Sunday, April 30, 2017

Ask Different Questions

     With four planets in retrograde during the month of April, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto, their backward energies gave us all much-needed time to re-edit our lives. I used this re-evaluating energy to review the many podcast interviews that I have done with radio and TV hosts over the past fourteen years; as I will be adding them to my website. It was a wonderful trip down memory lane and just as one might watch old home movies that capture a certain moment, these snippets in time gave me a chance to see the arc of my growth as a guest.
     I noted that somethings were very different; my mode of dress, my hairstyles, and my nervous self-aware manner. While watching some of those early clips, I was so anxious about sharing just the ‘right’ answers that my stilted delivery made me seem as I was not fully present. Trying so hard to be an authority in my field, I had not realized that all I needed to do was to open-up and allow the information to flow out of me, rather than trying to be word-perfect and exacting. As the years rolled by and the numbers of interviews increased, I could see such a marked difference in my comfort level as a speaker. Over time, I had become quite used to answering the similar, predictable questions that many of the hosts asked.
     Yet this week, I was delighted to be taken out of my comfort zone when I was asked to be interviewed by a wonderful Australian gentleman by the name of Simon Drew, who has a podcast that he has entitled, “Searching for Good”. During our time together, he did something very different, he simply chose to ask different questions. Rather than starting off our interview by asking me to speak about my titles, certifications and accomplishments i.e my background/bio, being a Reiki Master/Teacher, an Author, Writer and Radio Host, his first question was, “What is your mission?”
     Asking someone their mission gets them to take a deeper look at the underlying current beneath all aspects of their lives: what motivates them and why they do what they do. In some ways, our mission is a non-negotiable creed or force that directs our life, regardless of what happens and regardless of what we choose to do with our lives. This one was easy for me as ever since my angelic Walk-In experience, I have been crystal clear that I am here to be of service to humanity by helping others to live from their Divine eternal natures and helping them to have the courage to creatively pursue and live their passion.
      Expecting for this young man to launch into questions about my books and services, he simply asked, “What scares me?” I was like a deer caught in the headlights, as I scrambled for an answer. My first response was that knowing that I am a child of God and protected, guided and provided for in every moment, my initial answer was nothing. But, I quickly answered that if I was to be completely honest, what I am most fearful of is being without my Twin-Flame Pete if he should cross over before me. (Now there may be a possibility that I cross over before him or we will both contract to cross together.) Each of these scenarios is Divinely orchestrated, but in my human heart, it is inconceivable how I will be able to go on without him.
     Trying to compose myself, the interesting and unusual questions kept coming.
“Is there anything that I wish that I had been taught as a child, rather than learned by myself?” As a girl growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, I was taught to be acquiescent, compliant and to put my desires last, as the dreams of my brothers were the priority. And I wished that I had been taught to honor and respect my gifts as a writer and encouraged to live my dreams. But the angel who is in the body, Angel Ariel, knows that we learn our best lessons in contrast. And by not being supported, it encouraged me to find my voice, to empower me that I too was worthy and deserving of being recognized, and it fueled my courage in pursuing my dreams even more. This question made me realize that by not having my dreams supported, it built great resilience and formed my determined, resolute character to believe in myself.
Who would I like to have a conversation with who has crossed over?
     Great question! I took a deep breath and answered that I would most like to spend time with Jesus’s most important disciple, the profoundly wise Mary Magdalene; as so much of the world’s ills stem from the suppressing of the Divine feminine and patriarchal dominance. I would love to discuss, her wisdom in the Gospels According to Mary Magdalene, which the Church conveniently left of out of the Bible and her being vilified as a whore.
      I added that in my telepathic conversations that I have had with Mary, she was never concerned with being called a prostitute, as she knew that just as Jesus had been persecuted for shining his light as the Divine Masculine, she was the symbol and light for the Divine Feminine and she was also persecuted for the part that she was asked to play. She shared with me, “It is often the most persecuted of souls who are the strongest and come back to play contrasting roles on Earth to shine their light to awaken others. Mary said that she played this role, and though difficult, there is no greater path in life than to follow the bidding of God’s will.”
And I loved this question, “What is your favorite book and why?
     I chose “Walden: A life in the Woods” by Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau abandoned society in 1845 built himself a home on Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts where he lived for two years. He said that he learned from the experiment that if one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and they endeavor to live the life which they have imagined, they will meet with success in unexpected ways.” He implored us to live in congruence with nature, instead of chasing money, fame, and material possessions. All native cultures and tribes who thrived and prospered knew how to live with the rhythms of Mother Earth. Probably his most famous quote is “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” 
     It was only after our interview that I had learned that by having been asked very different questions, I was able to discover new facets about myself. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that the answers in life are easy, it is the questions that are difficult. And they are explaining that if we are enlightened to be asking the questions in the first place, it means that the answers have already been seeded within the wisdom that God placed in our soul.
      If we keep asking the same questions, we will never grow, be challenged and never open doorways to experience different answers. By having the courage to go off the beaten track, and having a genuine, invested interest in delving deeper into what makes his guests tick, this charming, Aussie fellow unearthed a hidden treasure trove of riches into the unique and singular driving force underneath his guest’s accomplishments.
     Have a listen to my complete interview with Simon Drew in the link below, to discover what other revealing questions he asked. And in your quiet time of reflection, pose these very same revealing and well thought-out questions to yourself; and you just might be amazed at what you find out about you.
Love and Angel Blessings.
Claire Candy Hough
Author of “I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
Angels of Faith’
 Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough

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