Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Power of One-The Power of Ourselves
Happy New Year to one and all! I cannot believe that it is already 2013 and we are already 11 days passed the much anticipated and debated date of 12-21-12. With so much speculation about that much prophesized date, this new year of 2013 was kind of an afterthought and hardly given much consideration. As we marched towards Dec 21st, many of us were consumed with filling ourselves and our beloved Planet with as much love and light as we possibly could. Now that we have advanced and assured Mother Earth’s ascension into the Golden Age of Peace, there are many who are looking around in the aftermath of this date’s passing and saying to themselves, “Okay, now what?” There are even some others who are experiencing a bit of a let-down; as the passing of this much anticipated day might have seemed like the passing of any other date on the calendar. My angelic family, The Posse of Angels, is saying that they can really understand what many people are feeling right now. They know that many of us Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, and Spiritual Warriors, knew that we signed on for the greatest mission of all time. Whether we remember it or not, we signed on to raise our energetic frequencies with as much light and love as possible, and to then help awaken others to do the same. Now that that mission is accomplished, we may now be looking around our lives and asking ourselves, “What happens now?’ This is a very valid question as much of our time, effort, money and physical, mental, emotional and spiritual fortitude went into following and completing our Divine mission.
“What happens now?” is not readily apparent to any of us; as we have no way of knowing this answer. The reason for this has a lot to do with who we are now, and the fact that we are residing in a very new energetic reality. The Posse of Angels want us to know that with the passing of this 12-21-12, whether we consciously or unconsciously have helped ourselves and the world to ascend, is that we are all starting again fresh with a clean slate. With many of us no longer reacting to nor controlling life, we are living from zero point in the nano-second of the now.
By living in zero point energies, many of us have rediscovered and are now able to align with The Power of One-The Power of Ourselves. This enormous power has always been within us, but was hidden away by the negative programming of fear and control.
Living from zero point provides us with an immediate connection to every other living thing in the Universe and opens all doors to vast, boundless possibilities. Living from this Power of One, we are able to create without restriction by using limitless potential and connection to all. As a result of this, many of the old adages that we built our lives around, such as, “Life was never meant to be easy” and “Time waits for no-one”, simply do not apply anymore. In fact, by allowing your energies to align directly with zero point energies, each one of us has all the time we will ever desire and life is a constant state of ease and grace. There is no way to know the answer to the question, “What happens now?” because as we get used to living in this very new energetic reality of zero point, we will be creating our realities moment by moment by utilizing this extraordinary Power of One.
There have been many beings who have walked our beloved Planet who have realized this vast Power of One within. Some who have brought forth this amazing power were Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Gandhi, and Mother Theresa, to name a few. They each in their own way made a monumental mark and affected so many others. The Posse of Angels is reminding us, that YOU have the exact same capacity to affect many. Now some of you might be saying, “But, I’m not a Ghandi”.
Just imagine if Gandhi had, had the chance to be himself and create from this extraordinary Power of One. But instead, he suddenly chose to stop himself from sharing what he believed by saying, “But who am I to speak aloud, I am not a Buddha, a Jesus nor a Mohammed.” How sad would it have been for our Planet, if Gandhi had not shared who he was with the world? Like Gandhi, you are a powerful force of God and have the ability to change the world; for each one of us is empowered with the same creative force-The Power of One-that created the Universe to begin with.
So how do we utilize this Power of One in this new reality that we find ourselves in? Well, the extraordinary thing is that it is not dependent on the old ways of ‘doing, planning and organizing in order to bring about a predetermined outcome. I’ll give you an example of how things now work in these new energies by utilizing The Power of One within.
Several months ago, I was trading readings with a clairvoyant friend of mine. She turned a card over and suddenly said,
"You are going to Hawaii.” I laughed in disbelief. Although, I had wished, intended and told God about my heartfelt desire of going on holiday to a warm climate with my husband Pete, I told my friend that my husband was working 7 days a week and that he could not get time off. She laughed and said, “It doesn’t matter, you will be going!” It was 4 weeks later, when a client of mine sent me an email saying that he was vacationing in Kauai, Hawaii and he invited us to stay in his condominium over the Thanksgiving holiday. I was thrilled and immediately text my husband and told him of the invitation. He said that there was no way that he could get the time off from work. Crestfallen and disappointed, I emailed my client, thanked him and told him that we were unable to take him up on his generous offer. Greatly disheartened, I figured that we had missed our chance on our holiday in the sun. But what I didn’t remember is that those of us who are clear, aligned only with the boundless energies of zero point and connected to this Power of One within, have unlimited possibilities to manifest what we desire.; as we are now living in a very different dimensional reality.
It was 2 weeks later, when different clients of mine, a husband and wife, called and said that they wanted to gift us their time share condominium for a week in 2013….on the beautiful island of Maui. This time when I tentatively texted Pete and asked him if we could go on the specified dates, he said yes; as the show he works on, 'The Voice' would be on hiatus during that time. I was absolutely elated as my dream of going on vacation to someplace warm and beachy with Pete had come true.
But then it dawned on me, what would have happened if Pete could not have gone on those second dates that were offered to us? When I asked the Posse of Angles, their reply made me really comprehend that many of us are now living in a very different reality.
They said that if Pete had not been available to go the second time around, than the Universe would have just kept bringing me possibilities to fulfill my hearts’ desire of a beach holiday.
This was possible because I chose to tap into and allowed myself to become the exact reflection of pure potential, aligning with my limitless Divine connection within. By knowing at our deepest core that there is only what we desire, we can then choose to let go and allow God unlimited access of the' how' and 'when' to take care of the fulfillment of our desires.
In fact, when I told God that I longed for a beach holiday, I didn’t tell the Universe where or under what circumstances it had to happen. I didn’t worry where the finances were going to come from, or start saving money. I simply co-created with the greatest Source of all, God, along with the greatest Source within me, my Divine connection to God, and allowed the rest of the magic to happen. It finally dawned on me that the greatest thing that I did was simply and effortlessly open to receive.
Those, like myself, who have come home to the Power of One within, are no different to others, except for one thing. We have allowed ourselves to believe in miracles. As we choose to be the reflection of pure potential, then we are open to receive miracles; because miracles are just unlimited pure potential made manifest on the physical plane.
Having now comprehended the enormity of just how easy and graceful life is, I asked The Posse of Angels if it was always this simple. Their immediate reply was yes, but they cautioned that absolutely no one, not even God, can get a person to believe in their pure potential; for we still have free will and free choice.
So truly knowing at your deepest core that you have arrived in a very different vibrational reality, what do you intend in your heart?
For me I expect perfect health and for my life to always run smoothly, to be abundant, prosperous and rich. I expect not only wonderful things to occur in my life, but I expect the magical, miraculous and extraordinary to come looking for me and always find me.
Above all, I expect gracious, generous and loving God to shower me with the endless fulfillment of my wishes and intentions and treat me like the favored child that I have finally come home to and now know that I Am.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher
Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host
Author of "Angels of Faith"
CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Monday, October 29, 2012
Paint The Most Amazing Portrait Of Your Life
What is it about this October that has many of us longing for change in our lives? Yes, we may be having the usual seasonal desire for pumpkin pancakes and spiced lattes, but as the month progresses there seems to be a growing anticipation of a new life on the horizon for many. And I’ve noticed that this feeling of change coming in transcends where we live on the Planet. And while my clients in the southern hemisphere are not bobbing for apples, they are feeling the warmer temperatures of spring weather and are experiencing a sense of renewal. Regardless of where we live, this excited energy has many of us discarding the old and embracing the new; as we anticipate changes in our lives that are getting us ready to feel reborn.
This feeling of leaving the past and embracing the new, brought to mind a wonderful childhood memory.
As a little girl, I remember growing up on a farm in Virginia and watching Mother Nature come alive in the spring after a long frozen winter. On one of my walks through the beautiful countryside, I heard a bird chirping and flying around a nest. As I looked up, I watched the bird excitedly dart back and forth, over the nest. Suddenly I saw a small bird peek over the side and quickly pull its head back out of sight. I sat down on a patch of grass and watched with curiosity as the small bird performed this same action several times. All of sudden, the small bird seemed to throw itself out of the nest and it began to plummet to the ground, When miraculously, half way down, this tiny bird instinctively spread his wings and glided to the earth. I sat transfixed at the wonder and marvel and the deep unconscious knowing that, that little creature had demonstrated. It knew that it had grown too big for the nest, but the thought of leaving the comfort and security of its home was terrifying. With the feeling that it was his time to leave, along with his parent’s shrill urging, he leapt forth. It was only after he had leapt from his familiar, but restricted nest that he could spread his wings fully and remember how to fly.
This memory made me think about all the things that we have outgrown in our lives that are restricting us. The things or people that we have outgrown and are now energetically expired past their used by dates; as they do not serve us anymore for our highest good. It seems like I can’t turn down a street in our neighborhood without seeing someone having a garage sale, for sale signs on homes and moving trucks. With this thought in mind, October had us all re-evaluating our lives to see what was working for us and what was not. During the month of October, I gave away so many things to Goodwill, as I have an overwhelming urge to start anew and get rid of anything that does not serve me for my greatest good. This feeling of getting rid of the old was such an important component of October’s energy, that it would serve each and every one of us to really take some time to consider what we can finally let go of. In this way, we can be clear enough to truly start to paint the most inspired magnificent portrait of our lives that we can possibly imagine.
Just imagine that you are standing before an easel and preparing to paint the most magnificent portrait of your life. You go downstairs into a dark, damp, cluttered basement and start to search through dusty, mildewed boxes for your old paints and brushes. After brushing away the cobwebs, and shooing away the mice and spiders you finally come across your art supplies and take them upstairs into the light of day. Opening your old box of paints, you see that the cakes of paint have worn down thin and are cracked and there are splotches of hardened paint caked on the palette.
You then open up the rusted clasp of your case holding your brushes. Many of the brushes are thin, having lost many of their bristles and the majority of the brushes are bent and misshapen. Suddenly your enthusiasm, for creating what is new, fresh and alive, is somewhat dampened by using old, energetically tired and worn out art supplies.
And while October had us rummaging around in the basements, closets and attics of our lives to really assess those things and people that were not serving us for our highest good anymore, November is all about buying ourselves that new set of paints to help us create a masterpiece.
When you have decided to paint your wonderful new masterpiece of your life, it is important to not fall into the same old ways of painting that we chose when we painted our former lives
#1- Please make sure that you choose colors that are infused with love and light, brightness and radiance. For instance, in my former life of fear, low self-worth and sabotage, I chose a limited set of colors that were dark and I mainly used greys, browns and black to express what I was feeling. Choosing to paint a very different portrait of my life 10 years ago, I started with a new easel and new paints and brushes. My new color choices were bright and as such they excitedly laughed, giggled and skipped along the paper as they were illuminating and had an infectious vibrancy about them. Even though you may purchase a new easel for yourself, there is a caution to not paint with the same colors that you might have used to paint a previous life that was not honoring and respectful as to who you are now.
#2-When I painted my former life, I was so careful to not color outside of the lines. My hands and arms were restricted by the programming, belief systems and the ‘ought to’s’ and ‘have to’s’ of other people telling me how I should paint. This restriction of my life force energy had me so afraid of making a mistake that it stopped the ease and grace of the creative force within me. When painting, allow yourself to be vulnerable to express yourself with unbridled abandonment without any constrictions. In this way you will allow yourself to open and experience joy.
#3-As I allowed myself to choose colors of light and gave myself permission to have unbridled freedom to create from my heart, I noticed that my whole perspective in my painting, as well as all aspects of my life started to shift. With my new found ability to communicate through my art with ease and grace, I also noticed that I was allowing myself to communicate verbally and express myself fully, honestly, authentically, openly and without apology. By changing my perspective, my life became an adventure of my own beautiful creation, as there were no prescribed ways to live. As a result of my new creative freedom, I suddenly became totally open to receive; as though my arms were thrown wide open to embrace all possibilities.
Now whether you choose to take pointers from Picasso and draw people that look like dogs or perhaps you choose to grace a cathedral with your talent like Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel is just a matter of preference. Regardless of who’s work you are drawn to and admire in the world of art, may I suggest that you stay true to the greatest artist of them! For each and every one of us has been endowed with the soul of an artist and it was actually written into our DNA and decreed by God that we are inherently abundant with creative skills. So remember when you are painting, allow yourself to be free, and remain youthful and connected to the child within.
In this way your portrait will represent the wonder and the enchantment of life and never get staid and boring. By remaining connected to the child within, we never stop looking for the extraordinary and wonderful in life. And when we consciously look for the magic in life and we paint it in our portraits, it has a magical way of manifesting into our reality.
This November, get your smocks out, your painter’s beret, your fresh paints, brushes and easels and have a marvelous time joyously creating the most miraculous portrait of your life.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Angel Healing House
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
'Sing the Divine Song in Your Heart'
I recently had a conversation with a rather disheartened, despondent friend of mine who is 6 months away from his 40th birthday. He is a reluctant waiter, a sometimes actor and a very passionate musician. Since moving to LA two years ago, I have seen that he is in very good company with many others in this City of Angels. This lovely but forlorn chap is doing work that makes him sad, while waiting for his dreams to come true. In addition to being unhappy with so many aspects of his life, the fact that he would be turning the decrepit, old age of 40 exacerbated his disillusion; like he should have achieved something grand or noteworthy by this historical milestone. I was a good friend and listened and acknowledged that it was his freewill to feel disenchanted, dissatisfied and disappointed.
I smiled, as my birthday is just around the corner on October 7th and I said to him, “I guess it is all a matter of perception and choice as to how we feel. For me, I will be turning the very young, enthusiastic, and energized age of 57 and I am so excited about my life and my creative projects coming to fruition. I then quoted Al Pacino in the movie ‘Scent of a Woman’ and gleefully announced, ‘I’m just getting started’!!!
I went on to share with him that when I turned 40, I felt very much like he did, and that my crushing sense of defeat continued for me until I turned 48. So what changed for me, and how did I go from a life of despair, to living Heaven on Earth. Well, to put it in a nutshell, I stopped waiting for my life to happen and I began to create the grandest vision of who I was. I unabashedly, and without hesitation, began to sing the song in my heart. After silencing myself for a lifetime, I did this not to change the world, not even for others to hear me, but because it was my song. Yet, going from a life of disillusion where I allowed everyone else to dictate what song I should sing, to finding my voice and creating the life of my dreams took courage and strength. Yet, the courage and strength had nothing to do with standing up to others. It had to do with the courage and strength to be me, to stand up to myself, in order to bring forth the music within me.
At 48, having personally bridged that seemingly impossible gap between my reality of despair, where my relationships, my job, my health and wellbeing were so foreign to any of my dreams, to living my grandest vision, I decided to put the very simple tools and steps that I did into a workshop to help others.
I speak about our grandest vision for ourselves, in my deeply personal, “Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop”, which I will be presenting not only in Los Angeles, but it is the first of my workshops to go global; as it will be a webinar workshop and available on-line on Sunday October 21st. (see details below). In this workshop, I share the very practical tools and spiritual knowledge that I used that took me on my amazing, miraculous journey of going from a co-dependent, suicidal, anorexic victim involved with abusive men, to finally creating my dreams into reality. My life before age 48 was spent, searching for the perfect lover to rescue me, instead of creating the perfect love for myself. What completely turned my life around was when I began to do very simple practical steps that changed my energies within that helped me to shift my heart to deeply love and respect myself. I did not realize it, but these steps and tools I was using were opening up long forgotten doorways to my ancient wisdom. This wisdom within all of us helps us rediscover our divine nature in order to sing our greatest song.
What makes my personal journey even more incredible is that Twin-Flame Relationships have been very, very rare on Planet Earth; as both Twins must have completely cleared and cleansed all Karma. Yet, 10 years ago, I accessed and implemented my Divine wisdom and knowledge, creating an energetic beacon of light which drew my Twin-Flame Pete to me. Ever since then, I have been helping others to access their own doorway of Twin-Flame essence in order for them to experience Heaven on Earth.
The more I followed and lived these practical tools that connected me to my Twin-Flame essence within, I noticed that extraordinary things started to manifest in my reality. Miraculous synchronicities would magically occur in answer to the intentions and desires in my heart. In fact, the correlation between me embracing and living my Divine nature, and then experiencing a Divine reality of both ease and grace was astonishing.
The “Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop” helps people with that most important relationship that we can have, and that is the relationship with ourselves. For it helps participants to shift and reconnect with their own Divine Nature within. Then and only then, can they draw a Divine love to themselves.
Now let’s go back to my rather disillusioned friend, who is 6 months away from the crushing and devastating event-as he sees it- of turning 40. As far as I can see, the main reason he is so disillusioned has nothing to do with his age. It has to do with the fact that he has chosen to diminish his life by doing something that does not give him joy. By his own choice, he chooses to remain a waiter rather than stepping forward and living his passion for music. As a friend, I hinted to him that there are lots of ways to connect with his love of music. Perhaps he could study to be a sound engineer, he could work in a record store, teach children guitar lessons, become a roadie to a band, etc
It almost does not matter what direction he chooses, just as long as it allows him to be around the creation of music. The more we are around that which we adore and resonate with, the more abundant and fulfilled we will be. Then, the Universe takes notice of these energized, abundant feelings and sends us similar connections and opportunities in that field to bring us more of what gives us joy.
Unlike my rather sad waiter friend, I allow myself to honor and respect my glorious voice, find the music in my heart, and bravely sing it out to the world. We all have the music inside of us and the world is excitedly waiting to hear it.
Come along either in person or attend online to the amazing “Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ and find out how you can passionately sing your song that is longing to be sung.
And remember, the Universe can only start to move to the rhythm of your song, if you supply the music.
Happy Singing!
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher Practitioner
Author of "Angels of Faith"
Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
Angel Healing House,
Claire Candy Hough,
Sunday, August 26, 2012
You are Ascension, You are The Shift!!!
Here we are 4 and a half months to go until the much prophesized end of 2012. There have been so many books, articles, videos and debates on what will happen in this momentous year. It seems everyone has put their two cents worth in as to what they think will occur. Even Hollywood was never far behind with terrifying movies such as 2012, which painted very vivid pictures about their take on the completion of the Mayan calendar. Yet contrary to the movie, if you asked a Mayan Elder if the world was going to end in 2012, they would emphatically say no.
Okay, if the world is not going to end, what is the big deal with 2012. Some people have said that this is the year that governments will finally disclose that we are not alone in the Universe and that they have known about our intergalactic brothers and sisters for a very long time. Some say that contrary to the scary movies and misinformation of an alien threat, our intergalactic family are peaceful and come to support and help us. Some say that this disclosure will finally reveal amazing technologies which will bring us things like free energy to stop our dependency on fossil fuels, unbelievable cures for diseases and advanced methods to clean up our Planet. Others have said that the great shift has all to do with our shift from a world of wars and man’s inhumanity to man to a loving, unified and accepting world of peace. Perhaps 2012 is all about a shift of perception, to consciously think with our hearts so that we can no longer bear to destroy and pollute our beautiful planet and its’ plants and animals. And some surmise that the greed and corruption on the Planet will be terminated as there will be an initiation of a new monetary system which will be put into place for the greatest benefit of all concerned and not just the 1%..
Now, whether 2012 is all or some of the above (with the exception of the world ending), we are all waiting in anticipation of a great shift to happen. Well, I would like to throw my 2 cents worth into the ring and tell you that the shift may or may not include any of these things. But, what is of greatest importance, is that none of these things of love, of light, of truth, of unity, of peace and of higher consciousness could ever have taken place, had we -as a collective consciousness on Planet Earth - not decided that we were going to ascend. ( Some of you may be saying, “Hey, I never got the memo about this".) For those of you who may not know, it was on the date of August 16, 1987 that many on Planet Earth basically decided to start to consciously shift their perception to create a world of love, peace and harmony. With the converging of many peoples’ energies of love, this event was called the Harmonic Convergence. And with our combined efforts of holding love and light over the last 25 years, we have been able to change the frequency level and vibration in the world.
Those that chose to hold love and light in their hearts went by many names, such as Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Starseeds, Walk-ins and many others. The names did not matter.
But what did matter is that each individual knew that he didn’t have to change the world. All we needed to do was to change from within and hold as much love and light as we possibly could for our beautiful mother, Mother Earth. We held light to help bring in love and peace and for her to be healthy again.
Whether important things happen like being introduced to our star families, or we have easy access to free energy, or the abundance and wealth that is our Divine inheritance is to be returned to us, all of these things and more remain to be seen. But the real importance for all of us to recognize is that regardless of what is coming around the corner and bringing in a whole new paradigm for the world, would not have happened without you. That’s right-YOU made it happen. That’s because YOU ARE THE SHIFT-YOU ALWAYS WERE.
The Posse of Angels want each and every one of you to know that you have accomplished that which has never been done before and our victory in changing our Planet is assured.
How the change is going to come about is almost not as important as the realization that it would not have happened without each one of us holding light and love. For you see it was always Love and Peace that had the power to co-create a new paradigm for Earth. And in order for the New Earth to be born, a lot of lower vibrational things had to break down and be released. On my radio program last week I spoke about the time we are in now calling it the calm before the new dawn. For those of us who have released many ego based behaviors and emotions around lack, we feel like we are now caught between two worlds as we have fully released the old and are now waiting for the new to arrive.
In this quiet time it is becoming very clear as to what we can no longer hang on to and to take note of how we have compromised our lives. This revision of our lives is tantamount as we become crystal clear as to what we truthfully want our lives to look like. For that is exactly what the New World is, a world of Truth. The Posse of Angels are saying that only truth can exist in an ascended Planet. We have already seen a number of instances of Truth coming to light with revelations like Lance Armstrong’s doping allegations and his being stripped of his titles, awards and money as well as being banned from cycling for life. More and more things will be revealed and major disclosures and events will begin to unfold in September as a result of so much love and light on the Planet. While things are being disclosed and the old is being revealed in order to be torn down, and cleared for our new ‘truthful’ Planet to be reborn, have faith that everything is in Divine order. And as to what actually will happen, it will help each of us to have an open mind and to remain open to be surprised. With the emergence of the New Earth, there will be so much information being shared that will be bandied around the media, TV, radio and internet. It is of utmost importance for all of us to use our discernment and listen to our hearts. If something does not feel good or resonate with you, if you are picking up that it is does not come from love and light, just detach from it, let it go and resist engaging in it. Only accept that which is of utmost Truth to you.
And with so many of us having released so much in our lives in order to live more truthfully, authentically and honestly as to who we are, I received an email from a client that most probably could be the voice for many others. This client, I’ll call her G, wrote to me and said,” Thank you so much for your intuitive counseling and Reiki healing sessions. You finally gave me the courage to let go of so much that was dishonoring in my life; as I was holding on to things that were no longer for my greatest wellbeing. Since we had our sessions, I am now living truthfully and starting over with a clean slate. Yet, I now look back over my life and I am very sad to think that I really haven’t done anything of great consequence.
What can I do to change these saddened feelings inside?” I wrote G and I shared with her that our lives are not about doing anything of great consequence; for this statement has more to do with ego and perception rather than the actual act itself. By living truthfully, our lives become a wonderful resonance of joy, as we present to the world who we authentically are.
In this way even our everyday small acts, when done with the highest intent, can have miraculous consequences. We must remember to never underestimate the power of seemingly small acts of love, light, truth, courage and kindness. These acts send out energies that have miraculous effects on the Universe. By putting our emphasis on doing “Great things” we forget that it is the little things that truly matter in life. By centering only on the big things, we so often forget of the immense effect that each of us has on each other and the whole Planet. A smile, a gentle word of encouragement, a casual email telling someone how much your life has been blessed by having that person be a part of your life, all of these things have not only great, but enormous consequences. And even though you may not see the immediate results of something great, trust that what you are doing with joy and inspiration and love in your heart is serving the planet in miraculous ways that you could never imagine. Our greatest consequence to ourselves and to the Planet is when we live our lives in true fulfillment and when allow ourselves to be in true alignment with who we are. Because each and every one of us is a conduit for God’s grace to work through in every single second, every moment of our lives can be a defining moment; if you allow it to be. If we allow ourselves to be all consumed with only doing great things-again by who’s definition is it great-we will then let the world define us. When we allow the world to define us, we will lose our way and wonder who we are and why we are here. Yet, if we define our lives by our deepest heartfelt truth, values and intentions inside, we will find a deep meaning for life, we will find love, fulfillment and peace inside. We have everything when we have inner peace.
25 years ago a relatively small percentage of people on the Planet-when compared with the Earth’s population,-vowed to help the world to shift. Each one of you has been an integral part in creating the impetus for our remarkable New Planet of Love, Light and Truth that is being reborn and emerging now.
The angels are singing your praises in the magnificent mission that you have helped accomplish in shifting yourself first, which has then shifted the world and brought her to the doorsteps of ascension.
With more pride and love than you can possibly ever imagine, thank you!
Candy and The Posse of Angels
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Live in Creative Joy
What a fascinating time it is to be on the Planet. In these days of enlightenment and disclosure, the world is waking up to realize that a lot of the prescribed ways of doing things simply do not work anymore. I experienced an example of this last week when a friend posted the following message for help on FaceBook. She wrote, “Does anyone have any good ideas how to promote workshops? I use FB / Linked in, Twitter, friends, emails, newsletters, networking groups, women’s groups but still not getting the numbers up as yet. Any ideas would be appreciated!”
I smiled when I read her post as this was exactly what I would have done in the past.
Just like this lovely friend, I regularly used all of the social networking sites, went to many networking groups and followed all the tried and true ways that people have been able to increase their client base in years gone by. But, it finally dawned on me that with all the positive conscious changes that I have made in my life, I really am not the same person that I was before. By making changes to become a very different person, I realized that the so called tried and true ways of yesteryear that worked for me in the past, may no longer be tried and true anymore for the new me. This friend was faithfully following the old paradigm of how we had been taught and programmed to promote and run a business. But what she failed to take into account was that each and every one of us is awakening to our own version of ‘Heaven on Earth’ or experiencing ‘The Golden Age of Enlightenment’.
And in this New Age, we begin to understand that life is not about promoting ourselves; as the Universe already knows how spectacular and divine that each one of us is.
Life in the New Age is about allowing ourselves to be in bliss as we create in joy for creations sake.
This is a very different concept and, in many ways, it is more a case of living joyfully rather than doing business. By putting our emphasis on being happy and creating, we take our efforts off of trying to control how to promote ourselves. And in this way, the Universe is given 100% free reign on bringing us the answers to our prayers and fulfilling the intentions in our heart.
The following quote speaks volumes to us all on how important it is to stop controlling and telling the Universe how it needs to give to us and fill our hearts desires.
"The Buddha became enlightened only after he had done all that he could do and had given up."
When we give up our expectations of the usual ways, that business 'should' or 'has to' come to us, then God and the Angels have complete freedom to send us people in the most limitless, and sometimes convoluted of ways.
A perfect example of this is my radio program, Angel Healing House radio on Blog Talk Radio. For the past 8 months, every Tuesday morning at 11am, I have joyfully, passionately and lovingly given away more free readings than ever in the last 10 years. And what has come back to me as a result has been nothing short of miraculous. With my show being heard nationally and internationally, people from all over the globe have found me and have connected with me for my services. And all this from having fun!!! I believe my vibrations and energies were so bright and joyful that the Universe than equaled that brightness and joy and fulfilled my previously set intentions and prayers.
By throwing myself into what I love doing, the Universe reads the abundant glee in my heart and has answered with abundance coming back to me.
Remember, the Universe does not work in straight lines and it certainly does not work logically. The more we can allow the magic of life to happen, the more it will happen.
The one thing that increased my business and others awareness of me more than anything else, was allowing myself to have the F word.......FUN!!!
In this Golden Age of Enlightenment, we fill our desires and intentions with our creativity, fun and joy.
Each and every one of us knows what truly makes us happy, gives us fun and ignites our spark of creativity within; and you do not have to be clairvoyant or psychic to get in touch with this excitement. I can clearly see how that by doing what I adore, my life has become immeasurably richer by living a creative and joy filled life.
Do you allow yourself the infinite joy of having fun and being creative?
If you need some help, I can help you visualize and take proactive steps to create a fulfilling life outside of the current box you find yourself in. (The sad part is that most of the times, the box that we are in, is a box of our making and we are the ones who continue to keep ourselves captured inside.)
Once we allow ourselves to let go and experience an alternative to struggle and hard work, the way out of the box becomes very clear and we begin to live with passion, enthusiasm and excitement.
I guess the best way to lead is by example....
No wonder I am always smiling!
Love and Angel Blessings,
Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
831-277 3716
Saturday, June 30, 2012
10 Years of 'Making A Life' Instead of 'Making A Living'
I just posted on Face Book my 100th testimonial in the 100 days leading up to the 10thyear anniversary June 30th, of my extraordinary business Angel Healing House. And I do not exaggerate when I use that word, ‘extraordinary’ to explain the last 10 years. Come to think of it, if you are going to call your business, ‘Angel Healing House’, I guess one can expect miracles along the way. It is often at milestones in our lives, that we look back and review the path along the journey. And many times, with a business, one assesses its success or failure solely on the ‘bottom line’. Yet, looking back on the past 10 years, the richness and abundance I have received from my business, and the incredible life’s lessons that it has presented, has added so much more to the wealth of my life than just money. My business has given me opportunities to give of my time, my heart, my compassion and my unconditional love and what has come back to me has been miraculous and so much more valuable than gold.
People tell you all kinds of advice when one starts a business. Keep accounts, act professional, be responsible and reliable, etc. etc. But the best business advice I ever received was from my father, who told me, “Whatever you do, if you decide to give, give purely, give openly and generously and with all your heart. And remember, the gift is in the giving.
Giving is a gift that you give to yourself.”
And some of the most miraculous results from my giving brought gifts that I could never have imagined.
“My daughter started seeing Candy after a year of fighting cancer. In four short sessions, Candy’s beautiful words and comforting presence helped my daughter let go of all the anger and sadness inside of her. Candy helped my daughter cross over with peace and dignity and the knowledge that she would be returning to God and her angels. I can’t thank you enough for bringing my daughter finally back to peace once more.” Gwen, Culver City, Ca.
“You have done more for me than you could ever possibly imagine. I now can love my children again.”
Therese, Coolum, Australia
They say that when the student is ready, the Master appears. Yet, I teach my Reiki students that everyone who you encounter in life is your Master/Teacher. So... you better pay attention!
And the clients, my teachers, that I have drawn to myself have allowed me to open up opportunities for me to love like I never thought possible.
“I went to Candy because I was recovering from cancer, and needed help to release emotional blockages. My sessions with her have been the most loving and caring experience in my life and I continue to receive benefit from ongoing sessions.
I can honestly say, that as a result of meeting Candy, it was the first time in my whole life that I was truly able to feel and experience love. Candy truly is a gift.
With love and Gratitude, Maggie, Pacific Grove, CA
By giving with all my heart and truly believing in the divinity of all people, I have reignited a spark of hope in others for them to choose to heal themselves. That’s right, they chose to heal themselves. In fact, I vowed from day one of my business, that I would never use the word healer on anything associated with Angel Healing House, because
I am not the Healer. It is the client’s reconnection to God, and recognition of fully loving themselves that opens up the door for true healing to begin.
As a Healing Practitioner, sure I help them to heal, but ultimately the client gets to make the final choice.
There is a saying, “We teach best what we need to learn most.” 10 years ago, as a result of my finally learning to love myself, connecting with the divine inside of me, and creating Heaven on Earth, I then went forth to help others love themselves and create their own Heavens.
My business has been successful because I chose to “Make a Life” and not “Make a Living”. In choosing to ‘Make a Life”, I chose to do what made my heart sing and gave me great joy.
When one “Makes a Life” instead of “Making a Living”, one does not compromise what breathes life into ones soul. One begins to understand that our joy and fruition and what we do is an integral puzzle piece of the Planet. In “Making a Life”, the natural offshoot of that is to be joyful and set your soul free to fly and create limitless possibilities. If one puts their emphasis on 'Making a Living", instead of “Making a Life”, the emphasis is off creativity and the Universe reads this as coming from lack, which will bring to us more lack.
Angel Healing House has given me the opportunity to spread my wings fully and make my life and the lives of my clients brighter.
“After my session with Candy, I feel brighter as if there is a positive light flowing in me. My heart feels lighter and more full of love. My heart is smiling.”
Samantha, Mooloolaba, Australia
And with 10 years of: healing sessions, intuitive counseling, angel tarot readings, teaching Reiki, presenting workshops, holding meditation nights, authoring books and hosting my own radio show, what does the next 10 years hold in store for Angel Healing House??
My angelic family tells me that everything that I have done up until now has prepared me for what is next in store for me.
And while they won’t tell me specifics, they tell me that it will be more miraculous than my wildest dreams.
So, just like I have done for every minute of the past 10 years, I start my next 10 years of Angel Healing House by giving and loving and by leaving the how and when of my life in the very capable hands of God and the Angels.
“Candy, you are an amazing example of a faithful & trusting child of God.”
Tracy, Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Thank you to each and every one of you that has given me the opportunity and the infinite blessings to love and to give with all my heart.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
'Healing From The Heart'
831-277 3716
Monday, May 28, 2012
Dare To Dream/Twin-Flame Relationships
I was speaking to a client this week, who was experiencing a dishonoring, and compromised relationship. I shared with her that it was only when I fully embraced that I was worthy to have a cherished love of my own, that my wish could have been answered by God and the angels. Having met my husband Pete, she said to me, “He is so wonderful, you are just one of the lucky ones.” I told her that it had nothing to do with luck and everything to do with the conviction and belief in my dreams.
This made me think back to a Decree that I wrote to God in 2003 after extricating myself from a 22 year abusive marriage and then a four year deceitful, destructive relationship. For those who may not know, a Decree is a sacred pact that you make with God. It is much more binding than goal setting; as you vow with God, as your partner and witness, to hold tight to your statements. The first thing that I wrote was, “Thank you God for my Twin-Flame Relationship and marriage.” I knew that my two past abusive relationships had been soul mate relationships and along with love, they had brought great Karmic contrast, drama, and irritation. In this way they pushed my buttons and challenged me to grow. I also knew that once I transcended all the Karma, I would have the ability to attract my Twin-Flame Relationship; who is the divine completion of who I am. After writing this first statement, I paused for a moment, thinking about how extraordinary it would feel to be reunited with my Twin-Flame. Just then, the pen wrote, ‘I live in a comfortable home near the ocean.’ I do not know where this statement came from; as I certainly had never done automatic writing before and did not have the finances to own a beach home. The pen and I went on to write exactly what I dreamed for this beautiful relationship. I wrote, “
“My husband is loyal, kind, gentle, responsible and trustworthy. He makes me a priority. He has a great sense of humor and loves to make me laugh. He is affectionate in public. We work together, love traveling the world and we are supportive of one another.” Because this is a Twin-Flame Relationship, both parties would mirror and reflect these same attributes to one another. (To find out more about Twin-Flame Relationships which is your Divine complement in any space, time and dimension-book a seat at the Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop in Santa Barbara on July 14th; see details below.) When I had finished writing, the pen wrote on its own, ‘I have a wonderful healing practice and my clients and students love me and I love them.’ I looked at this last statement with great curiosity for I had never entertained the thought of studying alternative forms of healing. After I finished writing this Decree, I felt that this was a very significant document and that I would show it the importance that it deserved. I slept with it under my pillow, and read it out every morning and night. While I read it out, I visualized and felt in my heart what it would feel like to be with my Twin-Flame. I then honored and respected myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to raise my energies and prepare myself to be with my beloved cherished husband. The following week after writing this Decree, I reconnected with a friend of mine who was a nurse. Unbeknownst to me, she was also a clairvoyant and a Reiki Master/Teacher. When we ‘synchronistically’ bumped into each other again, she looked at me with a knowing glance and said, ‘You were not ready before, but now you are spiritually ready to study Reiki. I have been sent to be your teacher.’
I studied and completed my Master/Teacher Degree in two disciplines of Reiki and opened my business Angel Healing House 3 months after writing my Decree. 6 months after writing my Decree, on September 20th, I was randomly invited to a ‘come as your favorite rock star party’. I went as Stevie Nicks from Fleetwood Mac. At the stroke of 7 o’clock the only Elvis at the party, my future husband Pete, walked in and 5 hours later we were still talking. Two days after we met, he drove me to his beach home on the Sunshine Coast and 3 days later he asked to marry me. Actually, he wanted to ask to marry me after 3 days, but he thought he would wait until 5 days. (There are so many more magical synchronicities attached to our meeting and I will recount the miraculous story in full at the Twin-Flame Relationship workshop on July 14th.)
When I look over the grand adventure that Pete and I have been on ever since we met, we have known deep in our hearts that we are under the countenance, protection and guidance of God. Knowing that we could have whatever we wanted, we realized that the only way that our dreams could manifest for us, was by having a greater vision for our lives.
Your greater vision starts with dreaming. Do you secretly have a huge dream inside of you? Perhaps you dream of a wonderful career in which you are recognized and financially remunerated working with like minded people? Do you wish a cherished, love relationship for yourself? Do you treat your dream like a new seedling, which needs extra care and attention to grow healthy and strong? Or do you let your dreams wither and languish as they go unattended, both hungry and thirsty?
When we left Australia to come live in the States in 2008, Pete dreamed about working in the film industry. Knowing no-one in the film industry and with no job to go to, he took the burning desire in his heart and proceeded to ask God for signs for him to follow to realize his dream. After four years of hard work, diligence, determination, networking and focus to his dream, his journey has taken him to now working on his 3rdseason of the hit show “The Voice” in the credited position of Transportation Coordinator. This is not luck. This is setting focused attention in one’s heart and faithfully following the signs that God presents him.
It is only by having dreams and having faith in them, that dreams ever come true.
Remember prayer does not make faith work, faith makes prayer work. I have seen it over and over again in my 10 years as a Healing Practitioner that the majority of people who have physical and emotional illnesses, either do not nourish their dreams or have totally forgotten them.
In fact, I believe that dreams are the enchantment that creates magic in our lives.
So knowing this, what kind of life do you want to create? If you want a big outrageous life, then dream big. Remember dreams are aching to come true and waiting for someone to dream them into reality.
Over and over again in our amazing marriage of the last 8 years, both Pete and I have seen the direct results of feeding, nurturing, believing and having faith that our dreams would manifest.
Our secret is that every time God and angels have presented us with the next sign to making more of our dreams a reality, we have faithfully stepped forward; and miracles have occurred. Dreams no longer seem like a feat of magic to us; as we know all that we have to do is have the conviction and the belief in our hearts, and let God and the angels worry about the details as to how and when they will manifest.
Every day when we look into each other’s eyes, Pete and I know that dreams really do come true.
If you have forgotten had to dream and need a refresher course, call me: 831 277 3716.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
I Am An Angelic Walk-In
The subject for this month’s blog has been brewing for awhile, but it never seemed the right time to write about it. I love how my angelic family orchestrates connections and opportunities to clearly show me the signs when to step forth. Well, that happened this month. Through a LinkedIn connection, I received a letter from a lady who found the strength to leave a dishonoring relationship, and she is now starting over again and opening up her own Healing Practice. She wrote that she was very impressed with my many accomplishments, testimonials, and the numerous and varied things that I do through my business Angel Healing House. As she is starting her life again, she asked if I had any tips or advice that I could give her, to help make her life easy. What got my attention was the word ‘easy’. As I replied to her, I thought to myself, how often do we look at successful people, and have a tendency to enviously look at the end result and all their successes, and never take the time to wonder what the person’s journey was like along their way to their success. Below is the letter I wrote to her.
Dear ______, Thank you so much for your email. When I read that you wanted some tips on how to make your life easy, it made me think back over my own journey, to where I find myself today.
And if there is one word that I would not use to describe my life, it would be easy. But just like the most accomplished sailors do not learn how to sail in calm waters, the hardships and challenges we draw to ourselves to overcome, often leads to our greatness. Along my journey, I drew to myself an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage for 22 years, in which I allowed myself to be co-dependent and became a controlled silent victim of bullying and abuse. In essence, I basically forgot who I was. Anorexic, deeply depressed, and barely able to keep my life force energy going, I continually asked God every day to help me to exit my life. And then, in January of 2003, at the age of 48, I had what is known as a ‘Walk-In’ experience; where the existing soul in the body ‘Walks-Out’ and goes up to God with honors, and a spiritually advanced soul ‘Walks In’, in order to be of humanitarian service to the Planet. This 100% agreement by both souls happens in adulthood, so that Walk-Ins do not have to start in infancy and lose valuable time growing up. In this way, we can immediately start holding massive amounts of light for the Planet. (This was particularly crucial in the last 10 years, in order to transform negativity and to help the world to shift.) The exchange between souls often takes place during a surgery, an accident or deep meditation, which was when my exchange occurred.
Mine was an angelic soul exchange, as I come from the angelic realm.
(To gain further information on Walk-Ins, I recommend reading, ‘Earth Angels’ by Doreen Virtue, ‘Welcome to Planet Earth’ by Hannah Beaconsfield, “Walk-Ins Soul Exchange by Karyn K Mitchell and ‘Strangers Among Us’ by Ruth Montgomery.)
When I ‘walked-in’, I knew my mission, I knew why I had come back. Since then, I have been laser beam focused on creating and manifesting those dreams into physical reality. 9 months after I walked-in, I drew to myself my Twin-Flame husband Pete. We met on a Saturday and 5 days later he asked to marry me, and we have been on this wonderful physical adventure together ever since.
You asked me if I have any advice or tips to impart, to make your life easy.
People look at my husband Pete and myself and our life and often say, ‘how it is possible that the two of you were able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.’ Our secret is very simple. Every time we heard the voice of God tell us to step forward along the path, even though we did not know precisely where we were going, we stepped forward in faith. And every time we stepped forward, we have been given the next piece of the puzzle towards realizing our dreams. We see ourselves as faithful children of God, co-creating with His will. Is this way of life easy?
Far from it! But the rewards are miraculous, magical and more extraordinary than our limited physical minds can ever comprehend. In order to fully realize our dreams manifesting into reality meant that Pete and I had to sell our beloved beach house along the Sunshine Coast of Australia and go live in the States:
A.) at the beginning of the recession.
B.) without jobs to go to and
C.) knowing no-one.
Since we have been States, the challenges have been enormous. But knowing that we are God's children, and by following His word, He has provided for us every step of the way.
Since 2008, four years later, my husband has realized his dream of working in the film industry. I have published the first of my 6 books, am an international radio host, an inspirational speaker, a licensed Reiki Master/Teacher practitioner through my beloved business Angel Healing House; which is about to celebrate its 10th year anniversary. Pete and I have also written the screen play for one of my books; which the angels tell me, will be made into an absolutely beautiful movie.
This was one of the major reasons that spirit knew that we had to move to the States, in order for my husband to build up the connections and get established in the film industry. Without his expertise and connection in the industry, our screen play, and ultimately the beautiful movie that it will be, would never have seen the light of day had we remained in Australia.
My greatest advice for you is not to ask for an easy life.
Ask for God to give you the most beneficial of ways to strengthen your courage, test your faith and challenge you to fearlessly hold on to and follow your dreams. For once your dreams come true, it is precisely because of those challenges and hardships suffered along the way, that will make the realization of your dreams that much sweeter.
Having lived this way since I re-emerged in physical form in 2003, I have counseled others to wait on the will of God and not to try to control life. (For you know, it never was ours to control in the first place.)
In every moment I know that God is in the details. He hears all prayers and will bring all of us the greatest and most beneficial solution to all our His timing.
By not focusing on forcing and controlling the how and when of life to happen, one practices the Art of Allowance in order to perceive the signs from the Divine right in front of us.
Yet, to co-create magic in our lives, one has to go beyond just seeing the signs. Living in Faith and immediately acting upon those signs is often the difference between a fulfilled life and a life lived in compromise. Every time God and the Angels have led my husband and myself to the precipice of the mountain and asked us to jump off, we have jumped; and God and the angels have helped us to soar and fly so much higher than we could have ever possibly imagined.
I would wish you good luck in staring over again, but life is not about luck.
It is about firmly establishing your heart-felt intentions and then co-creating with God.
By following His signs, both easy and hard, you will allow Him free reign to steer you to all the miracles and blessings that you can possibly wish for.
Sending you Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher and
Angel Practitioner
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716
Thursday, April 5, 2012
From Separation to Loving Connection
Happy spring one and all, and for my southern hemisphere friends, happy autumn.
Regardless of the season you are celebrating, I can tell you that I am celebrating the end of March and the arrival of April. Now, don’t get me wrong, each month is a wonderful teacher and brings us different challenges and experiences to help us grow. But... it seemed like March chose to really present us with more than our fair share of lessons.
The group of angels that I am part of, called The Posse, told me that the reason for this was that many of us were tested to finally embrace that which separates us from ANYTHING and ANYONE. (Hmmmm, now that doesn’t seem to leave much room for any exceptions.) The Posse explained to me that this so called ‘mission impossible’ for many of us, was because we need to replace any areas of resistance or avoidance in our lives and fully embrace them with love. What has helped me to embrace everything and everybody in my life is:
1.To remind myself that the person or event would not be in my reality if I did not energetically bring them or it to myself in the first place.
2.To remind myself that everything happens for my highest good
3.To remind myself that many of our most important lessons are presented to us in contrast. In this way, the lesson can REALLY get our attention, so that we will take note of and learn from it.
And March waited for its last closing days, to present me with an opportunity to express love on an issue concerning separation. You see, it was in the last few days of March, that I found out that my ex mother-in-law had passed away. When I divorced in 1998, after 22 years of marriage, my ex made it very clear that I was never ever to contact him again for any reason. PERIOD! (I would have preferred an amicable relationship, but that was not his wish.)
When I heard from my ex’s niece, that my former mother-in-law had passed away, I felt an overwhelming sense of compassion for what my ex must be feeling. After 14 years of adhering to his wishes, I penned a letter stating my profound sadness upon hearing about the loss of his mother. I went on to explain that his mother always made me feel more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law; as she was very loving, kind and sweet. I sent my prayers of healing and my loving thoughts to him.
When I sent the letter, there were no negative feelings at all. All I felt was pure love for another person. And in addition, I have not wondered ‘how’ he will receive my letter after all these years. All I know is that by following the deep feelings of compassion in my heart, it felt like the most natural, loving, and kind thing to do. And in this action, I savored the light of the Divine within myself and brought it forth on the Earth plane.
The angels explained to me that April will bring opportunities that will present us with many ways to create miracles through connecting to our Divine essence. The Divine inside of us is willing to show courageous compassion to all and forgiveness even when there is shame, abuse and fear still present in our lives.
Watch April blossom and manifest in ways that will give us an opportunity to actively bring the Divine into our lives; as well as the lives of others. In this regard, April will follow on beautifully from March, in which many of us accepted responsibility for what we created as separateness. And if we have dealt with separateness, than we can finally start to creatively manifest through the energy of love and conscious connection to everyone and everything.
April will be a month of surprises, as many will see the subtle, unexpected and magical formations of dreams, goals and intentions finally taking form on the physical plane. (HALLELUJAH!) After what has seemed like such a long period of dormancy, many may manifest connections and opportunities to themselves and be asked to share their knowledge, wisdom and experience. The Posse are saying that many Light workers have been through a ‘Dark Night of the Soul” and will be coming out into the light of day to start fresh and anew.
Just like little seeds that have been planted and hidden in the dark for a long time, we are now bursting into beautiful spring flowers. Watch for your life to start flowering in the areas that you have been dreaming about, tending, feeding and watering for so long! With this in mind, have fun deliberately creating and employing your Divine essence. Watch carefully where your own wonderful flowers will bloom, for these are the areas that will yield the greatest harvest as summer approaches.
Happy Blossoming!!
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Re-Invent Your Life
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is definitely in the air. Spring traditionally represents fresh, new beginnings, re-generation and a surge of hope. Like the first tiny buds that optimistically begin to appear after a cold winter, we also begin to feel a sense of optimism and re-newal after a long time of hibernation.
And even though ‘spring fever’ is upon us and a feeling of expectation is in the air, many are feeling like an energetic force is weighing us down; bringing in self-doubts and uncertainty.
I don’t know about you, but ever since the beginning of the year there have been times that I have felt like I have been pushing molasses along a flat surface. With more effort being put in to our dreams coming true and few results to show for it, I thought I would share some insight as to what is contributing to this sloooow down.
One of the reasons for this is that Mars, the planet of energy, and action, started to go backwards on January 24th and halted much of our forward motion. Basically it feels like our get up and go, got up and went. When this planet goes in re-verse, we definitely feel like we are spinning our wheels and going nowhere fast.
The frustration many have been feeling, has deflated our optimistic bubble and tested our faith to the max.
Like many others, my first reaction was to just to try a little harder, push more and put in extra time on phone calls and computer with greater social media attention.
But several weeks ago, I received a series of rather persistent visitations from the fairies that kept telling me, just to do the opposite. (A lot of you know that I work with and belong to a group of angels called The Posse. Yet, the fairies do bring me messages from time to time. God bless them for all the incredible work that they do in looking after Mother Nature!0
Firstly, they told me that as of March 2nd, this Moon in Cancer is urging us to rest, go within and do some much needed introspective work.
This ‘downtime’ until March 22nd, is very important, as it will allow us to really hone in on what is causing irritation in our lives. This much needed attention will help us to once and for all acknowledge the beauty in the irritation, in order to thank it, bless it and finally release it. When the new Moon arrives on the 22nd of March, it will shine a light on how we chose to perpetuate any irritations in our lives and prevented them from being resolved. The fairies told me to be sure to pay attention to what is bothering me over the next week, for they said that this may be the very thing that is about to be radically transformed.
To help us, the fairies imparted some advice that will help us to turn within and get in touch with our necessary inner work. (****Please note that there is not one mention of spending more time on FaceBook, LinkedIn, or going to networking groups.)
Get outside and be in nature.
When the fairies started to converge upon me 2 weeks ago, they led me to Culver City Park; where I discovered a wooden elevated ramp set in the side of a tree lined hill. As one gets higher, there are beautiful views of downtown LA, Century City and one can see all the way to Marina Del Rey. (As testament to how beautiful this walk is, I gave up my gym membership and walk it almost every single day.)
Please note-While you walk, take the time to really connect with nature and become aware of the signs and messages that the fairies and Mother Nature are sending you.
For instance, I have seen very large grasshoppers on my last few walks. I know that the Metaphysical significance of grasshopper is that it is associated with astral travel. The message from Mr. Grasshopper is that we are not limited to just this physical dimension and knowing this wisdom tells me that there are no obstacles. When the grasshopper appears, we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life or venture without fear; as it will be successful. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale concerning location, relationships, or careers. I also know that grasshoppers can only jump forward. In this way he was reaffirming that I am taking the right steps to move forward in my current situation. No wonder the grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world.
On other days, I have had ladybugs land on me as I walk along. Because this little cutie bug’s life cycle is short; as it is only around 4 weeks, its energies are tied to renewal and regeneration. Its limited time on Earth sends a powerful message of how important it is to release worries and enjoy our lives to the fullest. I guess if this wee creature could speak, it would say, “Let go and Let God.” Often seen as a sign of promise, the Ladybug helps to restore our trust and faith in the Divine and it is a great sign to get out of our own way and let God enter into our lives. And all this wisdom, from a little polka dotted bug!!!
And lastly, I have seen lots of lizards. And by the way, what are they thinking about as they bask in the sun? They are dreaming their dreams into reality. Lizards for me have always been a sign to spend more time and energy on visualizing my dreams in order for them to manifest in my physical world. And these scaly little fellows may be very good at hiding physically, but they are no slouches when it comes to using the power of their voices. Lizards are a great reminder to speak up and be heard. And with the little lizard being associated to the element of Fire, it is definitely urging us to step forward and take action, when the timing is intuitively right.
Knowing that signs just like these and others are waiting for me, I cannot wait to go for my walk and see what messages I will be given.
And although you may come across a lizard yourself and begin to power up your voice, there is caution on the horizon. You see Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde on March 12th. When Mercury is traveling forward, it is said that communications of all kinds, phone, internet, fax, SKYPE etc are clear, understandable and arrive in a timely fashion. Yet when this Planet begins to travel backwards, as it will be doing from March 12th to April 4th, all kinds of communications can go astray, be misunderstood, and misconstrued.
So instead of communicating outward, use the next 4 weeks as an amazing blessing from the Universe. It is giving us a marvelous opportunity to be still and not only clean house, but all other areas in our lives. During these re-trogrades, we now have the opportunity to re-view, re-search, re-visit, re-write and re-work what is not working in our lives.
With this gift of quiet, where we would be otherwise occupied, we now have the time to re-consider where we are putting our energies and focus. It is a great chance to re-flect on what is not working for us, and re-consider what is truly important.
So until these re-trogrades are moving forward again, have fun re-connecting with Mother Nature and see what messages and signs the fairies have in store for you.
Let me know what you find on your walks.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
Friday, February 24, 2012
Love of Self
With one of my radio shows scheduled for Tuesday mornings at 11am, I took note that it was Valentine’s Day, and centered the topic around Love of Self. Actually, the angels were very amused with the whole Valentine’s Day thing. They asked me, “Why don’t humans have a National Breathing Day?” and “Why isn’t there a National Beating of your Heart Day?” Both of these things happen naturally and most of the time they occur without us realizing it. I guess their point is that to love and to be loved is a natural thing that all human beings have, and that we can have love in our lives in any second that we choose.
But most of the time, we are so dead set on preaching to the Universe how love is supposed to be in our lives, that we diminish and close off the possibilities of how and when we can experience love.
If we buy into the vision of love perpetuated by the greeting card companies, the chocolate makers, the florists and the jewelers, we can get caught up in a very commercialized form of love that is built around conditions and expectations.
For instance, some of these conditions might be that:
• my partner loves me if he buys me flowers. Or,
• if he really loves me, he will buy me flowers and a diamond ring. Or,
• if he truly loves me the most, he will buy me flowers, a diamond ring, a new Ferrari and
a villa in the South of France.
The whole point is that once we start to play this game, it is difficult to know where to stop.
You might be chuckling to yourself, but there was a time in my life that I was associated with people who were just like this. They were so caught up in climbing the social ladder of ‘who could acquire the most’ that they were materially blinded to anything remotely associated with feeling rich by connecting to their free emotion of love within.
Appropriating a single day to show love is so insanely ludicrous because at the most profound depth of whom we are as human beings, is the fact that WE ARE LOVE in every single second!
In fact, we are so inextricably linked with God that even if we do not think we are love, this connection of divine love always exits underneath any false premise that we choose to perpetuate. And if it is dormant and asleep within us, love can be re-awakened in the blink of an eye.
And counter to what all the great romance novels and romantic movies have shown us, love does not happen because of who we are with, love happens because of who we are.
But, it can only happen with our permission.
Many times , we deny that we are love because we are replaying old programming of taking to heart someone else’s words that caused us to feel not worthy, not deserving or like we somehow didn’t measure up. But deep within, underneath any negative belief system, regardless of what you have done, what you have received and who you are, the angels want to remind you that you are:
More Beautiful , more Powerful and more Magnificent than you could possibly ever imagine.
Just for the record, my Posse of angels and I want to remind you that you are a child of God and adored and loved, not only on a specific day, but on every single second of every single day, month and year since you were born and before you were born. This is not dependent on what you are given, what you own, what you drive, what you wear or if you ever produce, achieve or even create anything.
This love is indisputable, unconditional, constant and un-wavering.
How extraordinarily fortunate are we!!!
If your life is not representative of these words, it is because you have forgotten who you are and are allowing external expectations and conditions to dictate how and if you are to be loved.
Actually the hardest I have ever seen the angels weep, is for those clients who have completely forgotten who they are; as they are denying their divine love inside. Because when we forget who we are, we stop loving ourselves and stop seeing ourselves as having any importance. Once we stop acknowledging our importance, we then begin to seek and find our identity in other people and things outside of ourselves.
This is giving our power away. Over the last 10 years, through my business, Angel Healing House, I have lost count of all the clients who have gone through relationship breakdowns that have said that they need their ex to feel loved; as they feel so empty without them. The clients are rightfully empty as most of their relationships were co-dependent and they did very little to nurture and nourish their own self-worth. Once their partner leaves them, they fall pretty heavily, as they have been leaning on the other person for their sense of love.
One of the greatest ways that I find to keep reminding me about ‘Love of Self’ is by honoring and respecting who I am. I do this by honoring and encouraging my unique gifts and talents. You know, there might be others out there with similar gifts, but there never has been another me, with my set of unique fingerprints. And nobody does things in quite the same way that I do them. This reminds me of when I wrote my beloved book ‘Angels of Faith.” I could have said, “Why write a book, there already have been lots of books written about angels.” But I knew in my heart that there never had been, never is and never will be another book written with the same energies and intention that mine was written with.
Once you allow this feeling of uniqueness to permeate through you, you begin to value your contribution to yourself, others and to the Planet. You begin to see yourself as an integral part of life and you find joy in making yourself a priority. Not at the expense of anyone else, but you begin to see that your dreams and desires are just as significant as any others.
So remember, if you were disappointed by Valentine’s Day or any other day, ask yourself where in your life that you can put more focus and attention on the creation of your importance. Perhaps you could:
Write that book that you have inside yourself?
Dare to switch to a more honoring job?
Honor your gifts and talents and share them with the world.
And if your woke up Valentine’s morning and did not find your new Ferraris parked in your garage, or your breakfast tray did not come with two plane tickets to your villa in the South of France, remember that love is not something that you are given or have to search for,
love is something that you already are.
Until next time, remember that by having a life-long love affair with yourself, it will constantly bring you the richest fulfillment from the inside out.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Let Go of Logic and Watch Miracles Happen
The subject for this newsletter did not happen with grace and ease.
As I mentally danced around trying to logically figure out what to write, it dawned on me to share with you an amazing, magical addition to my life. I cannot believe that this addition only happened a mere 3 weeks ago. And it happened as a result of going against logic.
To begin with, I would just like to describe where we all are from a collective consciousness point of view. For the last several years, many of us have lost jobs or have become so disillusioned and dissatisfied with our current jobs, that it is actually causing us pain, and un-wellness to stay in a certain line of work. This is because we can longer live lives doing anything that does not resonate with our hearts. In all that we do and create, we must be authentic, honest, open and transparent in order to feel joyful, complete, whole and empowered. There are many of us, who have listened to the still small voice in our hearts and stepped forward into perusing what we are passionate about. The beginning of 2012 has seen many of us either getting used to new businesses, careers, or nurturing and encouraging our deeply felt passions within. (If you have not stepped forward into creating what you are passionate about yet, I would go so far as to say that there are many who have at least, given it some very careful consideration.)
This ‘breaking away’ or leaving our former employment came after a great deal of soul searching and honoring the longing in our hearts to do that which we love. And as we have stepped forward into taking action by leaving the old and painful, and doing that which brings us joy, it seems that we now find ourselves getting used to something very new.
In fact, the Universe is supporting us, as it has created a time of quiet and a lull or ‘down time’ for us to integrate this ‘newness’ into our lives.
This getting used to something new is not only relegated to those who have left jobs to pursue their passion, but it also holds true for those of us, like myself, who absolutely love what we do. For those who love their work, I find that new strings are being added to our bow of life, in order to enrich, increase and enhance what we do already.
This ‘newness’ for me came as a result of a message I received from my Posse on January 2nd. Now for those of you who might not know, I am part of an angelic family, 537 angels to be exact, who I lovingly refer to as my Posse; as they always have my back.
The message that they gave me on January 2ndwas to get a psychic reading!
After I caught my breath from laughing so hard, I told them, “No! What are you crazy! I do not need to get a reading from another psychic. End of Story!”
Over the next few days, their message to get a reading from another psychic became louder and louder and louder.
As I had recently, updated my information on LinkedIn and created my own group of Angel Intuitives and Angel Practitioners, I now had quite a number of clairvoyants following me. Knowing that my Posse would never steer me wrong, I softened my resistance to their suggestion and began to look at the profiles of psychics that I was now connected to. As I stared at their profile pictures, I did not receive any overwhelming confirmation as to step forward and connect with any of them. The day after my investigation, I received a random email from a fellow by the name of Psychic Jethro asking me if he could connect with me on my LinkedIn network. As soon as I saw his photo, I got a barrage of shivers all up and down my body, and I knew that he was the one. I immediately phoned him and inquired as to the duration and cost of his readings.
Without any exaggeration, this was the following conversation:
Jethro paused when he heard my voice, and said in a breathless tone, “Jeez!! Oh my gosh!! Look at all the angels around you, you are one of them! I have never seen that many angels around any one! (Pause) My angels and guides are telling me that I cannot charge you the full price for a reading, I need to heavily discount it for you. (Pause)
They are saying that you are going to be on radio and that I am here to help you with that. (Pause)
How would you like to co-host my radio show on Blog Talk Radio next Tuesday? My angles are saying that I need to promote you; so send me your bio, your photo and a flyer.
To give you some practice, I would love for you to take calls for angel readings on my show next week, how does that sound?”
Stunned I said, “Thank you, that would be lovely.”
Three days later, on Jan. 24th, I co-hosted the live radio show with Psychic Jethro and it felt exhilarating to take phone calls and bring forth guidance and advice from my Posse.
The day after, I signed up with Blog Talk Radio and scheduled two of my own radio shows every week-Tuesdays at 11 am (PST) and Thursdays at 10 am (PST)
In less than 2 weeks, I am having the time of my life, doing what I always loved doing-healing and bringing forth angelic messages. But now, I have a much wider audience and scope to reach people, as I am doing it on a national and international level. If anyone had told me even 4 weeks ago, that I would be hosting my own radio program, I would have told them that they were crazy.
This great opportunity for me would never have happened, had I not listened to the ‘ILLOGICAL” message from my Posse to “get a psychic reading’.
And I guess the point in all of this is, that in this time of quiet that we are all experiencing, it is giving us an opportunity to hone in on and perfect those gifts and talents of ours that are going to help us enormously when those miraculous doors of synchronicity begin to open and start to fulfill our intentions in a HUGE way.
As I said to one of my callers on my radio program this morning, “Hold tight to your dreams, your wishes and your intentions. Keep polishing and perfecting the diamond, which is the passion in your heart. Because, as the lyrics from the Eagles song tells us: ‘Everything can change, in a New York minute.’
Fortune not only favors the bold, but those who open themselves up to receive in the most convoluted, illogical and limitless ways that God and the angels want to deliver the answer to our prayers and fulfill our intentions.
It just dawned on me, I must have the faith of at least a mustard seed to have said yes to receive a psychic reading and I have been paid back and will continue to be paid back, in ways that I can’t even possibly imagine. I’ll keep you posted.
Until next time, open yourself up to receive and follow the magic in your life.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Action Your Intuition
Many of us are now living a conscious life of awareness by continually choosing to surround ourselves with the beautiful energies of love, light, acceptance, and unity.
By choosing to focus only on that which is positive, uplifting and light, our realities are then able to be filled with, and attract more, light.
It is in these higher dimensional energies that synchronicities, magic and miracles occur.
By consciously choosing to reside in these higher energies, many on the Planet are experiencing rapid-fire manifestation in their lives. We have a thought and WHAM, it is in front of us. I have been experiencing this for almost 10 years. For instance, with my love of and association to angels, I am always drawing angel references to myself - people who are named Angel; I continually see white feathers; and when I walk into stores, I will often hear a song with an angel reference like, “Calling All Angels’ or “Heaven Must be Missing an Angel.”
With the knowledge that you are pure intention, once you absolutely let go of the 'how' and 'when' things happen in your life, you will allow yourself to be the Alchemist and turn your pure intentions into physical reality. (And there are some of us that are turning lead into absolutely golden opportunities!)
Pure intention is a result of a longing that we feel within our hearts that resonates and vibrates at the deepest core of our soul. Because we are made up of energy, it is this frequency within us that we emit, and goes out to attract other similar energies.
And although this sounds easy, we have all been heavily programmed to think with our heads and not with our hearts. It is in the joyful and blissful following of our heart’s desires that creates....MAGIC!
I experienced a wonderful example of instant manifestation answering the call of pure intent in my heart all because of my love of soup.
Upon leaving the house to run some errands one day, knowing deep down that I am co-creating my life in every single second, I intended to the Universe that I wanted to meet new clients. Immediately upon setting this intention, completely out of the blue, I got a craving for spicy Tom Yum soup. With Pete working late on a film shoot, I decided that after my errands, I would go to our local Thai restaurant and get a large order of soup for dinner.
Arriving at the restaurant and placing my order, they told me that it would be a 20-minute wait. Immediately, I thought of my friend who owned a nearby clothing store, which was one block away and so I decided to pay him a visit.
I gave him a hug and he introduced me to a lady in the store. He praised me for my work, she asked me what I did, I handed her a brochure and she replied, “I so need to come and see you.”
And that is exactly how the Universe works.
When the craving for soup hit me, I didn’t rationalize that I already had dinners in the fridge, but I satisfied the desire in my heart and took action to order soup.
Acting upon the desires in our hearts, and many times going against logic, is the most important component in following the Laws of Attraction
The human game that we are playing - as spiritual beings having a human experience - is very simple to follow. We know what makes us happy, but a lot of the time we stop ourselves from going in the direction of being happy because we are willing to compromise. (By accepting and taking the crumbs of life, don’t be surprised if you experience a crummy life.)
By showing the Universe that you will eat whatever is in the fridge, rather than getting some delicious, noodle and vegetable filled spicy Tom Yum soup, or whatever else excites your senses, your stomach will indeed be filled, but your appetite will still be there; as you will always be hungry for more.
If you need some help satisfying your own hunger, as you still allow your delicious life to be compromised, book your session today at 831-277-3716 to find out how you can not only set the table for your own banquet, but allow yourself to enjoy all the delicacies.
Wishing that your life be overflowing with all kinds of tasty and yummy things!
Love and Blessings,
Candy Hough
831 277 3716
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