Thursday, March 8, 2012

Re-Invent Your Life

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is definitely in the air. Spring traditionally represents fresh, new beginnings, re-generation and a surge of hope. Like the first tiny buds that optimistically begin to appear after a cold winter, we also begin to feel a sense of optimism and re-newal after a long time of hibernation. And even though ‘spring fever’ is upon us and a feeling of expectation is in the air, many are feeling like an energetic force is weighing us down; bringing in self-doubts and uncertainty. I don’t know about you, but ever since the beginning of the year there have been times that I have felt like I have been pushing molasses along a flat surface. With more effort being put in to our dreams coming true and few results to show for it, I thought I would share some insight as to what is contributing to this sloooow down. One of the reasons for this is that Mars, the planet of energy, and action, started to go backwards on January 24th and halted much of our forward motion. Basically it feels like our get up and go, got up and went. When this planet goes in re-verse, we definitely feel like we are spinning our wheels and going nowhere fast. The frustration many have been feeling, has deflated our optimistic bubble and tested our faith to the max. Like many others, my first reaction was to just to try a little harder, push more and put in extra time on phone calls and computer with greater social media attention. But several weeks ago, I received a series of rather persistent visitations from the fairies that kept telling me, just to do the opposite. (A lot of you know that I work with and belong to a group of angels called The Posse. Yet, the fairies do bring me messages from time to time. God bless them for all the incredible work that they do in looking after Mother Nature!0 Firstly, they told me that as of March 2nd, this Moon in Cancer is urging us to rest, go within and do some much needed introspective work. This ‘downtime’ until March 22nd, is very important, as it will allow us to really hone in on what is causing irritation in our lives. This much needed attention will help us to once and for all acknowledge the beauty in the irritation, in order to thank it, bless it and finally release it. When the new Moon arrives on the 22nd of March, it will shine a light on how we chose to perpetuate any irritations in our lives and prevented them from being resolved. The fairies told me to be sure to pay attention to what is bothering me over the next week, for they said that this may be the very thing that is about to be radically transformed. To help us, the fairies imparted some advice that will help us to turn within and get in touch with our necessary inner work. (****Please note that there is not one mention of spending more time on FaceBook, LinkedIn, or going to networking groups.) Get outside and be in nature. When the fairies started to converge upon me 2 weeks ago, they led me to Culver City Park; where I discovered a wooden elevated ramp set in the side of a tree lined hill. As one gets higher, there are beautiful views of downtown LA, Century City and one can see all the way to Marina Del Rey. (As testament to how beautiful this walk is, I gave up my gym membership and walk it almost every single day.) Please note-While you walk, take the time to really connect with nature and become aware of the signs and messages that the fairies and Mother Nature are sending you. For instance, I have seen very large grasshoppers on my last few walks. I know that the Metaphysical significance of grasshopper is that it is associated with astral travel. The message from Mr. Grasshopper is that we are not limited to just this physical dimension and knowing this wisdom tells me that there are no obstacles. When the grasshopper appears, we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life or venture without fear; as it will be successful. Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale concerning location, relationships, or careers. I also know that grasshoppers can only jump forward. In this way he was reaffirming that I am taking the right steps to move forward in my current situation. No wonder the grasshopper is the symbol of good luck all over the world. On other days, I have had ladybugs land on me as I walk along. Because this little cutie bug’s life cycle is short; as it is only around 4 weeks, its energies are tied to renewal and regeneration. Its limited time on Earth sends a powerful message of how important it is to release worries and enjoy our lives to the fullest. I guess if this wee creature could speak, it would say, “Let go and Let God.” Often seen as a sign of promise, the Ladybug helps to restore our trust and faith in the Divine and it is a great sign to get out of our own way and let God enter into our lives. And all this wisdom, from a little polka dotted bug!!! And lastly, I have seen lots of lizards. And by the way, what are they thinking about as they bask in the sun? They are dreaming their dreams into reality. Lizards for me have always been a sign to spend more time and energy on visualizing my dreams in order for them to manifest in my physical world. And these scaly little fellows may be very good at hiding physically, but they are no slouches when it comes to using the power of their voices. Lizards are a great reminder to speak up and be heard. And with the little lizard being associated to the element of Fire, it is definitely urging us to step forward and take action, when the timing is intuitively right. Knowing that signs just like these and others are waiting for me, I cannot wait to go for my walk and see what messages I will be given. And although you may come across a lizard yourself and begin to power up your voice, there is caution on the horizon. You see Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde on March 12th. When Mercury is traveling forward, it is said that communications of all kinds, phone, internet, fax, SKYPE etc are clear, understandable and arrive in a timely fashion. Yet when this Planet begins to travel backwards, as it will be doing from March 12th to April 4th, all kinds of communications can go astray, be misunderstood, and misconstrued. So instead of communicating outward, use the next 4 weeks as an amazing blessing from the Universe. It is giving us a marvelous opportunity to be still and not only clean house, but all other areas in our lives. During these re-trogrades, we now have the opportunity to re-view, re-search, re-visit, re-write and re-work what is not working in our lives. With this gift of quiet, where we would be otherwise occupied, we now have the time to re-consider where we are putting our energies and focus. It is a great chance to re-flect on what is not working for us, and re-consider what is truly important. So until these re-trogrades are moving forward again, have fun re-connecting with Mother Nature and see what messages and signs the fairies have in store for you. Let me know what you find on your walks. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716