion away from the world because that passion is the very reason that you are here in physical form. Now many might be saying, “But I’m not talented, there’s nothing that I do that is creative in order to share with others”. At this important crossroads of our lives, it is paramount to remember that we each have an integral puzzle piece and purpose for the world. In fact you incarnated on the Earth plane in physical form in order to rediscover who you are and rediscover your importance to the Universal plan. That importance to the Universal Plan is held within your passion, your gifts and your talents. It is important to note here when so many people are looking to be more spiritual, and searching for answers in their lives, that the number one thing that will reconnect you to feeling like you are Home or living Heaven on Earth, is for you to recognize the blessing of your God given gifts that you were born with and to bring them forth to share with the rest of the world. This is the key to the New Age and each of us holds a piece of it to create. By passionately bringing forth your talents and abilities with fun and joy, you will work with these new powerful energies to create and open doorways to the most magical and miraculous connections and opportunities for yourself. But these magical doors will not open for you, if you have not stepped forward and shown faith and trust in yourself as part of the Divine plan. That Divine plan that you signed on for, was to share your glory with the rest of humanity. This glory within you, your passion and purpose, is begging to be recognized now. The Earth is waiting for you to celebrate and bring it forth with all your enthusiasm, excitement, and joy. By uniting the recognition of our gifts and passions and the powerful brand new energy available to all of us, this winning combination will bring forth an amazing reality for each of us. And I, like The Posse of Angels, am wiggling with excitement and can’t wait to see what miracles I will co- create as a result of this. What miracles are your going to co-create with your passion? :) Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer and Author of "Angels of Faith" Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough