Monday, November 28, 2011
I Wish You Well...No Matter What
As of last Thursday, Nov. 24th, we here in the Northern Hemisphere have
un-officially entered into the season of well wishes. On Thanksgiving, Pete and I were blessed to receive well wishes from both family and friends near and far.
Similar to years past, this official day of giving thanks seems to open a door for people to be more cordial and kind and express good tidings to one another. Usually, these well wishes are not dependent on finding out if someone follows a similar belief system or whether one chooses to celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwansaa, Rohatsu, Ramadan or anything else. In most cases, the well wishes are given out freely and generously with no strings attached.
I began to think about what it actually means to ‘wish someone well’.
The wishing someone well could be translated to mean that you hope all their holiday plans run smoothly.
With the increased traffic during this time of year, one could wish someone to be well in order to be safe on the roads.
With the arrival of cold winter temperatures in most of the country, it might mean that the well wishes could be a literal prayer for someone to remain well and in good health.
It could mean all the above, or simply expressed as a general wish for wellness.
I surmise that I, like most people, do not set out to dissect what it is that we are actually wishing them well for. But I do know that I give these well wishes out freely to people, both family and friends, who are important to me, who I love, cherish and hold dear in my life.
It was then that I began to wonder, if the fundamental core of wishing someone well had to be dependent at all on whether one loved, agreed with or even liked another person or their actions. While I held this quizzical thought in my heart, I manifested a perfect example of this, which allowed me to put my theory to the test.
While browsing on FaceBook last week, I was drawn to a photo and a comment that a close relative had posted on his page. With him ‘friending’ me, it had appeared on my page, as well. Underneath the photo, one of his friends posted a random comment, “Not on the topic, but congratulations on_________’s engagement”. (Contained in the blank was his sister’s name.) Staring in disbelief, I could not fathom that his sister-who shall remain nameless-had become engaged 4 days previously and chosen not to call me and tell me. I had seen her grow up and been so much a part of her life as a child and as a young adult. Searching on the internet, I discovered that she was engaged to a celebrity TV host and not only had all the newspapers carried the breaking news, but, the happy couple had announced their engagement on a nationally televised Awards show.
Stunned, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Australia finding out about her engagement 4 days before I ‘indirectly’ found out.
As I sat with this fog of disbelief surrounding me, I heard an angel’s voice faintly break through the dense fog of my shock and whisper in my ear, “Wish her well.”
Smiling, I allowed the angel’s words to settle in my heart; as it was exactly what I have expressed through my business Angel Healing House for nearly 10 years.
I have always held to the belief that each and every one of us is Divine.
As we are all inextricably linked to God, the Source of All that is, divinity is our eternal nature.
And although we are Divine at the very core of who we are, we are very much human as well and make choices that are based on our free will.
Although many of the choices that a person makes is often made through unresolved anger, sadness, bitterness, regret and resentment, it does not negate the fact that underneath their choices, they still remain Divine.
I have also held a long standing belief that what a person does and how they react to you truly has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their perspective and perception. In this way, for example, nobody can make us sad or angry, it is we who choose to perpetuate an emotional state or not. After all, two people can have the same experience and one can choose to see it as a blessing and another can choose to see it as a tragedy.
Adhering to this belief, I immediately started to see her engagement as a blessing, regardless of how the news came to me. Having just celebrated my own 8th year wedding anniversary, I remembered my own engagement to my cherished husband Pete and how I was floating on cloud 9 when he asked to marry me.
With this energy of love in my heart, tears filled my eyes as I recalled watching this beautiful gifted young woman grow up, and how I wished her health, and that she should come to know joy, peace and love and be blessed with the fulfillment of her dreams. With the realization that my prayers, my hopes, and my longings for her had come true, my heart was bursting with happiness for her.
It was then that I composed a letter to her and wrote:
I was overjoyed to read about your engagement and see the joy and excitement in your beaming face.
Pete and I want to congratulate both of you and wish you a life of togetherness and wonderful times ahead. My hope for you is:
May God bless you with infinite joy and blessings on your engagement.
May you always remain under God’s umbrella of pure love, warmth and care as you travel along life’s journey together in all kinds of weather.
May your union be blessed with peace, laughter, understanding, and compassion
And above all, may you always be caring, loyal and kind friends to one another.
Prayers and blessings of joy, health, and peace for your beautiful union together.
And in that letter I realized, that I had wished her well……no matter what!
May this story be a reminder that although we choose to see and perceive the world through very different eyes, underneath our choices we are all Divine, from the same Divine Source.
My holiday wish is the same that I wish on all other days of the year.
May we take our focus off our often controlling and limited visual sight and finally ascend to where we can begin to see each other through our connected hearts and solely through the eyes of love.
Only in this way, will peace and unconditional love finally reign on beloved Planet Earth and we will live in acceptance, harmony, and unity.
God Bless you, your family and friends and I wish you well….
No Matter What.
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Hope for Brighter Tomorrow
When I was a little girl growing up on the East coast of the United States, I remember the arrival of winter with thick blankets of snow, covering everything in sight. And although I loved the sleigh rides, snow ball fights, making snow angels, and thawing out by an open fire, the thrill of these winter events began to diminish after 3-4 weeks. I would sit by our large bay window and watch the snow accumulate as another storm arrived. Those long winter days seemed endless, cold and icy; as I longed to go out and spend time exploring nature. One day, I noticed that the sun was brightly shining through the window. As I was fed up with staying inside, I rugged up in a heavy coat, gloves, boots and scarf and decided to venture outside.
Stepping out into the frosty air, I headed down the farm road to the barn. Everything was covered in white and the snow created an eerie silence. I suddenly felt like I was all alone in the world. I strained my eyes against the glare of all that white; hoping to see some sign of life.
Way off in the middle of the field, I noticed that there was some color. As I trudged off the road and got closer, I could see that the color was bright purple and that crocuses had broken through the snow. I was amazed at how much optimism and confidence that little plant showed. Regardless of the snowy, cold temperatures, it had decided to be brave and burst forth in anticipation of a warmer time to come.
Standing there looking at the bright purple flowers, it gave me hope that springtime and renewal were not too far away.
All of a sudden, slight turbulence jolted the plane and brought me back to the present moment. You see, I am returning to LA, just having spent a week in Charlottesville, Virginia visiting my Mom and my Dad, who is recovering from a stroke he had 6 weeks ago.
On the trip over, I kept steeling my heart that whatever I was presented with, I could handle. After all, I am a Healing Practitioner and a counselor and I handle issues like this all the time. When I saw my Dad, I was totally prepared from an intellectual point of view. But what I was not prepared for was the jolt to my heart.
Seeing my once healthy, larger than life Dad lying in a hospital bed made him appear to be small and vulnerable.
I was relieved to see that he was doing physically and mentally well. But the hardest part for me was to see him diminished emotionally. My once proud and independent Dad was now totally dependent on the help of others. I can’t quite remember what we spoke about; as I was not emotionally prepared to see such a change in him.
In fact, our conversation reminded me of a tiny water bug running along the top of the water. Our amiable chat avoided the obvious and skimmed just above the surface; for fear if we would venture into any deeper topics, that we might both drown. While we spoke, I suddenly felt like I was that little girl again walking all alone in a stark white colorless world, desperately scanning the landscape for a sign of hope.
My sign of hope came in the form of my brother, his wife and four children and another one of my brother’s. Our faces lit up like Christmas bulbs upon seeing one another. Clinging to each other as we tried to find an emotional anchor to help us process this experience, I noticed that we hugged a little tighter and held each other just a little bit longer.
Not having seen each other for 6 months, we would have normally talked about our businesses, our careers, and our busy lives. Yet, with the occurrence of the stroke, none of that seemed to have any importance or interest for us. We all sat around the kitchen table and laughed and joked with each other. In this way, we bonded, supported one another and loved each other deeply.
And as the jokes were flying and the laughter rang through the house, the endless expanse of snow that seemed to have covered my heart began to melt.
No matter what happens, I know that my family and their great love for me are like those purple crocuses of my childhood. I know that their presence, support, caring, and concern is my anchor and my hope that everything will be okay. No longer alone and out in the cold, I am warmed and supported in their love.
And with love, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Great Blessings and Love to you and your families at this time of year.
Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
Ph: +61 831.277.3716
SKYPE: candy.hough
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Follow Your Excited Energetic Barometer for a Wealthy Life
Follow Your Excited Energetic Barometer to Create a Wealthy Life
Over the last 10 years through my business Angel Healing House, I have had many clients who are miserable because of their financial situations and their terrible relationship with money.
When I have asked these clients to tell me about their financial situations, it was as if they were speaking with the same voice; as their comments were similar:
1. I am not rich.
2. I don’t have money.
3. I hate not having money
4. I am miserable without money.
And while these clients felt absolutely miserable, each one actively chose to perpetuate their focus on what made them sad, what was missing in their lives and what they lacked. In other words, they chose to see themselves as poor. These clients were poor in spirit, as they chose to hang on to anger, sadness, bitterness, resentment and regret. And they were poor in hope and belief as they constantly replayed worry, doubt and lack and lived in some imagined future. Their lives were transformed when they finally realized that the only way to obtain true wealth was by following their happiness and by living in the only moment that they have available to live, which is the nano-second of the now.
The reason for this is that the present moment is the only place that miracles, synchronicities, opportunities and connections can occur. And one need not look far to see a clear example of just such wealth and abundance.
All around is an extraordinary wealthy Universe that is constantly presenting us with an ever changing vista of excitement, abundance, growth and trust in the process of life.
In fact, our Planet is literally bursting with examples of excited movement.
We have babbling brooks, running rivers and many oceans that are continually ebbing and flowing. After a time of hibernation at just the precise appointed time, something stirs deep within the plants, and trees; propelling them to move forward and bring forth new leaves and buds, in the springtime.
With absolutely no hesitation, the Earth’s flowers show their faith in the divine plan and burst into beautiful hues and tones that paint the planet with vibrant colors.
Nature does not need an i phone, it does not have to consult a calendar, google it, or phone a friend. It gets it cues when to burst forth and make movement because it listens and acts upon the subtle vibrations and energies of Mother Earth’s rhythms; telling it that it is time to move forward.
In addition, Mother Nature never questions this excitable energy inside, never postpones it, or stops it from occurring because she tries to logically ‘figure it out’.
This beautiful cycle of excitement, growth, movement and trust is nature’s built in energetic barometer that speaks loud and clear.
And the most wondrous thing of all is that absolutely everything that has life force within it has this miraculous excitable energetic barometer inside of it; telling it when to get excited, move and trust the Universe.
One of these wondrous things that contains this excitable energetic barometer is YOU!
We are literally made up of the same vibrational components as the plants, flowers, and trees. As such, we are all made up of energy.
And while we are not itching to grow buds and sprout new leaves when the warmth of the spring hits our bodies, we are very receptive to picking up energies around us.
Our lives are constantly being directed and created by the energies we are choosing in every thought, every word and every feeling in our heart.
As humans, each of us is blessed with this excitable energetic barometer because we are part of an abundant Universe. In fact, the Universe is constantly working to guide us, protect us and provide for us abundantly, just as long as we allow ourselves to work in harmony with it.
It is as if we have a sneaky secret weapon inside that excites us as to when and to what to make movement towards.
So knowing this....why the heck would anyone stop themselves from making movement forward toward that which excites them???
A perfect example of this came in the way of my client *Lauren, who was a beautiful, creative and highly intelligent young lady. She was exhausted, depressed and had lost all motivation in her life. As such, she had to quit studying after only her first year at college.
During our session together, when I asked her what she loved doing, her face lit up like a Christmas bulb; as she told me of her love for fashion design. Her earliest memories were those of sewing patterns for clothes for her dolls and even the family’s pet cat. This childhood passion followed her throughout her teens, as she sketched original designs and sewed clothes for herself and friends. Although it was blatantly clear how much joy she received from sewing and designing fashion, her father had other ideas as to Lauren’s future career. Her Dad was a lawyer and had told Lauren that as soon as she received her law degree, that she would work at his law practice. As graduation from high school drew near, Lauren knew how much it would mean to her father for her to practice the Law, and she did not want to disappoint him. Her applications to college were met favorably. She told me that soon after she began to get accepted, she started to feel ill and chronically exhausted.
She thought that perhaps it was the stress and strain of the application process.
And although her father was thrilled when she got accepted by her second choice, her symptoms continued. In fact, once she went to college, she was in and out of the infirmary more times than she could count. Completely exhausted towards the end of her first year, she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. To help improve her immune system with Reiki treatments, she came to my healing practice.
I asked her to close her eyes and said, ‘Imagine that you had all the certification, all the money and all the connections in the world. What would you be doing?’
Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I would be designing clothes.” She went on to tell me that she had a recurring dream for many years that she was behind the scenes at a fashion show and the people in her dream were speaking Italian.
I told her that with each passing day that she was not fulfilling her hearts desires, she was denying who she was and her body was reacting with sadness, exhaustion and illness. I explained to her that if she started to make movement toward researching fashion design schools, that the Universe would pick up her excited energies and send her opportunities, people and connections to help fulfill her intentions.
By the end of the session, Lauren’s whole demeanor had changed. She was sitting upright and was animated and excited about stepping forth on the path to making her love of fashion designing a reality; even if this meant disappointing her father’s dream for her.
It was several years later that I received an email and photo of Lauren at a fashion show in Milan, Italy. She told me that once she decided to quit law and to enroll in a fashion design school, her symptoms of illness magically began to disappear.
The simple reason for this was because Lauren was happy, fulfilled and joyous as she was living her own life and her own dream; not someone else’s.
My other clients, like Lauren, were able to turn their lives around because they took their focus off money and prestige,and put their emphasis on the words happiness, fun and creativity. They then realized why they were sick, sad, unmotivated and miserable in the first place.
1. I am not rich, became I am not creative.
2. I don’t have any money became I don't have any fun.
3. I hate not having money became I hate not having happiness.
4. I am miserable without money became I am miserable without creativity.
Each and every one of us knows what truly makes us happy, gives us fun and ignites our spark of creativity within. I help awaken clients and students to reconnect themselves with their passion, fun and creativity again, to creatively think outside of the box of lack that they have kept themselves imprisoned in.
No matter what our financial situation is we all have the unlimited capacity to reinvent who we are and to joyously create a new impassioned script for ourselves.
And remember, how much money we have now has nothing to do with the wealth of who we are and our extraordinary, limitless capacity to be a magnet to amass more in our life.
Have fun creating!
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
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