Claire Candy Hough
Author of 'Angels of Faith'
Reiki Master/Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host
Heaven-sent Social Media
Reiki Master/Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host
Heaven-sent Social Media
I recently was given the very clear signs to connect on yet another social media site; even thought my fingers could hardly keep up with all my postings for my business on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Mail Chimp and Google. So when The Posse of Angels whispered God's soft advice-my intuition-to join Instagram, I stepped forward and have been posting ever since.
Now that I have been on Instagram for three weeks, the big news is that...nothing has happened. Well, nothing tangible yet other than posting photos, following others and gathering followers.
And The Posse of Angels is reminding us that what happens as a result of taking inspired action on intuitive signs is not for us to determine, as this is the providence of God and the Angels.
With this new addition to my social media platform, I asked The Posse of Angels if all this social media was actually necessary. And while many of The Posse of Angels have not lived a human life and never experienced modern technology, they do fully understand the importance of having a social presence to get our message out to a wider audience.
For instance, they are saying that early in his ministry, Jesus followed the word of God-his intuition-to take his wisdom and teachings and share it by organising the Sermon on the Mount. Much like one might set up an event on FaceBook for just such a presentation, this enabled him to get his message out to many people.
The Posse of Angels is also referencing Moses and how he followed God's word-his intuition- to bring forth the Ten Commandments and present them to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai: a pretty grand and impressive platform to showcase his message to say the least.
Jesus and Moses never were on FaceBook, they did not post selfies on Instagram or trawl for disciples and converts on LinkedIn. For in their time, these avenues were not available. But, this did not stop them from getting their message out.
The Posse of Angels is pointing out that after they brought forth their message, both Jesus and Moses did not hang on to their laptops, phones or tablets (okay Moses hung on to two very different tablets) waiting, obsessing and counting how many likes and followers they had, in order to determine the worth and importance of their message that they were divinely lead to bring forth. They only needed to step forward when Divinely called to deliver their message and let God and the Angels do the rest for the highest order of all.
And so it is with us, because ultimately it is all about the message; not about the Bass, which some would lead us to believe. The Posse of Angels is reminding us that everyone will be shown on what platform would be best to present their heartfelt messages; for everyone of us has been gifted with wonderful talents and abilities and the free will to step forth when God-our intuition-speaks to us.
So, how does one know which platform is best to present themselves?
Firstly, The Posse of Angels is saying to stop trying to figure out which place would be best, for there is no one best place. Be still and wait for the Divine will of Heaven to show you the next inspired action to take and then to trust and action it.
They are saying to let go of figuring out statistics, demographics, and indicators to get our message to the so-called 'right' people. By letting go of trying to 'figure' life out we open ourselves to 'live' life instead. We allow ourselves to be lead in a co-creative dance with a loving source that always has our back and is always directing us for the highest good.
Instead of worrying as to how to market yourself, where to post, and how many likes and followers that you have, put all of your emphasis on your unique, God given message. Then ask for a sign to be revealed to you as to the opportunities and connections that would be the best platform to bring the message forth.
By allowing God and The Angels to direct you, it will be the most perfect avenue and the most receptive audience for you to take in that moment to deliver your unique message.
P.S. Oh and by the way, I'll be posting this on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Pinterest and Blogspot, just to be safe and because it feels right for me. :)
Love and Angel Blessings
Candy XXX
Claire Candy Hough
Author of ‘Angels of Faith’
Licensed Reiki Master/Teacher // Angel Practitioner
International Radio Host // CEO of Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough