Thursday, June 30, 2016

Age Appropriate Is No Longer Appropriate

     I recently attended my first ever concert at the Hollywood Bowl as Pete and I went to see Paul Simon, who at 74 years of age, is on yet another world tour. After 11 studio albums, 2 live albums, 9 compilation albums and 15 singles, he is promoting his new album, entitled “Stranger to Stranger”. Paul Simon is firmly planted in my memories, as I am a baby boomer, and I anticipated that listening to his music again would transport me back to former places and times. But when the concert began, I found myself more captivated with the energy that this musical genius was emitting now and it was very different from how I remembered him years ago. 

     I always found Paul Simon to be an amazing innovator, a completely unique songwriter and yet his energies, at least when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, seemed so fragile to me; as if he was trying to prove his worth to others. But now at 74, he has come home to himself and is totally comfortable with who he is. I am not sure when this change started for him, but I can tell you personally having turned 60 this past year, that when you get to the stage in your life in which you realize that you do not have to justify any part of yourself, it is utterly magical.
       It is magical because you realize that the narrative and inner dialog that might have been perpetuated about not being worthy, not measuring up, or being in constant competition with others, was merely an illusion. What is most important is A) How we feel about ourselves and B) How we authentically and honestly show up in the world. Looking at his photo to endorse his new tour and latest album, I can energetically see a softness, a sweetness; a soul who seems totally at peace in knowing his value and worth in the grand scheme of life.
       In the box that we were seated in, I struck up a conversation with a mother and daughter. They said that they were excited to see Paul Simon, but the mother commented that she could not believe that he was still touring, and that the rock and roll lifestyle was not age appropriate for someone in their 70’s. I did not say anything, but I wondered if Stevie Nicks at 68 years of age, and hotter and more in demand than ever, would agree with her.
       With this woman’s words still ringing in my ears, it got me wondering about the phrase ‘Age Appropriate’. Many people are not only amazed that Paul Simon is still touring in his 70’s, but they are more amazed by how fresh and creative his new album is; as he is once again using new ideas, instruments and rhythms. Sure those of us who remembered him from decades ago were thrilled that he played ‘Graceland’,’ 'Julio Down By the School Yard’, and ‘Diamonds On the Souls Of Her Shoes’, but it was his  juices of creativity that still flowed in his new songs that caught my attention the most.

       Many of us who are conscious and living an awakened life have our goals, dreams and desires, but how many of us truly envisage creating the physical manifestation of those desires into our 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. 90’s and beyond? On my last week’s Angel Healing House Radio show, I had a caller ask when she could retire. The Posse of Angels was quick to point out that if she was passionate about what she was doing, then she would never wish to retire because it fed her soul. Yet, many of us were programmed to retire because of the dictates of age, rather than allowing ourselves to be motivated to passionately create with joy, regardless of our years on the Planet.
       Much of our modern, western society has been driven by a culture of youth and once one’s looks fade, that person is supposed to put their affairs in order; as if they have nothing else to contribute. Yet, this goes counter to the beliefs of many around the world. In cultures throughout time, whether it was Native Americans, The Mayan, or Asian cultures, it was the wise crones, in particular the older women of the tribe, who had pride of place to be the revered teachers and wise vessels that carried the wisdom and knowledge to impart to the next generation.
       I believe that the whole notion of ‘Age Appropriateness’ was perpetuated in order to suppress the wisdom and the invaluable experience that these older individuals have to share with others. Seems to me that the term 'Age Appropriate' was created to put limitations and restrictions on what each of us is capable of and what is possible at any age.

       The Posse of Angels is jumping in here and reminding us that you are never too old to do something amazing, and that no one ages in Heaven; unless they choose to look older for some reason. (I always see the Etheric Counsel as wise old sages.) They are asking us to think back to our younger days and how so much of our time and energy was focused on our looks and whether we measured up to the competition. For many of us, our self-esteem and what we thought we could do was largely based on how the rest of the world reacted to us, rather than inner acceptance and a deep knowing that we were fully co-created by Source to be who we Divinely are. 

       So knowing that “Age Appropriate is No Longer Appropriate’ what may have seemed to have a limited shelf-life, like a dream or an experience is for many not a problem in their latter years. The Posse of Angels is sharing with us that there are certain things that we all can do to not fall into restricting ourselves by saying that we are too old to experience something or to start a new endeavor.
     Firstly, if it makes you happy and excited than these are your best barometers to take inspired action, and not if you are young enough to do something. Do not allow the fear of failure to stop you from stepping forward to your dreams and your desires, no matter what age you are.
       Secondly, in order to go beyond age being a determinant as to what we can do, it is vital to keep the little boy or girl inside of us alive. Please allow yourself to be curious about life, and when the opportunity arises, go on unexpected adventures and allow yourself to have more experiences. Try new things, speak to different people, challenge yourself and know deep in your heart that there is no failure, just missed opportunities that we say no to out of fear.
       Ask yourself “What is it that I still wish to do?”, What do I feel excited and passionate about? “What do I wish to enthusiastically share with the world?” It is these motivations that will keep us young, and just like Paul Simon at age 74, it will keep the juices of creativity nourishing our soul, keeping us vital and feeling alive.
       The Posse of Angels is assuring us that we were never supposed to be defined by age, by any number or anything for that matter, as we are all limitless, Divine eternal beings. They are sharing with us that if we truly realised our full potential, it would blow our minds! And they are reminding us that being ageless is just that, a state of mind!
     It is important to remember that there is a fountain of youth in each one of us. The secret to tap into this magical fountain has nothing to do with our physical appearance. We experience it through our mind, our talents, our heartfelt passions and our creativity that we bring to our life. For when we tap into these things, each one of us will surely have transcended age.

Love and Angel Blessings,

Claire Candy Hough
Author of 
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
Angels of Faith’
 Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough

“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough

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