Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Life Long Love-Affair with Yourself

With this February newsletter, I thought I would check in with the Posse of Angels and ask them what they thought of the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday. Well, The Posse of Angels was very amused and they asked me, “Why don’t humans have a National Breathing Day?” and “Why isn’t there a National Beating of your Heart Day?” Breathing and the beating of our hearts are similar to love, as they happen naturally. And most of the time, they occur without us even realizing it. I guess their point is that to love and to be loved is a natural thing that all human beings have, and that we can have love in our lives in any second if we choose to receive it. But most of the time, we are so dead set on preaching to the Universe how love is supposed to be in our lives, that we diminish and close off the possibilities of how and when we can experience love. If we buy into the vision of love perpetuated by the greeting card companies, the chocolate manufacturers, the florists and the jewelers, we can get caught up in a very, commercialized form of love that is built around conditions and expectations. For instance, some of these conditions might have us thinking that: • My partner loves me if he buys me flowers. Or, • If he really loves me, he will buy me flowers and a diamond ring. Or, • If he truly loves me the most, he will buy me flowers, a diamond ring, a new Ferrari and a villa in the South of France. The whole point is that once we start to play this game, it is difficult to know where to stop. Appropriating a single day to show love is so insanely ludicrous because at the most profound depth of whom we are as human beings is the fact that WE ARE LOVE in every single second! In fact, we are so inextricably linked with God that even if we do not think we are love, this connection of divine love always exists underneath any false premise that we choose to perpetuate. And if it is dormant and asleep within us, love can be re-awakened in the blink of an eye. And counter to what all the great romance novels and romantic movies have shown us, love does not happen because of who we are with, love happens because of who we are. But, it can only happen with our permission. Many times, we deny that we are love because we are replaying old programs of believing someone else’s words that caused us to feel not worthy or not deserving of love. But deep within, underneath any negative belief system, the angels want to remind you that you are not only love but you are more beautiful , more powerful and more magnificent than you could ever possibly imagine. In fact, as a child of God, you are loved, not only on a specific day, but in every single second of every single day, every single month and every single year before you were born, since you born and will be forever. This is not dependent on what you are given, what you own, what you drive, what you wear or if you ever produce, create or even if you achieve anything. This love is indisputable, unconditional, constant and un-wavering. How extraordinarily fortunate are you!!! If your life is not representative of these words, it may be because you have forgotten who you are and are allowing external expectations and conditions to dictate if you are allowed to be loved. Actually the hardest I have ever seen the angels weep, is for those clients who have completely forgotten who they are; as they have forgotten the love of God inside. Because when we forget who we are, we stop loving ourselves and stop seeing ourselves as having any importance. Once we stop acknowledging our importance, we then begin to seek and find our identity in other people and things outside of ourselves. This sets us on a perpetual carousel of giving our power away. So remember, if you have been disappointed by love on Valentine’s Day or any other day of the year, ask yourself where in your life that you can put more focus and attention on the creation of your importance. Perhaps you could: Write that book that you have inside yourself? Dare to switch to a more honoring job? Take that holiday that you’ve dreamed about? Honor your gifts and talents and share them with the world. And if you wake up on Valentine’s Day morning and do not find your new Ferraris parked in your garage, or your breakfast tray does not come with a diamond ring on it nor two plane tickets to your villa in the South of France, remember that love is not something that you are given or have to search for; love is something that you already are. Until next time, remember that by having a life-long love affair with yourself, it will constantly bring you the richest fulfillment from the inside out. Love and Angel Blessings, Candy XXX Claire Candy Hough Author of ‘Angels of Faith’ Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough “ Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Key to the New Age is Your Passion

Firstly I would like to say a HUGE happy Anniversary to myself and Angel Healing House Radio. For it was 2 years ago, January 2012, that I began hosting my first radio program on Blog Talk Radio. Looking back over the past 2 years, there were certainly some things which I intuited would happen as a result of starting my own radio program. My show has enabled me to go global and opened up the opportunity to internationally share the inspirational messages from my angelic family, The Posse of Angels. And although, I had been a guest on many radio and television programs, this was a very new experience for me. So was I fearful and did I doubt myself? You bet! But the encouraging voice of God and the angels was much stronger than those two illusions of doubt and fear. Armed only with a great excitement to host my own show, I stepped forward in faith. Every Tuesday morning at 11am (PST) I sought to bring forth a heavenly show filled with humor, down to earth practical angel advice, and most of all love. Looking back over the last 2 years, I can clearly see that there was one area in particular, probably the most important area, that my radio program allowed me to develop, and this was in the area of my writing. From the initial show, The Posse of Angels told me not to feature any guests on my program, as my show would solely be a platform for delivering angel messages on relevant topics. Not having any guests, and never being quite 100% sure whether I would have any callers, I channeled and wrote information on topics to present. And while I had written books and blogs in the past, this regular weekly radio show kept me on task and forced me to be diligent in writing. As a result of this, I allowed my natural talent of writing to be developed every single day. Now it is amazing what one is capable of when one takes a leap of faith and believes in ones’ passion. Every week, by honoring my great love and gift for writing, I built a strong foundation of being able to create easily, with words flowing without effort. The Posse of Angels is agreeing with me and saying that all this practice to my passion of writing has been like a dress rehearsal. The accumulated energies of my focus on my passion is opening new doors of opportunities and connections that are aligned with my writing to abundantly foster, promote and support me . In fact, with all of my diligence as a writer and author, The Universe will have no ambiguity as to how it will help me to co-create my heartfelt wishes and the fulfillment of my dreams. And while my path to new beginnings is different to yours, I can tell you that we are all in the same boat, as we are riding on the waves of a very new frequency and a great change in energy. This great change in energy is like nothing else we have experienced on our Planet. And just like nurturing my passion of writing, this new energy has all to do with each and every one of us finding that passion within and then sharing it with the world; for sharing it with the world is the most important component. This sharing energy is expansive, limitless, and filled with endless possibilities. And the wonderful news is that this energy is accessible to everyone as we begin to come home and own a new power within. I’d like you to ask yourself, “What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?” “ What would happen if you truly let go of all preconceived ideas of what you should do and followed your heart as to what you love doing and share it with the rest of the world?” The perfect time to review, own and share your unique and special abilities is in the present moment, because all we have is the nano second of the Now. In the majority of cases, this passion is something that comes effortlessly and easily from you. This passion or talent is often something that when you do it, you lose all track of time and you would do it even if you were not getting paid for it. This gift that was given to you by God is so much a part of you that it is inextricably linked to who you are and brings your heart immense joy. The Posse of Angels is saying please do not hide your passion away from the world because that passion is the very reason that you are here in physical form. Now you may be thinking, “But I’m not talented, there’s nothing that I do that is creative in order to share with others”. But it’s paramount to remember that we each have an integral purpose for the world. In fact you incarnated on the Earth plane in physical form in order that you can reconnect to your passion and rediscover your importance to the Universal plan. That importance to the Universal Plan is held within your passion, your gifts and your abilities. The Posse of Angels is saying that it is important to note here when so many people are looking to be more spiritual, and searching for answers in their lives, that the number one thing that will reconnect you to feeling like you are living Heaven on Earth, is for you to recognize the blessing of your God given gifts and to shine and bring them forth to share with the rest of the world. Your passion is the key to the New Age and each of us holds a piece of it to create. And while you may not see yourself as the next Jane Austen, Picasso, or Mozart, you might have a passion and love for rescuing animals, saving the rainforests, helping the homeless, saving the whales or inventing ways to clean up our beautiful Planet. By writing that book that you have inside of yourself, your story could deeply touch the lives of others and help encourage them to live their passion. The song that you write could lift the hearts of those who are disillusioned and give them hope to live another day and try one more time. By passionately bringing forth your talents and abilities with fun, joy and creativity, you will work with these powerful energies to open doorways to the most magical and miraculous connections and opportunities for yourself. But these magical doors will not appear and open for you, if you have not stepped forward and shown faith and trust in yourself as part of the Divine plan. That Divine plan that you signed on for, was to share your glory with the rest of humanity. This glory within you, your passion is begging to be recognized now and the Earth is waiting for you to celebrate it and bring it forth with all your enthusiasm and excitement. By uniting the recognition of our gifts and passions and the powerful brand new energy available to us all, this winning combination will bring forth an amazing reality for each one of us. And I, just like The Posse of Angels, can’t wait to see what miracles we all will create. Love and Angel Blessings, Claire Candy Hough Writer Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Angel Practitioner International Radio Host Author of "Angels of Faith" CEO of Angel Healing House Ph: +61 831.277.3716 SKYPE: candy.hough