Friday, February 24, 2012
Love of Self
With one of my radio shows scheduled for Tuesday mornings at 11am, I took note that it was Valentine’s Day, and centered the topic around Love of Self. Actually, the angels were very amused with the whole Valentine’s Day thing. They asked me, “Why don’t humans have a National Breathing Day?” and “Why isn’t there a National Beating of your Heart Day?” Both of these things happen naturally and most of the time they occur without us realizing it. I guess their point is that to love and to be loved is a natural thing that all human beings have, and that we can have love in our lives in any second that we choose.
But most of the time, we are so dead set on preaching to the Universe how love is supposed to be in our lives, that we diminish and close off the possibilities of how and when we can experience love.
If we buy into the vision of love perpetuated by the greeting card companies, the chocolate makers, the florists and the jewelers, we can get caught up in a very commercialized form of love that is built around conditions and expectations.
For instance, some of these conditions might be that:
• my partner loves me if he buys me flowers. Or,
• if he really loves me, he will buy me flowers and a diamond ring. Or,
• if he truly loves me the most, he will buy me flowers, a diamond ring, a new Ferrari and
a villa in the South of France.
The whole point is that once we start to play this game, it is difficult to know where to stop.
You might be chuckling to yourself, but there was a time in my life that I was associated with people who were just like this. They were so caught up in climbing the social ladder of ‘who could acquire the most’ that they were materially blinded to anything remotely associated with feeling rich by connecting to their free emotion of love within.
Appropriating a single day to show love is so insanely ludicrous because at the most profound depth of whom we are as human beings, is the fact that WE ARE LOVE in every single second!
In fact, we are so inextricably linked with God that even if we do not think we are love, this connection of divine love always exits underneath any false premise that we choose to perpetuate. And if it is dormant and asleep within us, love can be re-awakened in the blink of an eye.
And counter to what all the great romance novels and romantic movies have shown us, love does not happen because of who we are with, love happens because of who we are.
But, it can only happen with our permission.
Many times , we deny that we are love because we are replaying old programming of taking to heart someone else’s words that caused us to feel not worthy, not deserving or like we somehow didn’t measure up. But deep within, underneath any negative belief system, regardless of what you have done, what you have received and who you are, the angels want to remind you that you are:
More Beautiful , more Powerful and more Magnificent than you could possibly ever imagine.
Just for the record, my Posse of angels and I want to remind you that you are a child of God and adored and loved, not only on a specific day, but on every single second of every single day, month and year since you were born and before you were born. This is not dependent on what you are given, what you own, what you drive, what you wear or if you ever produce, achieve or even create anything.
This love is indisputable, unconditional, constant and un-wavering.
How extraordinarily fortunate are we!!!
If your life is not representative of these words, it is because you have forgotten who you are and are allowing external expectations and conditions to dictate how and if you are to be loved.
Actually the hardest I have ever seen the angels weep, is for those clients who have completely forgotten who they are; as they are denying their divine love inside. Because when we forget who we are, we stop loving ourselves and stop seeing ourselves as having any importance. Once we stop acknowledging our importance, we then begin to seek and find our identity in other people and things outside of ourselves.
This is giving our power away. Over the last 10 years, through my business, Angel Healing House, I have lost count of all the clients who have gone through relationship breakdowns that have said that they need their ex to feel loved; as they feel so empty without them. The clients are rightfully empty as most of their relationships were co-dependent and they did very little to nurture and nourish their own self-worth. Once their partner leaves them, they fall pretty heavily, as they have been leaning on the other person for their sense of love.
One of the greatest ways that I find to keep reminding me about ‘Love of Self’ is by honoring and respecting who I am. I do this by honoring and encouraging my unique gifts and talents. You know, there might be others out there with similar gifts, but there never has been another me, with my set of unique fingerprints. And nobody does things in quite the same way that I do them. This reminds me of when I wrote my beloved book ‘Angels of Faith.” I could have said, “Why write a book, there already have been lots of books written about angels.” But I knew in my heart that there never had been, never is and never will be another book written with the same energies and intention that mine was written with.
Once you allow this feeling of uniqueness to permeate through you, you begin to value your contribution to yourself, others and to the Planet. You begin to see yourself as an integral part of life and you find joy in making yourself a priority. Not at the expense of anyone else, but you begin to see that your dreams and desires are just as significant as any others.
So remember, if you were disappointed by Valentine’s Day or any other day, ask yourself where in your life that you can put more focus and attention on the creation of your importance. Perhaps you could:
Write that book that you have inside yourself?
Dare to switch to a more honoring job?
Honor your gifts and talents and share them with the world.
And if your woke up Valentine’s morning and did not find your new Ferraris parked in your garage, or your breakfast tray did not come with two plane tickets to your villa in the South of France, remember that love is not something that you are given or have to search for,
love is something that you already are.
Until next time, remember that by having a life-long love affair with yourself, it will constantly bring you the richest fulfillment from the inside out.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Let Go of Logic and Watch Miracles Happen
The subject for this newsletter did not happen with grace and ease.
As I mentally danced around trying to logically figure out what to write, it dawned on me to share with you an amazing, magical addition to my life. I cannot believe that this addition only happened a mere 3 weeks ago. And it happened as a result of going against logic.
To begin with, I would just like to describe where we all are from a collective consciousness point of view. For the last several years, many of us have lost jobs or have become so disillusioned and dissatisfied with our current jobs, that it is actually causing us pain, and un-wellness to stay in a certain line of work. This is because we can longer live lives doing anything that does not resonate with our hearts. In all that we do and create, we must be authentic, honest, open and transparent in order to feel joyful, complete, whole and empowered. There are many of us, who have listened to the still small voice in our hearts and stepped forward into perusing what we are passionate about. The beginning of 2012 has seen many of us either getting used to new businesses, careers, or nurturing and encouraging our deeply felt passions within. (If you have not stepped forward into creating what you are passionate about yet, I would go so far as to say that there are many who have at least, given it some very careful consideration.)
This ‘breaking away’ or leaving our former employment came after a great deal of soul searching and honoring the longing in our hearts to do that which we love. And as we have stepped forward into taking action by leaving the old and painful, and doing that which brings us joy, it seems that we now find ourselves getting used to something very new.
In fact, the Universe is supporting us, as it has created a time of quiet and a lull or ‘down time’ for us to integrate this ‘newness’ into our lives.
This getting used to something new is not only relegated to those who have left jobs to pursue their passion, but it also holds true for those of us, like myself, who absolutely love what we do. For those who love their work, I find that new strings are being added to our bow of life, in order to enrich, increase and enhance what we do already.
This ‘newness’ for me came as a result of a message I received from my Posse on January 2nd. Now for those of you who might not know, I am part of an angelic family, 537 angels to be exact, who I lovingly refer to as my Posse; as they always have my back.
The message that they gave me on January 2ndwas to get a psychic reading!
After I caught my breath from laughing so hard, I told them, “No! What are you crazy! I do not need to get a reading from another psychic. End of Story!”
Over the next few days, their message to get a reading from another psychic became louder and louder and louder.
As I had recently, updated my information on LinkedIn and created my own group of Angel Intuitives and Angel Practitioners, I now had quite a number of clairvoyants following me. Knowing that my Posse would never steer me wrong, I softened my resistance to their suggestion and began to look at the profiles of psychics that I was now connected to. As I stared at their profile pictures, I did not receive any overwhelming confirmation as to step forward and connect with any of them. The day after my investigation, I received a random email from a fellow by the name of Psychic Jethro asking me if he could connect with me on my LinkedIn network. As soon as I saw his photo, I got a barrage of shivers all up and down my body, and I knew that he was the one. I immediately phoned him and inquired as to the duration and cost of his readings.
Without any exaggeration, this was the following conversation:
Jethro paused when he heard my voice, and said in a breathless tone, “Jeez!! Oh my gosh!! Look at all the angels around you, you are one of them! I have never seen that many angels around any one! (Pause) My angels and guides are telling me that I cannot charge you the full price for a reading, I need to heavily discount it for you. (Pause)
They are saying that you are going to be on radio and that I am here to help you with that. (Pause)
How would you like to co-host my radio show on Blog Talk Radio next Tuesday? My angles are saying that I need to promote you; so send me your bio, your photo and a flyer.
To give you some practice, I would love for you to take calls for angel readings on my show next week, how does that sound?”
Stunned I said, “Thank you, that would be lovely.”
Three days later, on Jan. 24th, I co-hosted the live radio show with Psychic Jethro and it felt exhilarating to take phone calls and bring forth guidance and advice from my Posse.
The day after, I signed up with Blog Talk Radio and scheduled two of my own radio shows every week-Tuesdays at 11 am (PST) and Thursdays at 10 am (PST)
In less than 2 weeks, I am having the time of my life, doing what I always loved doing-healing and bringing forth angelic messages. But now, I have a much wider audience and scope to reach people, as I am doing it on a national and international level. If anyone had told me even 4 weeks ago, that I would be hosting my own radio program, I would have told them that they were crazy.
This great opportunity for me would never have happened, had I not listened to the ‘ILLOGICAL” message from my Posse to “get a psychic reading’.
And I guess the point in all of this is, that in this time of quiet that we are all experiencing, it is giving us an opportunity to hone in on and perfect those gifts and talents of ours that are going to help us enormously when those miraculous doors of synchronicity begin to open and start to fulfill our intentions in a HUGE way.
As I said to one of my callers on my radio program this morning, “Hold tight to your dreams, your wishes and your intentions. Keep polishing and perfecting the diamond, which is the passion in your heart. Because, as the lyrics from the Eagles song tells us: ‘Everything can change, in a New York minute.’
Fortune not only favors the bold, but those who open themselves up to receive in the most convoluted, illogical and limitless ways that God and the angels want to deliver the answer to our prayers and fulfill our intentions.
It just dawned on me, I must have the faith of at least a mustard seed to have said yes to receive a psychic reading and I have been paid back and will continue to be paid back, in ways that I can’t even possibly imagine. I’ll keep you posted.
Until next time, open yourself up to receive and follow the magic in your life.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
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