The Posse of Angels is curious if we have made a list of goals for the New Year, and they are reminding us that all manifestation is a co-creative effort. From a higher point of view, we can clearly see that the how and the when of life working out is under the providence of God and the angels, and it was never meant to be in our control. Our contribution to manifest, as powerful creators blessed with free will, is to establish our intentions and to passionately fuel those desires. Therefore, for the angels to do their part to fulfill our wishes, all manifestation must start with intention and passion.
And within those passionate intentions for 2017, The Posse of Angels is asking, “Is there anywhere within that list that you have dared yourself?
The dictionary definition of dare is to have the courage required to do something, to be challenged, to execute an act that takes nothing less than being bold and brave. To dare could also mean to defy established ways of doing things. With their overview of humanity, The Posse of Angels can see that those who dare have the nerve to try something different. And with all the clearing, cleansing that we have done to put our Spiritual knowledge into practical use in our lives, The Posse of Angels is asking us if we have the audacity to experience a magical, extraordinary life that may even scare us. Now, they don’t want you to be afraid, but to grow, we must step into the unknown and this could certainly bring up a little anxiety and trepidation.
What they are leading to is that they wish us to dare to imagine a new life, a different life to what we ever thought we could have. Now don’t get them wrong, this is not to say that there is anything wrong with the life that your living. But they want us to release all restrictions and expectations and have the faith and trust in God and the angels to create the most unbelievable life to be of best service for ourselves, for others and for the Planet. The frustrating thing with most people is not that their dreams don’t come true, but the life that they settle on is not representative of what their heart truly desires. Many people do not allow themselves to let go of what is a compromise, in order for them to realize a miraculous life.
And while a miraculous life is very different for each of us, the life they speak about goes beyond prescribed boundaries, of what is normal, what is accepted; a life which is not restricted to a certain age, to gender, to one’s cultural background, one’s financial circumstances, one’s achievements or certifications.
This life that the Posse of Angels speaks about is one that surprises us in ways that we never thought possible.
Their suggestion for 2017 is to allow yourself to march fearlessly into the unknown, the unfamiliar, with just your faith in God and yourself. The faith and profound belief that not only will everything be okay, but it will yield experiences beyond your wildest dreams. This kind of daring of oneself is not for the fainthearted, for it has us releasing and letting go of all that is comfortable. One of the major reasons that we feel uncomfortable with experiencing something new, is that we have not given ourselves permission to leave our known world. And in order to give ourselves permission to welcome in the unbelievable, we must choose to suspend our belief in what is possible.
In 2017, I give myself permission to feel uncomfortable so that I can experience the unforgettable, the memorable, the remarkable and the exceptional.
By daring oneself in 2017 to go beyond anything that we have known before, we must surrender our expectations as to what life should or has to look like. We must desire to taste, sense, feel and experience life to the fullest; and that scares a lot of people. For if we truly wish for this, we must let go of the attachment to all that we created and to all we now get our identity from as to who we are. For if my identity is cemented to my accomplishments, my certifications, my titles and achievements, how can I possibly grow more, expand more, learn and experience so much more of my infinite, multi-dimensional self who is boundless and is merely unlimited potential.
Once we do this, we open space for God to breath miracles into our lives.
Dare yourself in 2017 to follow your heart. Dare yourself to have more fun. to giggle and wiggle and play more. Dare yourself to create for creations sake because you are a Powerful, Divine Creator. One of the greatest secrets of life is that the playful energy of unbridled fun and joy speaks the same sparkly, bright, high frequency language of the Universe, which sparks manifestation into physical form. Dare yourself to live in the present moment and trust that God and the angels will always send you carefully chosen and created signs to direct your life to be of best service for your soul. Not a life that your ego wants, not a life that follows the rules, and not a life that you have to obsess over and try to figure out. Remember, life was never meant to be figured out, it was meant to be experienced.
Dare yourself to live a life of Grace. To live in grace is to experience wonderment and a reverence for all life. It is to live in perpetual gratitude and unconditional love being in harmony with yourself, with others and God. Grace is the spiritual freedom that occurs when one realizes that life is a gift and that everything comes from God Source. In this way, you align your life with Heaven. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that if our will, is aligned with the will of Heaven, and we have the diligence, the fortitude and the belief to allow our will to manifest on the Earth plane, then anything can be accomplished.
The trick is to forget measuring our will power or success on any expectation of what our over-conceived ideas think can be achieved. The Posse of Angels is reminding us to be open to fully receive the profound knowing that the events, opportunities and connections that manifest for us, will clearly show what life wants from us. Once we let go of attachment to what we expect, we open ourselves to receive greater rewards.
Personally, when the Posse of Angels delivered God’s message and asked me to create my weekly Angel Healing House Radio program in January 2012, to channel their messages and to take free calls for readings, I did not say, “Hold on God, I need to go to Broadcasting School first.” I simply dared to step up when I heard the calling in my heart and availed myself to be of best service.
And five years later, 8 weeks ago, when I received an email from Dr. Pat, the owner and creator of Transformation Talk Radio, inviting me to host my weekly radio program on this wonderful, new home, I received shivers of confirmation and felt the same calling in my heart and I dared to step up once again.
Starting on January 3, 2017, Angel Healing House Radio will be heard on almost 100 affiliate radio platforms and it will be going out to 120 countries. The only way that this manifested was because I dared myself to live in faith, following the voice of God in my heart and this Heaven-sent alignment has become the only barometer that I need to steer my journey in life.
2017 is a time to dare ourselves to step out of that comfort zone, spread our wings and fly further, wider and higher than we ever thought possible.
Ask yourself, “Where do I dare to allow myself to fly to in 2017?”
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough,173.html
Friday, December 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
The Blessings of 2016
As we enter December, The Posse of Angels wishes to address what many are saying about 2016; that it was the worst year ever. And when we look back over these past eleven months, we can clearly see how it was littered with events that caught our attention, and in many cases, caused a great deal of emotional distress. But they are assuring us, that all these events were happening for higher reasons and that they all contained lessons for the collective to expand and grow to higher consciousness. 2016 saw many creative artists choose to exit their human life and return to their one true home in Heaven. (On a personal note, my beloved, talented father crossed over in March.) You may or may not be familiar with all of them, but here are some of the notable people who crossed over: David Bowie, Glen Frey, Alan Rickman, Prince, Muhammed Ali, Eli Wiesel, Garry Marshall, Gene Wilder, Leon Russel, Leonard Cohen and many others. To have that much talent exit the Planet in any single year is highly significant and more than just mere coincidence.
Firstly, The Posse of Angels is reminding us that 2016 was and is a 9 year, a year of completion. Being a year of completion, it is energetically much easier for souls to cross over as they had completed their physical contract. These legends in the fields of music, movie, writing and sports played such an important role in many of our lives that their deaths lead to an enormous outpouring of heart wrenching emotions that saw many surrendering to their grief. And we may not have been aware of it, but this torrent of released vast waves of sadness, much like when Michal Jackson and Robin Williams crossed over, opened millions to purge and make space within their hearts to shift.
In addition, In addition, The Posse of Angels wishes for us to know that with so many creatives leaving at the same time, it jolted us into creating; for that is what our soul cries out for. And while each of us may not be a Bowie, Allen Rickman or Prince, it does remind us of the importance of expressing who we are and what artistic endeavors might we also wish to leave as our legacy when we choose to cross over. With this great shift in our perceptions, many of us had healing crisis’s, epiphanies, spiritual awakenings and 'aha' moments as we shook ourselves out of a deep, deep sleep to clearly see what has and had been allowed to be perpetuated on our Planet for a very, long time. By raising our energies as a conscious collective, we were and are now able to see many lies and deceptions that have been carried out by those who put greed, money and power above humane issues. This was so clearly shown in this past race for president.
The Posse of Angels wishes to make it very clear that this election has been no different than former elections in the past. Now, they are hearing some of your thoughts saying, but how can that be true with so much mud-slinging, racist, crass and nasty remarks. But they wish for us to know that in previous elections these things were there, hidden just below the surface, and remained undisclosed because we as a collective did not shift our consciousness high enough to see what had been there all along. Many of us are now clear enough to perceive the lies and deceptions from the ludicrously skewed and biased manufactured media and, how the dual-party system was created to divide and never to bring people together for the common good of all concerned. One of the greatest blessings to come out of this election was that it has made more and more people question the political process, if-in fact-there ever was an election or is it just a carefully manipulated theater to put pre-determined not ‘voted’, people into positions to carry out prescribed agendas, which benefit only a privileged few on the Planet. It has inspired people to see the overwhelming flaws and mishandling in the recording and counting of citizen’s votes. The Posse of Angels is saying that we as human beings needed to become aware of and experience the darkness in our political process before we could fully see the light. Another wondrous thing that has come out of this election is that many became so incensed that they were driven to action and were inspired to voice their opinion to ensure that important issues are addressed; rather than the creation of a spectacle that sells enormous amounts of commercial advertising.
With the election now behind us (perhaps) The Posse of Angels is asking us to heal our irritation and frustration, and go beyond our feelings of betrayal, to now focus on coming together as a powerful collective on Planet Earth by putting our full attention on creating a humane, truthful world for all. The power to create the New World has always been inside each of us, but we have not fully utilized our power and have allowed it be diverted by a very manipulative system that was always set up to give us the impression that we had a vote, a say in what was best for our country. In this way, it is we who made ourselves invisible by not becoming involved and questioning our leaders and not the system that was put into place. So, with this knowledge, The Posse of Angels is reminding us of how we can all step forward and positively end this challenging, yet very important year. Firstly, it is imperative to understand that each of us has the power to design The New World as it is we who get to choose the energetic makeup of our everyday worlds, and it is we who get to choose a world of truth and peace. But, it is tantamount for each of us to take responsibility for this enlightened creation. Peace does not lie in the hands of a voted, selected or pre-determined president, a humane world does not lie in Congress and a world of truth is certainly not determined by bought or ‘bartered for’ policies. A humane world lies in each one of us, how we choose to show up in the world every day and the accountability of the words we speak, where we choose to focus our energies and the feelings we carry within our hearts. No matter who is in power, we can each contribute our time, our money and our energies to those areas in our communities that need help. For instance, in the past five years, the number of stray dogs on the streets and in kill centers has been directly impacted by those who rescue dogs and find them homes. These compassionate, wonderful organizations have increased the love energies and the humane quotient on the Earth; contributing greatly to the high energetic frequency of a conscious planet. By finding ways to more honoring and respectful, rather than by choosing shame and blame, we will live in a kinder, more harmonious world. After this pivotal year of 2016, we as a conscious collective will never be the same again. As we step forward into a brand-new year of 2017, we will all be armed with the knowledge that the power to change our world does not lie in any elected official, nor anything external, but it always lay within us.
And keep in mind that 2017 is a '1' year, a year of fresh starts and new beginnings. What new beginning will you choose to create?
And keep in mind that 2017 is a '1' year, a year of fresh starts and new beginnings. What new beginning will you choose to create?
Love and Angel Blessings.
Claire Candy Hough
Author of “I Am an Angelic Walk-In" “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles”
Claire Candy Hough
Firstly, The Posse of Angels is reminding us that 2016 was and is a 9 year, a year of completion. Being a year of completion, it is energetically much easier for souls to cross over as they had completed their physical contract. These legends in the fields of music, movie, writing and sports played such an important role in many of our lives that their deaths lead to an enormous outpouring of heart wrenching emotions that saw many surrendering to their grief. And we may not have been aware of it, but this torrent of released vast waves of sadness, much like when Michal Jackson and Robin Williams crossed over, opened millions to purge and make space within their hearts to shift.
In addition, In addition, The Posse of Angels wishes for us to know that with so many creatives leaving at the same time, it jolted us into creating; for that is what our soul cries out for. And while each of us may not be a Bowie, Allen Rickman or Prince, it does remind us of the importance of expressing who we are and what artistic endeavors might we also wish to leave as our legacy when we choose to cross over. With this great shift in our perceptions, many of us had healing crisis’s, epiphanies, spiritual awakenings and 'aha' moments as we shook ourselves out of a deep, deep sleep to clearly see what has and had been allowed to be perpetuated on our Planet for a very, long time. By raising our energies as a conscious collective, we were and are now able to see many lies and deceptions that have been carried out by those who put greed, money and power above humane issues. This was so clearly shown in this past race for president.
The Posse of Angels wishes to make it very clear that this election has been no different than former elections in the past. Now, they are hearing some of your thoughts saying, but how can that be true with so much mud-slinging, racist, crass and nasty remarks. But they wish for us to know that in previous elections these things were there, hidden just below the surface, and remained undisclosed because we as a collective did not shift our consciousness high enough to see what had been there all along. Many of us are now clear enough to perceive the lies and deceptions from the ludicrously skewed and biased manufactured media and, how the dual-party system was created to divide and never to bring people together for the common good of all concerned. One of the greatest blessings to come out of this election was that it has made more and more people question the political process, if-in fact-there ever was an election or is it just a carefully manipulated theater to put pre-determined not ‘voted’, people into positions to carry out prescribed agendas, which benefit only a privileged few on the Planet. It has inspired people to see the overwhelming flaws and mishandling in the recording and counting of citizen’s votes. The Posse of Angels is saying that we as human beings needed to become aware of and experience the darkness in our political process before we could fully see the light. Another wondrous thing that has come out of this election is that many became so incensed that they were driven to action and were inspired to voice their opinion to ensure that important issues are addressed; rather than the creation of a spectacle that sells enormous amounts of commercial advertising.
With the election now behind us (perhaps) The Posse of Angels is asking us to heal our irritation and frustration, and go beyond our feelings of betrayal, to now focus on coming together as a powerful collective on Planet Earth by putting our full attention on creating a humane, truthful world for all. The power to create the New World has always been inside each of us, but we have not fully utilized our power and have allowed it be diverted by a very manipulative system that was always set up to give us the impression that we had a vote, a say in what was best for our country. In this way, it is we who made ourselves invisible by not becoming involved and questioning our leaders and not the system that was put into place. So, with this knowledge, The Posse of Angels is reminding us of how we can all step forward and positively end this challenging, yet very important year. Firstly, it is imperative to understand that each of us has the power to design The New World as it is we who get to choose the energetic makeup of our everyday worlds, and it is we who get to choose a world of truth and peace. But, it is tantamount for each of us to take responsibility for this enlightened creation. Peace does not lie in the hands of a voted, selected or pre-determined president, a humane world does not lie in Congress and a world of truth is certainly not determined by bought or ‘bartered for’ policies. A humane world lies in each one of us, how we choose to show up in the world every day and the accountability of the words we speak, where we choose to focus our energies and the feelings we carry within our hearts. No matter who is in power, we can each contribute our time, our money and our energies to those areas in our communities that need help. For instance, in the past five years, the number of stray dogs on the streets and in kill centers has been directly impacted by those who rescue dogs and find them homes. These compassionate, wonderful organizations have increased the love energies and the humane quotient on the Earth; contributing greatly to the high energetic frequency of a conscious planet. By finding ways to more honoring and respectful, rather than by choosing shame and blame, we will live in a kinder, more harmonious world. After this pivotal year of 2016, we as a conscious collective will never be the same again. As we step forward into a brand-new year of 2017, we will all be armed with the knowledge that the power to change our world does not lie in any elected official, nor anything external, but it always lay within us.
And keep in mind that 2017 is a '1' year, a year of fresh starts and new beginnings. What new beginning will you choose to create?
And keep in mind that 2017 is a '1' year, a year of fresh starts and new beginnings. What new beginning will you choose to create?
Love and Angel Blessings.
Claire Candy Hough
Author of “I Am an Angelic Walk-In" “One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles”
Claire Candy Hough
Sunday, October 30, 2016
"Get On Your Game/Share Your Spiritual Knowledge"
Have you ever created a bucket list? For those who are not familiar with this term, the things that one puts on their list is those dreams and desires that they most wish to fulfill before they cross over. One of those things that I wished to experience was to see the extraordinary violinist Joshua Bell perform. And this month, at Walt Disney Concert Hall, I got to hear him play the great Brahms violin concerto.
Because the Walt Disney Concert Hall is so acoustically perfect, there is literally not a bad seat in the house. This is the reason why Pete and I choose to sit in the furthest most balcony seats, and it is from there, that one gets a marvelous overview of the orchestra.
During the concert, I noticed that there were the musicians who played the coveted, featured solos and those musicians who played, for the most part, throughout the whole composition. But there were some musicians who seemed to sit patiently, steadfastly reading the music while they waited for their time to perform. One gentleman in particular, who played the triangle, sat for a good 15 minutes before he got to chime his instrument three times. After his performance, he rested his triangle down and silently followed the music to its conclusion.
When the performance ended, the esteemed conductor Gustavo Dudamel singled out those performers who had substantial parts to perform. But, when it came time to take a group bow, our triangle playing gentleman took his bows with everyone else. Some might look at his contribution as being small, as it did not make that much of a difference to the overall performance. But he lent his expertise as a member of the percussion section, and was thus included in the well-deserved applause.
Looking down on the orchestra from the lofty heights of the balcony, I started to see how the musical abilities and gifts of so many gave voice to, and contributed to the heavenly sounds that were produced. Whether it was the immensely challenging and almost impossible violin solo played by Joshua Bell, or the three chimes on the triangle, the end contribution of that single piece of music would not have been the same without each musician playing their part.
And The Posse of Angels wishes for all of us to see ourselves as playing a very important part in the symphony of our/Our life. And when they say the word ‘our’, they are saying it with a small o and a capital O at the same time. For whether we know it or not, we are all creating ‘our’ personal lives, but at the same time, we are creating ‘Our’ world, representing a collective expression for a brand New Earth for everyone.
Before we incarnated, each of us has contracted to contribute to the creation of the New Earth. The importance of fulfilling our promise has everything to do with what The Posse of Angels is calling ‘Getting On Our Game’. By doing so, we acknowledge our mission, align with our purpose and share our spiritual gifts with others. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that when we share our gifts, it is unbelievable how each one of us goes on to touch the lives of so many others.
Just this past week, I had several clients who have all heard the still, small voice inside to do something with their spiritual knowledge, and they all chose to not listen to their intuition and to take inspired action. A client who is working in the field of mining told me that he never used his Reiki Mastership that he received years ago, nor did he share his spiritual knowledge about crystals with others. The Posse of Angels shared with him that he had worked as a Priest in the Crystal Palaces of Atlantis and he, along with his knowledge, was destroyed by those who sought power, greed and domination over the energetic power of the crystals. It was that underlying, unconscious fear of possibly being destroyed again in this lifetime that stopped him from sharing his knowledge. In fact, the Posse of Angels is reminding us that if we have had a hunger to learn more about spirituality, than we most probably practiced it in a past life, and yes, many were destroyed by those in authority that did not want us sharing our information. Yet, The Posse of Angels said to this gentleman, as they say to you now, it has been Divinely decreed that the same scenario will not happen in this lifetime.
The Posse of Angels is sharing with us to never ever forget that our individual spirit is unique and one of a kind. Always remember that we are such a special, integral puzzle piece of the Planet that without us, the grand plan, the grand design of the New Earth will not be the same.
They are reminding us that if there weren't any need for our special brand of individual energy, or our ‘game’ to be on this Planet, then we wouldn't be here to bring it forth.
They wish to remind us that it is often because of one person that enormous changes come about in our world. One has only to look at Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Please know that you are no different to these souls as the Universe is within you and just like them, you are here to make a difference.”
And now that they have stressed how important it is to share our gifts with the Planet, they wish to remind us of what will actually happen if we choose NOT to be 'on our game' and bring forth those spiritual gifts?
They are assuring us that the world will be a little sadder, a little less bright and there will be an intangible, unique spark that is not contributing to the light of humanity.
Another thing that will happen as a result of not fully getting on your game, is that your prayers, your dreams, your wishes, your intentions and your desires will have much less of a chance to ever manifest in your physical world because they are not being fully fueled by those high vibrational energies of abundance, wholeness, unbridled joy, creative excitement and passion that one experiences when they are fully ‘on their game’.
In addition, they are adding that if you choose to not get on your game and share your spiritual gifts with others, then when you cross over and you meet with the Etheric Council in the Hall of the Akashic Records to discuss your contract, you will deeply regret not having shared your knowledge with others. When souls are asked by the Etheric Council why they did not bring forth and share their spiritual gifts, they often state that the number one thing that stopped them was their fear surrounding unfounded expectations. For instance, there are those who expected that if they chose to be bring forth their spiritual knowledge, then they would not have been as successful as other spiritual teachers on the planet; so they didn’t bother.
The Posse of Angels is reminding us that by being who we splendidly are, and not being afraid to authentically share our spiritual gifts with the world, we polish our own diamonds and their brightness will attract just the right people, connections and opportunities that we need to light our path for our own radiant journey.
Getting on your game and sharing your spiritual gifts with others will not only make an immeasurable difference in your life, but it will make a difference in the lives of others. And whether you will see it affecting millions of people, just one person, or whether you will ever get to see the results, is irrelevant.
The most important part is that your hungry soul is crying out for it to be fed by sharing your spiritual knowledge.
Once you do this, then you and the whole Universe will feel like it has been properly nourished.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of "I Am An Angelic Walk-In", "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness" & "Angels of Faith"
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Because the Walt Disney Concert Hall is so acoustically perfect, there is literally not a bad seat in the house. This is the reason why Pete and I choose to sit in the furthest most balcony seats, and it is from there, that one gets a marvelous overview of the orchestra.
During the concert, I noticed that there were the musicians who played the coveted, featured solos and those musicians who played, for the most part, throughout the whole composition. But there were some musicians who seemed to sit patiently, steadfastly reading the music while they waited for their time to perform. One gentleman in particular, who played the triangle, sat for a good 15 minutes before he got to chime his instrument three times. After his performance, he rested his triangle down and silently followed the music to its conclusion.
When the performance ended, the esteemed conductor Gustavo Dudamel singled out those performers who had substantial parts to perform. But, when it came time to take a group bow, our triangle playing gentleman took his bows with everyone else. Some might look at his contribution as being small, as it did not make that much of a difference to the overall performance. But he lent his expertise as a member of the percussion section, and was thus included in the well-deserved applause.
Looking down on the orchestra from the lofty heights of the balcony, I started to see how the musical abilities and gifts of so many gave voice to, and contributed to the heavenly sounds that were produced. Whether it was the immensely challenging and almost impossible violin solo played by Joshua Bell, or the three chimes on the triangle, the end contribution of that single piece of music would not have been the same without each musician playing their part.
And The Posse of Angels wishes for all of us to see ourselves as playing a very important part in the symphony of our/Our life. And when they say the word ‘our’, they are saying it with a small o and a capital O at the same time. For whether we know it or not, we are all creating ‘our’ personal lives, but at the same time, we are creating ‘Our’ world, representing a collective expression for a brand New Earth for everyone.
Before we incarnated, each of us has contracted to contribute to the creation of the New Earth. The importance of fulfilling our promise has everything to do with what The Posse of Angels is calling ‘Getting On Our Game’. By doing so, we acknowledge our mission, align with our purpose and share our spiritual gifts with others. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that when we share our gifts, it is unbelievable how each one of us goes on to touch the lives of so many others.
Just this past week, I had several clients who have all heard the still, small voice inside to do something with their spiritual knowledge, and they all chose to not listen to their intuition and to take inspired action. A client who is working in the field of mining told me that he never used his Reiki Mastership that he received years ago, nor did he share his spiritual knowledge about crystals with others. The Posse of Angels shared with him that he had worked as a Priest in the Crystal Palaces of Atlantis and he, along with his knowledge, was destroyed by those who sought power, greed and domination over the energetic power of the crystals. It was that underlying, unconscious fear of possibly being destroyed again in this lifetime that stopped him from sharing his knowledge. In fact, the Posse of Angels is reminding us that if we have had a hunger to learn more about spirituality, than we most probably practiced it in a past life, and yes, many were destroyed by those in authority that did not want us sharing our information. Yet, The Posse of Angels said to this gentleman, as they say to you now, it has been Divinely decreed that the same scenario will not happen in this lifetime.
The Posse of Angels is sharing with us to never ever forget that our individual spirit is unique and one of a kind. Always remember that we are such a special, integral puzzle piece of the Planet that without us, the grand plan, the grand design of the New Earth will not be the same.
They are reminding us that if there weren't any need for our special brand of individual energy, or our ‘game’ to be on this Planet, then we wouldn't be here to bring it forth.
They wish to remind us that it is often because of one person that enormous changes come about in our world. One has only to look at Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Please know that you are no different to these souls as the Universe is within you and just like them, you are here to make a difference.”
And now that they have stressed how important it is to share our gifts with the Planet, they wish to remind us of what will actually happen if we choose NOT to be 'on our game' and bring forth those spiritual gifts?
They are assuring us that the world will be a little sadder, a little less bright and there will be an intangible, unique spark that is not contributing to the light of humanity.
Another thing that will happen as a result of not fully getting on your game, is that your prayers, your dreams, your wishes, your intentions and your desires will have much less of a chance to ever manifest in your physical world because they are not being fully fueled by those high vibrational energies of abundance, wholeness, unbridled joy, creative excitement and passion that one experiences when they are fully ‘on their game’.
In addition, they are adding that if you choose to not get on your game and share your spiritual gifts with others, then when you cross over and you meet with the Etheric Council in the Hall of the Akashic Records to discuss your contract, you will deeply regret not having shared your knowledge with others. When souls are asked by the Etheric Council why they did not bring forth and share their spiritual gifts, they often state that the number one thing that stopped them was their fear surrounding unfounded expectations. For instance, there are those who expected that if they chose to be bring forth their spiritual knowledge, then they would not have been as successful as other spiritual teachers on the planet; so they didn’t bother.
The Posse of Angels is reminding us that by being who we splendidly are, and not being afraid to authentically share our spiritual gifts with the world, we polish our own diamonds and their brightness will attract just the right people, connections and opportunities that we need to light our path for our own radiant journey.
Getting on your game and sharing your spiritual gifts with others will not only make an immeasurable difference in your life, but it will make a difference in the lives of others. And whether you will see it affecting millions of people, just one person, or whether you will ever get to see the results, is irrelevant.
The most important part is that your hungry soul is crying out for it to be fed by sharing your spiritual knowledge.
Once you do this, then you and the whole Universe will feel like it has been properly nourished.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of "I Am An Angelic Walk-In", "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness" & "Angels of Faith"
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Thursday, September 29, 2016
You Are A Goddess
Over my past 14 years as a Spiritual Teacher, I have held many workshops, meditation nights and support groups to bring those of like-mind together to help them reconnect to their Divine eternal wisdom inside. One of these groups, the Like-Minded Ladies Group has provided an opportunity to feel supported by others in a loving and kind atmosphere. At these get-togethers, I often present an exercise for the participants to delve a little bit deeper into who they are. One of these exercises that I present is to finish the sentence: “I Am a Goddess because..” It is always such a wonderful surprise to hear how others respond to this statement, and here are some of the more memorable comments.
In each instance, every one of these participants equated being a Goddess with something that they have done, achieved and/or attained rather than who they Divinely are. It is difficult to see ourselves through the eyes of God for just being rather than through the things that we have achieved; especially when we have been programmed to find our identity in what we accomplished.
A Goddess is someone who lives from deep within herself and therefore does not conform to the whim and dictates of her external world. She lives from an intangible, imperceptible inner Divine vibration that she allows to direct her to synchronicities, miracles and magic. Following this inspired direction within, she knows that this will help her to serve the Divine inside of herself and then be able to serve others best.
But, she did not arrive at this peaceful, empowered place without much work and without many trials and challenges. If she needs to experience deep contrast in her life in order to be to grow, then things like financially hard times and ill-health will really make her spiritually aware to appreciate money and nudge her to honoring her health. These are all powerful lessons; although they may go counter to what we would think a Goddess would experience.
A Goddess has honestly explored her darkness, her shadows and has learned how to celebrate her individual, unique light within. In this way, she is able to fall in love with the infinite possibilities within herself and then surrender to co-creating her reality with God Source. A Goddess knows that by nurturing and nourishing her sacred self then these fulfilled energetic frequencies will manifest a sacred life.
To help each of us to align with our Goddess energy within-both men and women- there are certain things that we can all do that will help us to live a sacred life. For it is in the practice of seeing ourselves as Divine that all else in our lives becomes Divine.
Firstly, a Goddess cares not what others think about her and she does not temper her words in any way to be accepted or lauded by others. She knows that others reactions to her have absolutely nothing to do with her and everything to do with them. She is most concerned with speaking her Truth and being absolutely authentic as this will create an authentic life.Because she is not swayed by the fashion of the day or what others are doing, she invents her own life as to what vision she holds for it. A Goddess chooses to be passionate and it is this excited passion that effects all those around her. Her energetic frequency raises the vibration of others and she inspires them to be passionate in their lives as well.
Secondly, a Goddess will be generous of spirit; generous with her time, effort, and money but not to the detriment of her health. A Goddess gently but firmly communicates her boundaries and respects others boundaries as well. Because she has learned how to value herself, she makes sure to refill her cup so that she will be well nourished and when called upon, will have the strength, energy and peace within to give to others.
A Goddess has learned balance and patience. She is in tune with the rhythms of nature and allows herself to go with the flow of life instead of going against it. In this way, she has learned faith and trust in the Divine. She knows that as a child of God, Divine Source has her back and exists to desire what she desires. It is in this deep knowing that finds her comfortable with whatever circumstance she brings to herself; for she knows that it is for the greatest good of herself and the greatest good of all concerned.
Thirdly, a Goddess lives in the world but is not of it. She allows her greatest gift of intuition to steer the helm of her ship and guide her to the fulfillment of her dreams and wishes. She also knows to live beyond her physical five senses as she deeply understands that she is a multi-dimensional being that is not held back be merely the physical. She knows that if she can believe it, then she will see it.
A Goddess is never haughty, self-centered, arrogant and would never wear a superior air. Knowing and being confident with oneself is very different from acting conceited. As such she has a confident, self-assured air about her, and respects others as to their opinions and thoughts. With this self-confidence, a Goddess would be the first to admit that she does not know everything and in this way she is continually open to evolving, learning, growing, and expanding her horizons.
And a Goddess will know that this physical human incarnation is not the end, but only a short stop on the grand spectrum of her growth and expansion. In this way she is not afraid of, but is comfortable with, the concept of death and knows that all things must pass after they have fulfilled their time. She embraces life with an open heart.
She deeply knows that it is only by making herself completely vulnerable that she can receive without restriction. In this way, the Universe then can give to her in limitless and boundless ways not restricted by space, time and dimension. Because she knows her individual unique worth, she would never be envious, jealous or see herself in competition with another person, as she deeply knows that each of us holds an integral puzzle piece of the Planet to help the world ascend into love, peace and unity.
If I was to complete that phrase, “I am a Goddess because..”, I would write:
I am a Goddess because I am made by the benevolent hand of God, in His reflection. This reflection has me mirroring no less than:
I am a Goddess because I am infinite. I have always been and I always will be. I am Divine and eternal.
Each and every one of us is a Goddess by our inherent nature, and the more that we live by these attributes, the more our lives will mirror back to us this Divine representation.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of "I Am An Angelic Walk-In", "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness" & "Angels of Faith"
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
- I Am a Goddess because I stopped eating whole bags of M&Ms and have lost 10 lbs.
- I Am a Goddess because I finally received my Master’s Degree in Law.
- I Am a Goddess because I have not fought with my boss, my ex, my mother or my mother-in-law in over a month.
- I Am a Goddess because I managed to cook several home-cooked meals for my husband and my kids in the past weeks.
- I am a Goddess because I stopped shaving my arm-pits and legs.
In each instance, every one of these participants equated being a Goddess with something that they have done, achieved and/or attained rather than who they Divinely are. It is difficult to see ourselves through the eyes of God for just being rather than through the things that we have achieved; especially when we have been programmed to find our identity in what we accomplished.
A Goddess is someone who lives from deep within herself and therefore does not conform to the whim and dictates of her external world. She lives from an intangible, imperceptible inner Divine vibration that she allows to direct her to synchronicities, miracles and magic. Following this inspired direction within, she knows that this will help her to serve the Divine inside of herself and then be able to serve others best.
But, she did not arrive at this peaceful, empowered place without much work and without many trials and challenges. If she needs to experience deep contrast in her life in order to be to grow, then things like financially hard times and ill-health will really make her spiritually aware to appreciate money and nudge her to honoring her health. These are all powerful lessons; although they may go counter to what we would think a Goddess would experience.
A Goddess has honestly explored her darkness, her shadows and has learned how to celebrate her individual, unique light within. In this way, she is able to fall in love with the infinite possibilities within herself and then surrender to co-creating her reality with God Source. A Goddess knows that by nurturing and nourishing her sacred self then these fulfilled energetic frequencies will manifest a sacred life.
To help each of us to align with our Goddess energy within-both men and women- there are certain things that we can all do that will help us to live a sacred life. For it is in the practice of seeing ourselves as Divine that all else in our lives becomes Divine.
Firstly, a Goddess cares not what others think about her and she does not temper her words in any way to be accepted or lauded by others. She knows that others reactions to her have absolutely nothing to do with her and everything to do with them. She is most concerned with speaking her Truth and being absolutely authentic as this will create an authentic life.Because she is not swayed by the fashion of the day or what others are doing, she invents her own life as to what vision she holds for it. A Goddess chooses to be passionate and it is this excited passion that effects all those around her. Her energetic frequency raises the vibration of others and she inspires them to be passionate in their lives as well.
Secondly, a Goddess will be generous of spirit; generous with her time, effort, and money but not to the detriment of her health. A Goddess gently but firmly communicates her boundaries and respects others boundaries as well. Because she has learned how to value herself, she makes sure to refill her cup so that she will be well nourished and when called upon, will have the strength, energy and peace within to give to others.
A Goddess has learned balance and patience. She is in tune with the rhythms of nature and allows herself to go with the flow of life instead of going against it. In this way, she has learned faith and trust in the Divine. She knows that as a child of God, Divine Source has her back and exists to desire what she desires. It is in this deep knowing that finds her comfortable with whatever circumstance she brings to herself; for she knows that it is for the greatest good of herself and the greatest good of all concerned.
Thirdly, a Goddess lives in the world but is not of it. She allows her greatest gift of intuition to steer the helm of her ship and guide her to the fulfillment of her dreams and wishes. She also knows to live beyond her physical five senses as she deeply understands that she is a multi-dimensional being that is not held back be merely the physical. She knows that if she can believe it, then she will see it.
A Goddess is never haughty, self-centered, arrogant and would never wear a superior air. Knowing and being confident with oneself is very different from acting conceited. As such she has a confident, self-assured air about her, and respects others as to their opinions and thoughts. With this self-confidence, a Goddess would be the first to admit that she does not know everything and in this way she is continually open to evolving, learning, growing, and expanding her horizons.
And a Goddess will know that this physical human incarnation is not the end, but only a short stop on the grand spectrum of her growth and expansion. In this way she is not afraid of, but is comfortable with, the concept of death and knows that all things must pass after they have fulfilled their time. She embraces life with an open heart.
She deeply knows that it is only by making herself completely vulnerable that she can receive without restriction. In this way, the Universe then can give to her in limitless and boundless ways not restricted by space, time and dimension. Because she knows her individual unique worth, she would never be envious, jealous or see herself in competition with another person, as she deeply knows that each of us holds an integral puzzle piece of the Planet to help the world ascend into love, peace and unity.
If I was to complete that phrase, “I am a Goddess because..”, I would write:
I am a Goddess because I am made by the benevolent hand of God, in His reflection. This reflection has me mirroring no less than:
- the same brilliance as the stars which He did create,
- the same powerful energy and light as the sun
- the same ancient wisdom of Mother Nature’s knowledge about birth, death and rebirth
- the same flowing nature as the ocean tides
- the same individualized, unique signature as every snowflake that has ever fallen
- the same majesty as a dazzling sunset and sunrise
- the same playfulness as puppies rolling down a hill
- and the same deep knowing that God has imbued within me the great capacity to receive and give love more infinitely than all the grains of sands on all the beaches, more than the stars which number in all the galaxies plus all the droplets of water that make up all the bodies of water.
I am a Goddess because I am infinite. I have always been and I always will be. I am Divine and eternal.
Each and every one of us is a Goddess by our inherent nature, and the more that we live by these attributes, the more our lives will mirror back to us this Divine representation.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of "I Am An Angelic Walk-In", "One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness" & "Angels of Faith"
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Monday, August 29, 2016
Consciously Create Your Reality
The Posse of Angels wishes to remind us that when we are in our non-physical state, we can immediately manifest whatever we wish just by our thoughts. With no dense, physical energies to weigh us down, our frequencies are so high and light that we become a direct match for the energies of the Universe and we can easily see the fulfillment of our wishes. When many of us think about being able to create our realities, we may imagine ourselves to have Aladdin’s lamp and rub it to produce a wish-giving genie. Instantly we would have the only winning ticket in the multiple jackpotted Powerball game and our dream home fully paid in the perfect location, because our wishes are the lamp’s command. We would instantly lose those extra lbs., all our wrinkles would be erased, and of course, our garage would house our shiny new dream car.
The manifestation of all of these things are worthy desires to be sure, but this mythical way that many of us would like for our dreams to manifest immediately, is not how life works. If our physical life was mainly concerned with the acquisition of material things, then this fantasy would make total sense. But The Posse of Angels, sadly for some, is setting the record straight that we are not here solely to acquire things. In actual fact, our main reason for incarnating back into human form, lifetime after lifetime, is for us to grow and expand our consciousness.
With our blessing of free will, we were Divinely given the gift to set our intentions and desires. But, we were never, Ever, EVER given control of the how and the when of our wishes coming into manifestation, as this was always the providence of God and the Angels; and they are adding for a very good reason. The reason is that with our human nature, and our often programmed narrow view of life, we cannot see the greater gift in either waiting for something to manifest, or manifesting in a totally different way than our limited linear mind can conceive. Most times, our desires are delayed to teach us patience or faith or, for them to work out not just for the greatest good of ourselves, but for the greatest good of all concerned; sort of like an energetic win-win for the Universe.
And many times, we have prayed for God to send us something and have been given very strong clear signs to step forward to take inspired action to 'something else'.This 'something else' seemingly has nothing to do with what we asked for, but it is indirectly the answer to our prayers.
Looking back over my past 13 years as a Healing Practitioner, I can see many examples of how this very same scenario played out for me. And come to think, every time that I have asked to receive something, mostly more abundance through clients, when I created and gave of myself, the Universe then gave to me more abundance in different ways.
In 2004, I married Pete and moved from the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia, an hour an ½ north to the Sunshine Coast; a far enough distant away to start my Healing Practice all over again. So, I asked and prayed for God to send me clients. It was over this time that one of my Reiki students asked me if I knew of any meditation groups that I could recommend. Being new to the Sunshine Coast, I said that I didn’t but I took it on as a bit of a quest to investigate. After attending several such nights, I found that they basically fell into two categories. The first category was those mediation nights in which they charged you $20 or more to be smudged at the door and then someone read a meditation out of a book. In the second category, these nights were presented by self-professed gurus who were surrounded by fawning devotees, as they spoke of their way of meditation as being the only way to really experience true enlightenment, and of course in order to achieve these lofty energetic heights, participants needed to buy their books, their CDs, and attend theirworkshops.
Having been sadly disappointed by all the meditation nights that I attended, I began to think what I would love to experience in my ideal meditation night. I would have loved to find a gathering in which participants were given channeled information on how to experience more direction, joy, clarity, love and peace, followed by a channeled guided meditation that created an atmosphere of beautiful soothing relaxing loving energies, and afterwards, time to socialize over home-baked goods, tea and coffee. It then dawned on me to create these evenings myself.
These nights started out once a month with my 6 Reiki students. Several of them then told their friends and family and the next month I had 12 people attend. Each month the numbers increased, and after about 6 months I had 35+ people attending these beautiful, angelically driven nights. For the price of $5 to cover the refreshments, participants would receive Angel messages on ascension insights, a new channeled guided angel meditation and afterwards, refreshments including my home baked cupcakes. The energies were so Divine that many people did not wish to leave and would stay past 11pm socializing and chatting. These nights became so popular that I was asked to hold them twice a month, which I did.
While people were chatting they would pick up one of my brochures, and be lead to book sessions or study Reiki with me. As a result of creating these glorious nights, and giving from my heart, the numbers of my clientele exploded, and my wish of having more clients was realized. Because I gave of my time, effort, creativity, passion and love, I got so much back in return, financially, emotionally and spiritually and created an enormous community of light.
This wish of asking for more clients was repeated in 2011 when we moved to Los Angeles and I had to once again re-establish my business. When I asked for more clients, The Posse of Angels kept cryptically telling me to do “Radio, but not radio”. Finally, in January 2012, it was revealed to me that “Radio, but not radio” meant for me to do Blog Talk Radio and I established my Angel Healing House Radio Program to share channeled information to help others and to give away free Angel readings. I did not realize it, but overtime, I began to receive clients who booked sessions nationally and internationally. Once again, by creating my Angel Healing House Radio program and giving away so many free Angel Readings, I created a path for people to find me and received calls for my services from a growing global clientele.
Both of these times, when I asked for clients, I created something and passionately gave of myself, and was handsomely remunerated by the Universe, both financially and emotionally as I connected with so many beautiful people.
If you wish to have more clients in your life, you will meet a lot of dead ends by sending out emails as to inform people of your services and why they should be your clients. Instead, The Posse of Angels is reminding us to excitedly create something that we passionately believe in with all our heart, and then make it available to others by giving of ourselves. For it is the energies of joy in the creative process that gladdens our hearts, and creates abundance within us that alchemically works with the magic and miracles of The Universe to bring more abundance to ourselves in all forms.
In 2010, I was trying to find books on Walk-Ins at a New Age shop, and the salesgirl apologized as she could not find any from the booksellers. She then said, “Well, not finding the book just means that you need to write your own book on the subject and to share your experience.” It would be 6 years later that I wrote my autobiography “I Am an Angelic Walk-In” and this book has magically opened up so many Radio and TV shows to showcase my book, my business and my services to an international audience.
The Posse of Angels is reminding us that if you can’t find that book you want, then write the book yourself. If you are not experiencing your life in harmony, than find more opportunities to passionately create bliss, joy, love, inspiration, and peace. If your life is not the wonderland that you would like to experience, then take inspired action to build it.
Because the law of cause and effect, there is no other way.
The Posse of Angels wishes to remind us that we are not victims. We are powerful, great creators. Honoring your innate ability to enthusiastically create ultimately changes your reality; for life is about creating yourself.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough
The manifestation of all of these things are worthy desires to be sure, but this mythical way that many of us would like for our dreams to manifest immediately, is not how life works. If our physical life was mainly concerned with the acquisition of material things, then this fantasy would make total sense. But The Posse of Angels, sadly for some, is setting the record straight that we are not here solely to acquire things. In actual fact, our main reason for incarnating back into human form, lifetime after lifetime, is for us to grow and expand our consciousness.
With our blessing of free will, we were Divinely given the gift to set our intentions and desires. But, we were never, Ever, EVER given control of the how and the when of our wishes coming into manifestation, as this was always the providence of God and the Angels; and they are adding for a very good reason. The reason is that with our human nature, and our often programmed narrow view of life, we cannot see the greater gift in either waiting for something to manifest, or manifesting in a totally different way than our limited linear mind can conceive. Most times, our desires are delayed to teach us patience or faith or, for them to work out not just for the greatest good of ourselves, but for the greatest good of all concerned; sort of like an energetic win-win for the Universe.
And many times, we have prayed for God to send us something and have been given very strong clear signs to step forward to take inspired action to 'something else'.This 'something else' seemingly has nothing to do with what we asked for, but it is indirectly the answer to our prayers.
Looking back over my past 13 years as a Healing Practitioner, I can see many examples of how this very same scenario played out for me. And come to think, every time that I have asked to receive something, mostly more abundance through clients, when I created and gave of myself, the Universe then gave to me more abundance in different ways.
In 2004, I married Pete and moved from the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia, an hour an ½ north to the Sunshine Coast; a far enough distant away to start my Healing Practice all over again. So, I asked and prayed for God to send me clients. It was over this time that one of my Reiki students asked me if I knew of any meditation groups that I could recommend. Being new to the Sunshine Coast, I said that I didn’t but I took it on as a bit of a quest to investigate. After attending several such nights, I found that they basically fell into two categories. The first category was those mediation nights in which they charged you $20 or more to be smudged at the door and then someone read a meditation out of a book. In the second category, these nights were presented by self-professed gurus who were surrounded by fawning devotees, as they spoke of their way of meditation as being the only way to really experience true enlightenment, and of course in order to achieve these lofty energetic heights, participants needed to buy their books, their CDs, and attend theirworkshops.
Having been sadly disappointed by all the meditation nights that I attended, I began to think what I would love to experience in my ideal meditation night. I would have loved to find a gathering in which participants were given channeled information on how to experience more direction, joy, clarity, love and peace, followed by a channeled guided meditation that created an atmosphere of beautiful soothing relaxing loving energies, and afterwards, time to socialize over home-baked goods, tea and coffee. It then dawned on me to create these evenings myself.
These nights started out once a month with my 6 Reiki students. Several of them then told their friends and family and the next month I had 12 people attend. Each month the numbers increased, and after about 6 months I had 35+ people attending these beautiful, angelically driven nights. For the price of $5 to cover the refreshments, participants would receive Angel messages on ascension insights, a new channeled guided angel meditation and afterwards, refreshments including my home baked cupcakes. The energies were so Divine that many people did not wish to leave and would stay past 11pm socializing and chatting. These nights became so popular that I was asked to hold them twice a month, which I did.
While people were chatting they would pick up one of my brochures, and be lead to book sessions or study Reiki with me. As a result of creating these glorious nights, and giving from my heart, the numbers of my clientele exploded, and my wish of having more clients was realized. Because I gave of my time, effort, creativity, passion and love, I got so much back in return, financially, emotionally and spiritually and created an enormous community of light.
This wish of asking for more clients was repeated in 2011 when we moved to Los Angeles and I had to once again re-establish my business. When I asked for more clients, The Posse of Angels kept cryptically telling me to do “Radio, but not radio”. Finally, in January 2012, it was revealed to me that “Radio, but not radio” meant for me to do Blog Talk Radio and I established my Angel Healing House Radio Program to share channeled information to help others and to give away free Angel readings. I did not realize it, but overtime, I began to receive clients who booked sessions nationally and internationally. Once again, by creating my Angel Healing House Radio program and giving away so many free Angel Readings, I created a path for people to find me and received calls for my services from a growing global clientele.
Both of these times, when I asked for clients, I created something and passionately gave of myself, and was handsomely remunerated by the Universe, both financially and emotionally as I connected with so many beautiful people.
If you wish to have more clients in your life, you will meet a lot of dead ends by sending out emails as to inform people of your services and why they should be your clients. Instead, The Posse of Angels is reminding us to excitedly create something that we passionately believe in with all our heart, and then make it available to others by giving of ourselves. For it is the energies of joy in the creative process that gladdens our hearts, and creates abundance within us that alchemically works with the magic and miracles of The Universe to bring more abundance to ourselves in all forms.
In 2010, I was trying to find books on Walk-Ins at a New Age shop, and the salesgirl apologized as she could not find any from the booksellers. She then said, “Well, not finding the book just means that you need to write your own book on the subject and to share your experience.” It would be 6 years later that I wrote my autobiography “I Am an Angelic Walk-In” and this book has magically opened up so many Radio and TV shows to showcase my book, my business and my services to an international audience.
The Posse of Angels is reminding us that if you can’t find that book you want, then write the book yourself. If you are not experiencing your life in harmony, than find more opportunities to passionately create bliss, joy, love, inspiration, and peace. If your life is not the wonderland that you would like to experience, then take inspired action to build it.
Because the law of cause and effect, there is no other way.
The Posse of Angels wishes to remind us that we are not victims. We are powerful, great creators. Honoring your innate ability to enthusiastically create ultimately changes your reality; for life is about creating yourself.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Love, Our Ultimate Gift
In 2008, I received a call from Colleen (not her real name), a 76-year-old lady who had been diagnosed with cancer, and she wished to have Reiki to boost her immune system. When I asked her to tell me about herself, she replied, “That’s very difficult because I have forgotten who I really am.”
Growing up in Dublin, Ireland, she told me that in the year that she turned 8, her mother died and her alcoholic father started to molest her and her 10-year-old sister. They would dread nightfall because their father would return from work and begin to drink. Clinging to each other in their bed, the utter dreading of the sexual abuse was sometimes worse than the very act itself. After suffering for two years, they waited for their father to leave for work, grabbed food and clothing and ran away from home. Cutting their long hair and changing their names, they lived on the rat infested streets of Dublin and survived by prostituting themselves.
When Colleen was 18 years of age, an American man took pity on her and asked her to marry him. Traveling across the ocean to live in the United States answered her prayers for God to send someone to rescue her. But she soon learned that it was not the dream come true that she thought it would be, for as soon as they were wed, the abuse began. Being brought up by his own alcoholic father, her husband had a sharp tongue and a controlling fist that kept her fearfully submissive and quiet for all her married life. And while it was a loveless marriage, she explained that she was very proud that she had been an obedient wife until he passed away a few years ago.
Sobbing uncontrollably, she told me that her shame for prostituting herself was so great that God would never allow her into the Kingdom of Heaven. Channeling messages of unconditional love, The Posse of Angels told her that they felt nothing but praise for her and her sister for having the enormous courage to escape from their abusive father, and they assured her that there was no shame in doing whatever was necessary to keep one’s self alive. After feeling the effects of the loving, angelically driven Reiki energy session, she felt the angels opening her heart up to love again and that she had been completely forgiven by God.
After Colleen had 3 months of sessions, her daughter came for a visit and delivered the sad news that her mother had passed away. When I began to cry, she said that in all her life she had never seen her mother as joyous and as peaceful as she had become since our sessions together. Handing me a card, I read this testimonial from Colleen: “I went to Candy because I was recovering from cancer, and needed help to release emotional blockages. My sessions with her have been a most loving and caring experience and I continue to receive benefits from ongoing sessions. I can honestly say, that as a result of meeting Candy, at 76 years of age, it was the first time in my whole life that I was truly able to feel and experience love from another human being. I highly recommend my friends to her and feel very confident that they will have a beautiful experience and get the help they need. Candy truly is a gift."
My time with Colleen taught me that love is the greatest healer of all and that healing does not mean that one’s client will not cross over. I learned that whatever the emotional and physical illness that is in the body is simply a symptom, an indication of how far the person is away from love for themselves. When clients are too angry and sad to love, I love them. When they are too scared to love, I love them. When they are too weary and have lost their hope, trust and faith, I love them. I never dictate to God and the Angels what is the outcome for the giving of my love or whether or not they will heal because that is a contract between them and God.
My job is simply to love them.
Love is the strongest force in the Universe. No matter what we believe in, we all have this amazing ability to open our hearts to others and love them regardless of things like race, color, and religion. The Posse of Angels is saying that while there are many reasons why people choose to not love, ultimately, the reasons do not matter.
It is important to remember that it matters not if someone did us wrong, speaks badly about us, or judges us; for it is we who have co-created and orchestrated the situation in the first place to see if we would still choose to love regardless of anything. In order to experience the most extraordinary feelings of love, we need to make ourselves vulnerable, open ourselves wide to receive and allow the Divine eternal love inside of us to flow forth freely and unconditionally without reasons of restriction.
When we choose to be clear enough to see the love in ourselves, we then become clear enough to see the love in others and in our world.
The truth is that finding love from the outside world has never worked because love cannot be found outside of ourselves; it is an inside job!
Not matter what the question is, the answer is always love. If you are weary and exhausted, love. If you feel slighted by someone, love. If you are totally spent, depressed and your life seems to be without purpose, love. In fact, whatever we are faced with, love, and then love even more; especially yourself.
I remember when I lived on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia when I was treating a kindhearted gentleman who had cancer and had basically been given a death sentence from his medical Doctors who told him to go home and get his affairs in order. After four months of healing sessions with me which entailed cleansing his diet to change his current acid base in his body to an alkaline base, helping him release deep emotional pain and restoring his physical vitality through Reiki, he went back to his Doctors who took x-rays and were absolutely shocked that all his cancer was gone. Coming to my home to tell me his wonderful news, I said that all his attention to his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness brought him back to a place of health. He agreed, but added that there was one thing that made all the difference. He told me, “Throughout the whole four months, I could feel how much you loved me and how it REALLY mattered to you whether I got better. It was your deep concern and love for me that made me matter to myself and restored my will to live. I can never thank you enough.”
Those of us who compassionately tend and nurture our clients, choose to demonstrate that they are important enough to be loved. In a world where we have become so fractured and desensitized with faster paced technology which finds us more divorced and separated from our humanness, it is in the seemingly simple things of life that we discover that the act of loving another with all our heart is anything but simple.
In celebrating my 13th year as a Healing Practitioner through Angel Healing House, I’ve realized that I help my clients restore hope in what they do not see. This powerful combination of helping them to reconnect with their Divine eternal nature of love and showing them that they are worthy of being loved, creates an alchemical reaction within them to experience peace, wholeness, and joy that completely goes against logic, and many times, the rational mind. But, loving everyone unconditionally does not make sense, that’s why it creates miracles.
Love and Angel Blessings.
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Age Appropriate Is No Longer Appropriate
I recently attended my first ever concert at the Hollywood Bowl as Pete and I went to see Paul Simon, who at 74 years of age, is on yet another world tour. After 11 studio albums, 2 live albums, 9 compilation albums and 15 singles, he is promoting his new album, entitled “Stranger to Stranger”. Paul Simon is firmly planted in my memories, as I am a baby boomer, and I anticipated that listening to his music again would transport me back to former places and times. But when the concert began, I found myself more captivated with the energy that this musical genius was emitting now and it was very different from how I remembered him years ago.
I always found Paul Simon to be an amazing innovator, a completely unique songwriter and yet his energies, at least when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, seemed so fragile to me; as if he was trying to prove his worth to others. But now at 74, he has come home to himself and is totally comfortable with who he is. I am not sure when this change started for him, but I can tell you personally having turned 60 this past year, that when you get to the stage in your life in which you realize that you do not have to justify any part of yourself, it is utterly magical.
It is magical because you realize that the narrative and inner dialog that might have been perpetuated about not being worthy, not measuring up, or being in constant competition with others, was merely an illusion. What is most important is A) How we feel about ourselves and B) How we authentically and honestly show up in the world. Looking at his photo to endorse his new tour and latest album, I can energetically see a softness, a sweetness; a soul who seems totally at peace in knowing his value and worth in the grand scheme of life.
In the box that we were seated in, I struck up a conversation with a mother and daughter. They said that they were excited to see Paul Simon, but the mother commented that she could not believe that he was still touring, and that the rock and roll lifestyle was not age appropriate for someone in their 70’s. I did not say anything, but I wondered if Stevie Nicks at 68 years of age, and hotter and more in demand than ever, would agree with her.
With this woman’s words still ringing in my ears, it got me wondering about the phrase ‘Age Appropriate’. Many people are not only amazed that Paul Simon is still touring in his 70’s, but they are more amazed by how fresh and creative his new album is; as he is once again using new ideas, instruments and rhythms. Sure those of us who remembered him from decades ago were thrilled that he played ‘Graceland’,’ 'Julio Down By the School Yard’, and ‘Diamonds On the Souls Of Her Shoes’, but it was his juices of creativity that still flowed in his new songs that caught my attention the most.
Many of us who are conscious and living an awakened life have our goals, dreams and desires, but how many of us truly envisage creating the physical manifestation of those desires into our 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. 90’s and beyond? On my last week’s Angel Healing House Radio show, I had a caller ask when she could retire. The Posse of Angels was quick to point out that if she was passionate about what she was doing, then she would never wish to retire because it fed her soul. Yet, many of us were programmed to retire because of the dictates of age, rather than allowing ourselves to be motivated to passionately create with joy, regardless of our years on the Planet.
Much of our modern, western society has been driven by a culture of youth and once one’s looks fade, that person is supposed to put their affairs in order; as if they have nothing else to contribute. Yet, this goes counter to the beliefs of many around the world. In cultures throughout time, whether it was Native Americans, The Mayan, or Asian cultures, it was the wise crones, in particular the older women of the tribe, who had pride of place to be the revered teachers and wise vessels that carried the wisdom and knowledge to impart to the next generation.
I believe that the whole notion of ‘Age Appropriateness’ was perpetuated in order to suppress the wisdom and the invaluable experience that these older individuals have to share with others. Seems to me that the term 'Age Appropriate' was created to put limitations and restrictions on what each of us is capable of and what is possible at any age.
The Posse of Angels is jumping in here and reminding us that you are never too old to do something amazing, and that no one ages in Heaven; unless they choose to look older for some reason. (I always see the Etheric Counsel as wise old sages.) They are asking us to think back to our younger days and how so much of our time and energy was focused on our looks and whether we measured up to the competition. For many of us, our self-esteem and what we thought we could do was largely based on how the rest of the world reacted to us, rather than inner acceptance and a deep knowing that we were fully co-created by Source to be who we Divinely are.
So knowing that “Age Appropriate is No Longer Appropriate’ what may have seemed to have a limited shelf-life, like a dream or an experience is for many not a problem in their latter years. The Posse of Angels is sharing with us that there are certain things that we all can do to not fall into restricting ourselves by saying that we are too old to experience something or to start a new endeavor.
Firstly, if it makes you happy and excited than these are your best barometers to take inspired action, and not if you are young enough to do something. Do not allow the fear of failure to stop you from stepping forward to your dreams and your desires, no matter what age you are.
Secondly, in order to go beyond age being a determinant as to what we can do, it is vital to keep the little boy or girl inside of us alive. Please allow yourself to be curious about life, and when the opportunity arises, go on unexpected adventures and allow yourself to have more experiences. Try new things, speak to different people, challenge yourself and know deep in your heart that there is no failure, just missed opportunities that we say no to out of fear.
Ask yourself “What is it that I still wish to do?”, What do I feel excited and passionate about? “What do I wish to enthusiastically share with the world?” It is these motivations that will keep us young, and just like Paul Simon at age 74, it will keep the juices of creativity nourishing our soul, keeping us vital and feeling alive.
The Posse of Angels is assuring us that we were never supposed to be defined by age, by any number or anything for that matter, as we are all limitless, Divine eternal beings. They are sharing with us that if we truly realised our full potential, it would blow our minds! And they are reminding us that being ageless is just that, a state of mind!
It is important to remember that there is a fountain of youth in each one of us. The secret to tap into this magical fountain has nothing to do with our physical appearance. We experience it through our mind, our talents, our heartfelt passions and our creativity that we bring to our life. For when we tap into these things, each one of us will surely have transcended age.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough
I always found Paul Simon to be an amazing innovator, a completely unique songwriter and yet his energies, at least when I was in my 20’s and 30’s, seemed so fragile to me; as if he was trying to prove his worth to others. But now at 74, he has come home to himself and is totally comfortable with who he is. I am not sure when this change started for him, but I can tell you personally having turned 60 this past year, that when you get to the stage in your life in which you realize that you do not have to justify any part of yourself, it is utterly magical.
It is magical because you realize that the narrative and inner dialog that might have been perpetuated about not being worthy, not measuring up, or being in constant competition with others, was merely an illusion. What is most important is A) How we feel about ourselves and B) How we authentically and honestly show up in the world. Looking at his photo to endorse his new tour and latest album, I can energetically see a softness, a sweetness; a soul who seems totally at peace in knowing his value and worth in the grand scheme of life.
In the box that we were seated in, I struck up a conversation with a mother and daughter. They said that they were excited to see Paul Simon, but the mother commented that she could not believe that he was still touring, and that the rock and roll lifestyle was not age appropriate for someone in their 70’s. I did not say anything, but I wondered if Stevie Nicks at 68 years of age, and hotter and more in demand than ever, would agree with her.
With this woman’s words still ringing in my ears, it got me wondering about the phrase ‘Age Appropriate’. Many people are not only amazed that Paul Simon is still touring in his 70’s, but they are more amazed by how fresh and creative his new album is; as he is once again using new ideas, instruments and rhythms. Sure those of us who remembered him from decades ago were thrilled that he played ‘Graceland’,’ 'Julio Down By the School Yard’, and ‘Diamonds On the Souls Of Her Shoes’, but it was his juices of creativity that still flowed in his new songs that caught my attention the most.
Many of us who are conscious and living an awakened life have our goals, dreams and desires, but how many of us truly envisage creating the physical manifestation of those desires into our 60’s, 70’s, 80’s. 90’s and beyond? On my last week’s Angel Healing House Radio show, I had a caller ask when she could retire. The Posse of Angels was quick to point out that if she was passionate about what she was doing, then she would never wish to retire because it fed her soul. Yet, many of us were programmed to retire because of the dictates of age, rather than allowing ourselves to be motivated to passionately create with joy, regardless of our years on the Planet.
Much of our modern, western society has been driven by a culture of youth and once one’s looks fade, that person is supposed to put their affairs in order; as if they have nothing else to contribute. Yet, this goes counter to the beliefs of many around the world. In cultures throughout time, whether it was Native Americans, The Mayan, or Asian cultures, it was the wise crones, in particular the older women of the tribe, who had pride of place to be the revered teachers and wise vessels that carried the wisdom and knowledge to impart to the next generation.
I believe that the whole notion of ‘Age Appropriateness’ was perpetuated in order to suppress the wisdom and the invaluable experience that these older individuals have to share with others. Seems to me that the term 'Age Appropriate' was created to put limitations and restrictions on what each of us is capable of and what is possible at any age.
The Posse of Angels is jumping in here and reminding us that you are never too old to do something amazing, and that no one ages in Heaven; unless they choose to look older for some reason. (I always see the Etheric Counsel as wise old sages.) They are asking us to think back to our younger days and how so much of our time and energy was focused on our looks and whether we measured up to the competition. For many of us, our self-esteem and what we thought we could do was largely based on how the rest of the world reacted to us, rather than inner acceptance and a deep knowing that we were fully co-created by Source to be who we Divinely are.
So knowing that “Age Appropriate is No Longer Appropriate’ what may have seemed to have a limited shelf-life, like a dream or an experience is for many not a problem in their latter years. The Posse of Angels is sharing with us that there are certain things that we all can do to not fall into restricting ourselves by saying that we are too old to experience something or to start a new endeavor.
Firstly, if it makes you happy and excited than these are your best barometers to take inspired action, and not if you are young enough to do something. Do not allow the fear of failure to stop you from stepping forward to your dreams and your desires, no matter what age you are.
Secondly, in order to go beyond age being a determinant as to what we can do, it is vital to keep the little boy or girl inside of us alive. Please allow yourself to be curious about life, and when the opportunity arises, go on unexpected adventures and allow yourself to have more experiences. Try new things, speak to different people, challenge yourself and know deep in your heart that there is no failure, just missed opportunities that we say no to out of fear.
Ask yourself “What is it that I still wish to do?”, What do I feel excited and passionate about? “What do I wish to enthusiastically share with the world?” It is these motivations that will keep us young, and just like Paul Simon at age 74, it will keep the juices of creativity nourishing our soul, keeping us vital and feeling alive.
The Posse of Angels is assuring us that we were never supposed to be defined by age, by any number or anything for that matter, as we are all limitless, Divine eternal beings. They are sharing with us that if we truly realised our full potential, it would blow our minds! And they are reminding us that being ageless is just that, a state of mind!
It is important to remember that there is a fountain of youth in each one of us. The secret to tap into this magical fountain has nothing to do with our physical appearance. We experience it through our mind, our talents, our heartfelt passions and our creativity that we bring to our life. For when we tap into these things, each one of us will surely have transcended age.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough
Monday, May 30, 2016
Surrendering Karma Through Compassion
And when we sit in this knowledge that we are part of something so much grander than ourselves, we do not feel so helpless and isolated.
And the Posse of Angels wishes for us to know that our outside realities, our physical world, is just a reflection of the accumulated energies that each and every one of us has within. And there are many who would rail against such a statement by saying, “But, I did not start the wars, I did not sanction poisoning our foods with pesticides, and I did not allow corruption to be present in so many areas.” But The Posse of Angels wishes for us to consider that any vibration that we hold within ourselves that contains the same frequency contained in anger, bitterness, resentment, regret, judgment, non-forgiveness, criticism, and blame, (no matter where it originated) all indirectly has contributed to creating a world of division, lack, and disharmony. The reason for this is that we cannot have in our external world, that which does not already exist within us.
We have come to an important threshold, at which God and the angels are asking us to take responsibility for our energies within. Even though the most spiritual of us may not have seen the world’s problems as resulting from the energetic frequency that we individually hold, it is tantamount to remember that we are each an integral puzzle piece of the Planet. It is our collective energies that help determine the creation of either a divided Planet that is reflective of negativity i.e. war, hatred and greed, or it is reflective of positive energies resulting in love, acceptance and peace.
There are many among us who are wonderful Spiritual Teachers and have helped so many people by teaching spiritual principles. But, how many have actually walked the walk and brought all our negative triggers back into the resonance of Divine alignment? We are at a critical point in the ascension process where we are being asked to turn the mirror back on ourselves to see if our spiritual closets are completely clean.
For it is at this important juncture in human ascension that we can no longer harbor and hold onto any lower dimensional frequencies and must each personally resolve all karma in order to dissolve all patterning, mis-creations, and false beliefs as they simply will not transmute or disappear on their own. And for those of us who do not want to address our karmic issues, that it is our free will. But, The Posse of Angels is reminding us that we certainly cannot go forward into the fulfillment of our heartfelt desires and wishes, if we choose to hold on to any negative emotions, as there would be too great a disparity in energies.
For instance, a recent client shared with me that she was a successful life coach, and told me that she had had uterine cancer and breast cancer years ago, and now she had colon cancer. When I brought up the emotional reasons for the development of cancer cells multiplying in one’s body, i.e. not choosing to nurture and nourish herself and not being opened to receive, not communicating her needs (besides the physical reasons of creating an acid environment instead of an alkaline one), she exclaimed, “Yes, yes I know all of that.” She went on to explain that she knew that thoughts were things and she had done a tremendous amount of healing work with different people, yet, her physical symptoms were growing worse.
In this case, it was truly an example of Healing Practitioner heal thyself, but I intuited that there was a tremendous disconnection with what she knew and taught others and the feelings of bitterness, resentment, anger, and blame that she perpetuated. This blame was directed towards A) a certain negative, berating relative and B) a person from her past who had lied to her and stole her money. I asked her if she truly wished to bring her body’s health into alignment, and she assured me that she wished only for that. It was at this point that I told her point blank that her physical wellness was hinging on her ability to finally express gratitude and appreciation for these two souls and to take full responsibility for them being in her life, rather then blaming them and pleading for God to change them and to exact revenge on them.
When I got her to take her first look at these two people through God’s eyes, it was something she had never done before. By seeing them as Divine human beings who she had contracted to bring about contrast in her life to teach her tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness, her hard exterior of seeing herself as a victim began to crack.
For the first time, she began to see that both of these people had acted the way they did because they were hurt, insecure and controlled by others. By blessing both of these human souls, instead of condemning them, she felt herself soften even more. As she started to feel compassion, she began to truly value them and to see their Divine light underneath their choices.
And The Posse of Angels wishes to remind us that we can only value another person if we choose to see them through the eyes of compassion.
By seeing her former colleague’s actions from an Angel’s perspective, his motivations for stealing were revealed. Brought up by an abusive father, he was made to feel worthless and was told that he would only be worthy if he were rich and materially successful. The little boy inside of him so deeply longed for his father’s approval, that he decided that he would get those riches at all costs and stole not only from my client, but many others. When my client was able to see him as a little child who felt fearful of being seen as a failure, her hardened anger and hurt energies towards this person began to melt. As she felt her heart opening up and becoming more receptive to compassion, she allowed herself to truly feel forgiveness; rather than just merely intellectualizing forgiveness as a concept which she had taught in her many years as a coach.
Suddenly all the blame and hurt dissolved for these people, who moments ago, had been such negative weights holding her energies hostage.
And because what we do to ourselves is no different from what we do to the world, this is the grand transmutation of karma that is being asked of each of us to accomplish.
For it is only by valuing everything and everyone, do we start to resolve the emotions of blame and hurt in order to bring our energies back into Divine alignment. And The Posse of Angels is assuring us that nobody is exempt and nobody has any excuses for holding any grudges, complaints, grievances, and accusations that would make it OK to hold on to anything but love.
By seeing others through the eyes of compassion, we begin to see whatever happened between them and us through another filter and we are then able to perceive it differently. We can then actually choose to give it a different meaning and transform it into something of value.
This next level of ascension entails careful introspection and some may feel pressured to transform and transmute everything and anything that holds any negative emotions or triggers back into Divine love and acceptance.
But The Posse of Angels wishes for us to remember that:
Carbon has to be put under a great deal of pressure in order for a diamond to be formed;
A caterpillar must transform to emerge as a magnificent butterfly;
The birthing process comes with excruciating pain, but the result is the blessing of a newborn.
Each one of us is now being asked to go through the final push in order for us to inhabit an ascended planet. And while no one wants pain, The Posse of Angels wishes for us to remember that a rainbow can’t be created without a little rain.
Love and Angel Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Author of
“I Am an Angelic Walk-In"
“One True Home-Behind the Veil of Forgetfulness” and
‘Angels of Faith’
Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
PH: 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
“Let go of the steering wheel of life, so that God and the angels can drive you around to all the miracles” Claire Candy Hough
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