Thursday, October 20, 2011
The Miracle of Our Divine Technology-Our 'i Heart'
There have been so many gadgets and inventions in the technological world in the past few years, that it is hard to keep up with all of them.
And while technology is a wonderful thing to help keep us informed, it seems that with the inventions of the i phone, the i pod and i pad many people have completely forgotten the greatest source of information that any of us really needs.
I like to call it, my 'i Heart'. My i Heart is the voice of the Divine helping me co-create a life of bliss, joy and peace.
When I am in need of guidance, advice, solace, assurance, confirmation and validation, I plug into my i Heart and receive all the information that I will ever need.
To operate my i Heart, I do not need a manual; for I was born with the information on how to access the unique and special knowledge that is always available for me.
One of the requirements of plugging into my i Heart, is to make time away from other technologies and people. Because the signals that are given through my i Heart are subtle, I can hear my i Heart much better in silence and in quiet surroundings.
The more I make time to connect with my i Heart, the more I can tune into the rythms of my soul and the more I know which are the most beneficial steps in order to follow along in the dance of my life.
For instance, when there is a decision that needs to be made, my i Heart will either make me happy or sad. If my i Heart is sad, I immediately know, not to go in that direction.
It doesn't matter what others say, it doesn't matter if it goes counter to family, friends, perscribed groups, religion or organizations. Because nobody knows me better than my i Heart.
10 years ago, I rediscoverd and honored my i Heart and started to really listen to it. As a result of that I drew to myself my marriage to my beloved Twin-Flame Pete,my remarkable business Angel Healing House and cherished clients and friends who I dearly love and dearly love me. By honoring my i Heart , I have stepped forward in faith and trust. As a result, my life has been a series of honoring miracles and extrarodinary synchronities.
The wonderful news is that each and every one of us has our own i Heart to access whenever we need information.
For instance, are you miserable in your present job or career? your i Heart is telling you to seek a new direction.
Have you had an idea for a book, film, or TV show that excites you? This is your i Heart telling you to make creative movement in this direction.
You might be asking yourself, can it truly be that simple?
And the answer is that life is very simple. By going against what your i Heart is telling you, you will bring adversity, struggle, sadness, hardship, and a constricted life to yourself.
Oh, and the best thing about the i Heart, is that you never need an updated model. Because with every single beat of your i Heart, it is always updating what is most wonderful, most beneficial and beautiful for a life of joy, ease and Grace for you.
Have fun reconnecting!
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
831 277 3716
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