Thursday, April 5, 2012

From Separation to Loving Connection

Happy spring one and all, and for my southern hemisphere friends, happy autumn. Regardless of the season you are celebrating, I can tell you that I am celebrating the end of March and the arrival of April. Now, don’t get me wrong, each month is a wonderful teacher and brings us different challenges and experiences to help us grow. But... it seemed like March chose to really present us with more than our fair share of lessons. The group of angels that I am part of, called The Posse, told me that the reason for this was that many of us were tested to finally embrace that which separates us from ANYTHING and ANYONE. (Hmmmm, now that doesn’t seem to leave much room for any exceptions.) The Posse explained to me that this so called ‘mission impossible’ for many of us, was because we need to replace any areas of resistance or avoidance in our lives and fully embrace them with love. What has helped me to embrace everything and everybody in my life is: 1.To remind myself that the person or event would not be in my reality if I did not energetically bring them or it to myself in the first place. 2.To remind myself that everything happens for my highest good 3.To remind myself that many of our most important lessons are presented to us in contrast. In this way, the lesson can REALLY get our attention, so that we will take note of and learn from it. And March waited for its last closing days, to present me with an opportunity to express love on an issue concerning separation. You see, it was in the last few days of March, that I found out that my ex mother-in-law had passed away. When I divorced in 1998, after 22 years of marriage, my ex made it very clear that I was never ever to contact him again for any reason. PERIOD! (I would have preferred an amicable relationship, but that was not his wish.) When I heard from my ex’s niece, that my former mother-in-law had passed away, I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for what my ex must be feeling. After 14 years of adhering to his wishes, I penned a letter stating my profound sadness upon hearing about the loss of his mother. I went on to explain that his mother always made me feel more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law; as she was very loving, kind and sweet. I sent my prayers of healing and my loving thoughts to him. When I sent the letter, there were no negative feelings at all. All I felt was pure love for another person. And in addition, I have not wondered ‘how’ he will receive my letter after all these years. All I know is that by following the deep feelings of compassion in my heart, it felt like the most natural, loving, and kind thing to do. And in this action, I savored the light of the Divine within myself and brought it forth on the Earth plane. The angels explained to me that April will bring opportunities that will present us with many ways to create miracles through connecting to our Divine essence. The Divine inside of us is willing to show courageous compassion to all and forgiveness even when there is shame, abuse and fear still present in our lives. Watch April blossom and manifest in ways that will give us an opportunity to actively bring the Divine into our lives; as well as the lives of others. In this regard, April will follow on beautifully from March, in which many of us accepted responsibility for what we created as separateness. And if we have dealt with separateness, than we can finally start to creatively manifest through the energy of love and conscious connection to everyone and everything. April will be a month of surprises, as many will see the subtle, unexpected and magical formations of dreams, goals and intentions finally taking form on the physical plane. (HALLELUJAH!) After what has seemed like such a long period of dormancy, many may manifest connections and opportunities to themselves and be asked to share their knowledge, wisdom and experience. The Posse are saying that many Light workers have been through a ‘Dark Night of the Soul” and will be coming out into the light of day to start fresh and anew. Just like little seeds that have been planted and hidden in the dark for a long time, we are now bursting into beautiful spring flowers. Watch for your life to start flowering in the areas that you have been dreaming about, tending, feeding and watering for so long! With this in mind, have fun deliberately creating and employing your Divine essence. Watch carefully where your own wonderful flowers will bloom, for these are the areas that will yield the greatest harvest as summer approaches. Happy Blossoming!! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough