Monday, February 29, 2016

New Novel "I Am an Angelic Walk-In " by Claire Candy Hough

     I just learned this past week that a beautiful client of mine passed away after suffering stage four cancer. In our session together last year, she spoke about an idea for a book that she always meant to write, but instead she chose to put others needs first and give to everyone else. Constantly denying her creative expressions, she knew that this caused her deep sadness and she now faced the possibility of crossing over. Sighing deeply, she wiped tears from her eyes and said, “I really regret that I never got to express my authentic self and show the world who I truly am. I will die with my story still inside of me.”

      And The Posse of Angels knows that there are many people just like this beautiful client who choose not to reveal their authentic self to the world. For many, stating aloud who they are and what they believe in can be very daunting; for when we do this, there is no where to hide. Sharing our story with the world, we stand fully exposed and open to receive all kinds of comments. Whether others choose to laud us for our courage and get inspired to find their own strength through our conviction or they choose to condemn and criticize us for our beliefs is out of our control. And while owning who one is does come with a great deal of responsibility, it is such a strong calling in our hearts that the repercussions of not being authentic pale in comparison to the overall sense of unbridled freedom that sweeps over us when we chose to allow ourselves to be completely visible.

     Last year, July 2015, I brought out my remarkable, channeled novel, “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” that took readers on a journey of remembrance. So many readers have expressed that as they followed Ariel’s inspirational journey to enlightenment, they felt a stirring of memories within as they energetically began to awaken and remember their own journey across the veil. This revealing and moving novel was based on my five most important lives as an Egyptian princess, a healer in 14th century Scotland, a courtesan in Venice Italy, a captured African American slave and taken to work the tobacco fields in Fredericksburg Virginia and as a member of the Native American Lakota Tribe.
     Ariel learns her lessons so well that she graduates from the birth and death wheel of incarnation and enlightens to become Angel Ariel, in service to God. When this novel ends, we see Angel Ariel reuniting with her Twin-Flame Kiel and looking forward to the next part of her journey.

     And I am so proud to share with you that the sequel to “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” is being released in the Spring of 2016. This new, autobiographical novel entitled “I Am an Angelic Walk-In” is the true story of how Angel Ariel went from helping others as a Spiritual Teacher in Heaven to being asked by the Etheric Council if she would incarnate just one more time in physical form to help the world ascend in consciousness and bring greater light to the world.
     She agrees and because her mission is so important, she does not have to be born as a baby. Instead, Angel Ariel can contract with a human soul already living on the Earth plane who desperately wishes to end and exit their human contract early. In this way, Angel Ariel would contract with a soul on the Earth plane to take over their life and allow that former soul to return to God with honors; releasing them from their pain and suffering.
       In many ways, the novel, “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” was like a teaser for my ultimate coming out party in the sequel, “I Am an Angelic Walk-In”.
Many who have read “One True Home” experienced it as a riveting adventure of a character named Ariel as she chooses different incarnations to help her learn lessons. When her time in physical form has contracted to end, she returns to Heaven to review her lives and to live in her one true home across the veil.
            Yet, it is not until one reads the sequel, that they fully comprehend that it is the same heroine, Angel Ariel, in “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness”, who has incarnated and is now living on the Earth plane in the physical form as Claire Candy Hough!!

     This is the true story of how that former soul in the body of Claire Candy chose to walk-out of her incarnation and how I, Angel Ariel, walked in to Claire Candy’s body on January 11, 2003.

            By presenting my story as honestly and openly as I possibly can, I give myself permission and the freedom to live a life of truth; and in doing so, I invite genuine happiness to exist for me. Even though it may be scary and challenging to show and shine to the world who we truly are, by doing so, we end up extending our truthfulness to others. In this way, they may very well be inspired by our story to open up, show the world who they are and not cross over with their story still inside themselves.

            Come on the inspirational and enlightening continuation of “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” in the revealing, incredible story of how two dimensions, the etheric realm and the physical realm, co-exist in the sequel, “I Am an Angelic Walk-In” by Claire Candy Hough.

Enjoy the Heavenly journey!!

Love and Angel Blessings,

Claire Candy Hough
Author of "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness and ‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Beloved Artists Leaving The Planet In 2016

     Since the beginning of 2016 there have been many creative artists who have chosen to exit their human life and return back home to Heaven. You may or may not be familiar with all of them, but here is a list of notable artists who have exited just since the beginning of the year: David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Glen Frey from the Eagles, Renee Angeli – Celine Dion’s husband, Dan Haggerty who played Grizzly Adams, and the sitar player Ravi Shankar who played with the Beatles. To have this much talent exit the planet in only the first 3 weeks of the year is highly significant.
     Firstly, The Posse of Angels is reminding us that 2016 is a ‘9’ year and therefore a year of completion. The frequency of a ‘9’ year makes it energetically much easier for souls to cross over as they are finally done with their earthly incarnation. In several cases, including Bowie, Rickman, Haggerty and Angeli, they had all had been battling cancer for a long time. This completion allows souls to conclude the cycle that they chose to come back and experience.
     Secondly, The Posse of Angels is saying that all of these souls were enormous creators, as they brought forth great light to the Planet – doing what they loved doing. Their artistry whether it was their producing, acting, singing, or musical performances showed us the physical manifestation of their pure joy and passion. With their crossing over, many of us felt an emptiness, almost a feeling of disbelief that they could actually die, as they seemed larger than life. (I had this same feeling several years ago when Robin Williams exited the planet, as it was surreal and almost unbelievable for me to comprehend.)

     Their crossing over shows us that we only have a finite time to spend on this physical plane and, if legends larger than life can exit, then so can we.

     As their creativity leaves the planet, it gets us to look at our own creativity, to see where we can foster more passionate expression in our lives. When many of my clients have seen that I have written several books, they tell me that their intuition has repeatedly told them to write a book, and yet they keep procrastinating. Others have told me that they feel a great urge to draw, paint, take up a musical instrument, but they either sabotage their time or don’t attempt to create because they think they will not be good at it or they won’t make any money.
     With these giants of creativity leaving the Planet, it passes the mantle on to us to create beauty through the arts and expand our horizons by the energy of creating; which then goes on to manifest limitless possibilities for the Universe to support our creative endeavors.
     With the passing of so many notable personalities, we remember their songs, where we were at a particular time, how it affected our lives and we are blessed to revisit their melodies and their movies in the wonderful legacy that they left behind. And while each of us may not be a Bowie, a Glen Frey or an Alan Rickman, it does remind us of the importance of expressing who we are and may have us wondering what artistic endeavors might we also wish to leave behind as our legacy when we choose to cross over.

     The Posse of Angels is assuring us not to become to complacent as there will be more creative souls this year who choose to complete their Earth plane cycle and cross over. The higher spiritual meaning to so many creative souls leaving at the same time is to jolt us in to creating; for that is what our soul cries out for.

     Our Spirit came back in physical form to make manifest through our energies of creating and our soul is called upon to grow and experience through that creation. And The Posse of Angels wish to remind us that it is not in the completion of the book, the drawing, the photograph or the composition that we will experience our fullness; it is in the process of creating. Through the creation, we will be taken on a magical journey of opening ourselves up to the Divine inside all of us and feel a kinship and a closeness with God as we are one; bringing forth new life and new possibilities.

     Our lives and certainly our energies were never meant to be stagnant; as we are always evolving and feel best when we are allowing ourselves to experience and open up to new adventures. And since our lives are a co-creative dance, we don’t experience those new adventures by waiting for the Universe to give to us. We keep inventing and reinventing ourselves, allowing the curious child within to explore and discover different ways of expression that make us feel alive.
     It is this aliveness within us that speaks directly and resonates most with the Universe. With this energetic match of the joyous, abundant feelings of being creative, the Universe then presents us matching opportunities and connections to foster, support and promote our passionate efforts.

     The Posse of Angels wish for us to remember that our dreams of having an international best selling book tour and endorsements from those people in high places have much less of a chance of ever happening, if we do not follow our intuition and write the book in the first place.

     Once you reawaken and allow yourself to join in and let yourself be swept away by the creative rhythms within, watch how your reality begins to support and promote this alive feeling in you by sending you miraculous partners to aid in your own unique co-creative dance of life.

Must run now and write another book!!
Love and Angel Blessings,

Claire Candy Hough
Author of "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness and ‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher  // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough