Soon I will be celebrating a very eventful anniversary. You see it was April of 2003 when I received my Master/Teacher Degree in Reiki. The very next week, I applied for my business license, bought a massage table and I became a Healing Practitioner of Energy Medicine and Intuitive Counseling.
This was joyfully supported by the Universe; as clients and referrals easily flowed through my door.
When I look back to those early days of my Practice, I remember my clients walking in to my healing room and they would comment how welcoming, clear and peaceful the energies made them feel.
After filling out a form, they would lie on the massage table and begin to feel the recharging, relaxing Reiki energies calming their nervous systems and rebalancing them.
In 2003, Reiki was starting to be used more and more in hospitals, hospices and cancer centers. With the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization classifying it as ‘Energy Medicine”, the benefits were shown to be amazing.
By replenishing the energy within the body which had been compromised and diminished by tension and illness, Reiki was shown to reduce stress, provide pain relief, charge the immune system and increase the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
These benefits were evident in my sessions; as clients experienced not only pain relief, but they felt at peace, totally relaxed and clear as if someone or something had vacuumed away all their inner fog. They left my practice floating out the door with a renewed sense of calm and balance.
Some weeks later, I received a call from these very clients stating that, all the wonderful feelings from my session had dissipated and they needed to come back for another restorative energy boost.
In the following weeks I noticed that I had this very same conversation with several clients. After hearing this repeatedly, I really began to take studied notice of what God, Angels, the Universe were trying to tell me.
My first thought was, “What the H*ll are these clients doing???” After all, my sessions relieved their pain and brought them back to a place of wholeness and balance. Trying to figure it out, I turned my attention to the way that I chose to comport my own life.
I thought, I don’t need to go to another Healing Practitioner to keep my energies flowing, positive, bright, healthy and happy. In practicing the art of living a life of conscious awareness- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually-I always choose positive, loving, non-judgmental thoughts, words and feelings in my heart. These high vibrational energies continually fill me with such beautiful positive energies that they are like a well-spring of abundance filling me with joy and health. These energies not only nourish me, but they also spill out into the world and uplift everyone that I meet.
Being very fresh and young, I was certain that I was being of best service by “saving” and “fixing” my clients by replenishing their diminished energies.
After all, I had been well-trained, and was accomplished in the healing arts. With my knowledge and application of Reiki at their disposal, all they needed to do was to be lifted energetically and they would be ‘healed’.
(I am so embarrassed to think of how naïve I was to think this way. But I guess that is where the expressions ‘impetuous youth’ and the ‘wisdom of experience” come from.)
I began to delve deeper into exactly what it was that I was actually providing for my clients.
After some careful thought, it dawned on me that without the acknowledgement of what these clients had chosen to focus their attentions on and the non-beneficial choices that they had continually made in their lives, it really didn’t matter how extraordinary the Reiki energy sessions were. In the end, these clients all went back to their ‘normal’ lives and all the beautiful, rebalancing, peaceful energies would not be sustained; as they did not realize their contribution to their emotional or physical un-wellness.
The Angels then showed me a vision of a colander, as clients were allowing all the positive energies to sieve out of their lives by not taking accountability and refocusing their energies.
It was then, that I decided to begin the sessions by asking each client to tell me the story of their life.
As they spoke, my Intuitive Counseling would begin; as I showed the client their life from a higher perspective. With this Angel’s view, they could clearly see their negative habits and destructive patterns and how their very own thoughts, words, feelings and actions had perpetuated negativity and lead them to emotional and physical un-wellness. (Actually, what they began to see was how powerful and limitless they were to have carefully crafted and constructed quite a negative life.) With this limitless and boundless ability to create this kind of life, they became aware that they could also-in any given moment-begin to create a new and very different ‘reality’ for themselves. They began to understand that all their life, they had chosen a palette of paints containing dark blacks and grays and browns to paint their reality. With this new accountability and acknowledgment of what their previous ‘color’ choices had brought them, they became very excited as they began to choose very different color choices to form their new pallet of paints. Consciously choosing uplifting, light filled paints from their new pallet, their life very quickly began to change and reflect their new brighter color choices.
Once the client consciously understood their contribution to their diminished ‘life force energy’, we then spoke about the individualized practical tools that they could follow to keep their energies positive and joy filled.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but what I was really helping my clients to do-and the most crucial component of the session that was so desperately missing- was to restore their faith in the sound of their own voice. In this way, sometimes for the very first time in their lives, they would have the opportunity to be acknowledged and listened to.
By this one, seemingly simple act of demonstrating to my clients how much I truly loved and cared about them and acknowledged to them that they had the right to be heard, their overwhelming cathartic releases were extraordinary.
From this one realization, my sessions provided- and to this day-provide a haven of acknowledging the Divine in my clients.
Each and every one of us is an aspect of the Divine in human form. Throughout my journey as a Healing Practitioner, the more that I choose to truly listen with my loving heart and provide a safe sanctuary for others to finally peer out from behind their self-made mask of denying who they really are,
myself and the client begin to experience the miracle of the renewal of the Divine within ourselves.
Happy Anniversary to Me!!!
Love and Blessings,
Claire Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
P: 831-277-3716 (U.S.A.)
SKYPE: candy.hough
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I HAVE ASCENDED ENOUGH! Where in the H*ll is my Twin-Flame??
How is your ascension going these days??? Ascension, you might say, what ascension? Well, the more we choose to live from a more unified, accepting, and loving awareness, the more our choices begin to reflect this awakened state.
As many of us are consciously living a ‘heightened’ sense of awareness, we diligently incorporate this knowingness into higher vibrating, more beneficial choices in our lives.
For instance, from a dietary standpoint, many of us have cleaned up our diets to showcase more foods that are grown organically, to drinking pure water, and filtering foods with artificial color, flavoring, additives and preservatives.
From a spiritual point of view, many have taken up forms of meditation to get in touch with our higher selves, and read many New Age self-help books to help us with our new sense of being.
There are even those who no longer compromise their souls for just money and have honored themselves as to doing work that is nurturing and nourishing t their soul.
We take our reusable bags to the grocery stores to protect the environment; we diligently recycle and give what we can to the homeless and less fortunate.
So, within our conscious lives of awareness…How is your love life?? (If, you don’t mind me asking.)
I hear from so many clients and students that everything is going beautifully in their lives, yet the one area that has still eluded them is a precious, cherished beloved partner to share their life with. A love that allows them to be themselves without any game playing and is built on a solid foundation of honesty, transparency, honor and respect, which one does not have to compromise any aspect of ‘who they are’ in order to be in the relationship. A love that they burn and hunger for; as their heart yearns for a love of Divine proportions.
The good news is that not only do these relationships exist, but they are in each and every person’s capacity to experience this love.
What most people on the Planet have been experiencing when it comes to finding love is ‘Soul Mate” relationships. And while there is beautiful love in them, they come in with irritation, agitation, and drama that pushes our buttons. They do this in order to reflect on to us something that we have to clean up within ourselves. They are there to create this contrast and annoyance, in order to help us honor ourselves, to grow and make movement forward for us to clean up our Karma.
So how are you with playing the Soul Mate game? It’s pretty challenging and disheartening, isn’t it? How do you know if it is a Soul Mate relationship? Well, if there is anything that irks you in any way shape or form or makes you feel like you can’t be yourself, than it probably is one.
Sick and tired of feeling used or compromised in love?
Well, it is time to step up to the next level in the ascensions process.
I am living proof that this is not only possible, but relatively easy to do now that you have consciously started to live all the above steps on the way to ascension.
In 2003, after living 47 ½ years in which I was a victim and gave my power away in order to be loved, I started to look seriously at what I was doing to have attracted these less then desirable relationships to myself, and started to practically live a very different way. Within a short amount of time my reality started to reflect a very different picture.
Six months later, I drew a very different love to myself called a Twin-Flame Relationship.
Twin-Flame Relationships have been rare on the Earth plane because people’s energies have not been high enough to draw this Divine complement to themselves. In fact, A Twin-Flame is the only other person in any space, time or dimension who is the completion of who you are. When brought together, it is the original Divine representation of perfect love.
And with 2011 being the year of Disclosure (Wikileaks, Egypt collapsing, UFO Disclosures etc) the human species is waking up to the fact that we must live lives that are authentic, honest and transparent.
This information of the Twin-Flames is timely; as it grounds the Divine in human form through a beloved, cherished relationship.
Are you ready for it??
If you are ready to ditch the Soul Mate game with its often heartbreaking, soul destroying, dishonor and disrespect, then find out what you can do to draw your own Twin-Flame to yourself.
Having drawn my own Twin-Flame to myself, I have created ‘The Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ to help others experience this love.
This Transformational Workshop:
* Explains where Twin-Flames originated and the characteristics of such a relationship;
* Explains the difference between a soul mate relationship (your ex, parents, siblings, children, friends are all soul mates) and the extraordinary bond and heightened spiritual awareness that are shared by Twin-Flames;
* Demonstrates not only what you can consciously focus on to bring your Twin-Flame to you, but also reveals what things you are doing that are preventing you from finding your Twin-Flame.
* Provides information on how to deepen your current relationship.
For more information on where and when you can attend one of these workshops, or if you would like me to present this timely, transformational workshop to your group, business or organization, please call me on 831 277 3716.
With transforming and transmuting so much of who we are in the past years, in order to ascend, we have opened the door for new beginnings and we can feel the new energies promising to reinvigorate us with new life, new passion, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Make your next conscious decision to open up to finding out how your own Twin-Flame Relationship is possible to experience in this lifetime.
Love and Blessings, Candy
As many of us are consciously living a ‘heightened’ sense of awareness, we diligently incorporate this knowingness into higher vibrating, more beneficial choices in our lives.
For instance, from a dietary standpoint, many of us have cleaned up our diets to showcase more foods that are grown organically, to drinking pure water, and filtering foods with artificial color, flavoring, additives and preservatives.
From a spiritual point of view, many have taken up forms of meditation to get in touch with our higher selves, and read many New Age self-help books to help us with our new sense of being.
There are even those who no longer compromise their souls for just money and have honored themselves as to doing work that is nurturing and nourishing t their soul.
We take our reusable bags to the grocery stores to protect the environment; we diligently recycle and give what we can to the homeless and less fortunate.
So, within our conscious lives of awareness…How is your love life?? (If, you don’t mind me asking.)
I hear from so many clients and students that everything is going beautifully in their lives, yet the one area that has still eluded them is a precious, cherished beloved partner to share their life with. A love that allows them to be themselves without any game playing and is built on a solid foundation of honesty, transparency, honor and respect, which one does not have to compromise any aspect of ‘who they are’ in order to be in the relationship. A love that they burn and hunger for; as their heart yearns for a love of Divine proportions.
The good news is that not only do these relationships exist, but they are in each and every person’s capacity to experience this love.
What most people on the Planet have been experiencing when it comes to finding love is ‘Soul Mate” relationships. And while there is beautiful love in them, they come in with irritation, agitation, and drama that pushes our buttons. They do this in order to reflect on to us something that we have to clean up within ourselves. They are there to create this contrast and annoyance, in order to help us honor ourselves, to grow and make movement forward for us to clean up our Karma.
So how are you with playing the Soul Mate game? It’s pretty challenging and disheartening, isn’t it? How do you know if it is a Soul Mate relationship? Well, if there is anything that irks you in any way shape or form or makes you feel like you can’t be yourself, than it probably is one.
Sick and tired of feeling used or compromised in love?
Well, it is time to step up to the next level in the ascensions process.
I am living proof that this is not only possible, but relatively easy to do now that you have consciously started to live all the above steps on the way to ascension.
In 2003, after living 47 ½ years in which I was a victim and gave my power away in order to be loved, I started to look seriously at what I was doing to have attracted these less then desirable relationships to myself, and started to practically live a very different way. Within a short amount of time my reality started to reflect a very different picture.
Six months later, I drew a very different love to myself called a Twin-Flame Relationship.
Twin-Flame Relationships have been rare on the Earth plane because people’s energies have not been high enough to draw this Divine complement to themselves. In fact, A Twin-Flame is the only other person in any space, time or dimension who is the completion of who you are. When brought together, it is the original Divine representation of perfect love.
And with 2011 being the year of Disclosure (Wikileaks, Egypt collapsing, UFO Disclosures etc) the human species is waking up to the fact that we must live lives that are authentic, honest and transparent.
This information of the Twin-Flames is timely; as it grounds the Divine in human form through a beloved, cherished relationship.
Are you ready for it??
If you are ready to ditch the Soul Mate game with its often heartbreaking, soul destroying, dishonor and disrespect, then find out what you can do to draw your own Twin-Flame to yourself.
Having drawn my own Twin-Flame to myself, I have created ‘The Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ to help others experience this love.
This Transformational Workshop:
* Explains where Twin-Flames originated and the characteristics of such a relationship;
* Explains the difference between a soul mate relationship (your ex, parents, siblings, children, friends are all soul mates) and the extraordinary bond and heightened spiritual awareness that are shared by Twin-Flames;
* Demonstrates not only what you can consciously focus on to bring your Twin-Flame to you, but also reveals what things you are doing that are preventing you from finding your Twin-Flame.
* Provides information on how to deepen your current relationship.
For more information on where and when you can attend one of these workshops, or if you would like me to present this timely, transformational workshop to your group, business or organization, please call me on 831 277 3716.
With transforming and transmuting so much of who we are in the past years, in order to ascend, we have opened the door for new beginnings and we can feel the new energies promising to reinvigorate us with new life, new passion, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Make your next conscious decision to open up to finding out how your own Twin-Flame Relationship is possible to experience in this lifetime.
Love and Blessings, Candy
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Rich Beyond Compare
As a presenter and motivational speaker, my workshops are filled with examples of the Laws of Attraction. To demonstrate the Universal Law of ‘like- attracting- like’, I weave interesting personal stories of how I re-focused my attention on what I wanted, instead of what I didn't want, and overtime my life became more positive, rewarding, and abundant. As a result of this, many of my dreams were realized.
So having experienced the results of focused desire and intention, I decided to create a new vision board for 2011.
My former vision board had worked a charm. A year previously, I had cut out a photo of a VB New Beetle and an iphone and miraculously the money manifested for both in divine timing.
I excitedly worked on my new vision board; cutting out visual representations of my dreams manifesting into physical form. Last but certainly not least, I pasted copious amounts of photos of money swirling around the pictures.
Within days of putting up the vision board, I received a call from a former Reiki II student of mine who was experiencing terrible back pain. Her Reiki session with me calmed the twisted nerves in her back and once again, she was pain free. We decided to go out to dinner afterwards and she asked to invite three of her friends that were very excited to meet me. During dinner, I mentioned that as I had recently moved to the Los Angeles area, I was thinking of different ways that I could inform more people about myself and my Healing Practice. With great excitement, my student said that months ago her Chiropractor was looking for a Reiki Practitioner to work out of her office. She said that she would send my brochure and a letter of recommendation to her Doctor. One week later, I met Dr. Iris Williams on December 22nd. There was an instant connection between us and she asked me to join Halo Chiropractic.
A similar example of how the Universe does not work in straight lines came shortly after I moved to Los Angeles. Without consciously looking for it, through a synchronistic meeting, I was enthusiastically asked to join a Wellness Center in Culver City. Although I sprinkled my brochures and business cards around the clinic and spoke to many people, the clients seemed to be blocked from coming to me for some reason. The Reflexologist who worked there mentioned one day that he had a wonderful friend, who I just had to meet; as she was also a Reiki Master and a Theta Practitioner. Upon meeting each other, we connected immediately. She was very interested in the workshops that I had created and expressed interest in coming along in the New Year.
Now what does all of this have to do with my vision board you may well ask?
Looking back to my vision board, I asked for more money; and lots of it. And if the Universe worked in straight lines, taking us on a direct journey from point A to point B, then from the time I created my vision board and turned around, I would have fallen over a huge pile of money.
But, fortunately, life does not work like that, and I’ll explain why.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have chosen to incarnate to work on our spiritual growth by learning lessons that we draw to ourselves. Many times these lessons can only be learned with the help of others along our path in the journey of life. Sometimes we are the ‘life line’ for someone in their time of need and at other times, our prayers are ‘magically’ answered by just the right person, appearing at just the right time. You see, by drawing my student back into my life, she brought with her wonderful connections that opened up doors of possibilities. The two of the young women that came to dinner that night have become new clients. And, in addition, one of those young women recommended me to another friend of hers, who has since, also become a new client.
Since working at Halo Chiropractic, I have acquired new clients and received greater exposure for my work as a Healing Practitioner and motivational speaker. Not only that, I get to work in a nurturing, energetically welcoming and happy office in the middle of Hollywood. (Oh, by the way, on one of my former vision boards when I lived in Australia, I had pasted up pictures of Hollywood, California thinking that Pete would be working there. Well Pete has realized his dream and is working in the film industry in LA. But, strangely enough, it is I who am now working in Hollywood.
(You can play your own version of, the Twilight Zone’ theme music here.)
In addition to these wonderful occurrences, I received a call from a lovely lady who was looking for a Reiki Master/Teacher to study Reiki with and the Colonic Practitioner at the Wellness center recommended her to me.
Looking back, all of these things occurred within 3 weeks of focusing my intension on my vision board of acquiring more money.
Having seen very tangible results in the last month of exactly how the Universe works, I have decided to ‘tweak’ my original way of thinking. Instead of refocusing my attention on what I “want” to appear in my reality, I am going to accept the fact that I am “RICH BEYOND COMPARE” and accept and allow for the limitless possibilities and ways that the Universe/God/Source/Angels wish to manifest that in my reality.
The huge difference now will be that I will be able to clearly see the abundance in exactly what shows up, rather than looking everywhere else for my limited and preconceived notion of how the Universe should be answering my prayers.
And there within the great difference lies.
By choosing to live life this way, I now live a life of acceptance and joy for exactly what turns up in my reality.
For if it is there, it has been ordered by Divine Source to be the greatest good of myself and the greatest good of all concerned.
What a relief!! I no longer have to push, plead and beg for anything to arrive in my reality, in any other way than it is presented to me.
And with this feeling of letting go to what is, I feel so much more empowered as I have given myself permission to, “Do my best, and leave the rest.”
Caution:If you choose to accept what is, instead of constantly forcing what isn’t, you just might find yourself being happier, more balanced and more 'gosh darned' peaceful than you ever possibly imagined that you could be in your whole life!
Love and Blessings,
Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716
So having experienced the results of focused desire and intention, I decided to create a new vision board for 2011.
My former vision board had worked a charm. A year previously, I had cut out a photo of a VB New Beetle and an iphone and miraculously the money manifested for both in divine timing.
I excitedly worked on my new vision board; cutting out visual representations of my dreams manifesting into physical form. Last but certainly not least, I pasted copious amounts of photos of money swirling around the pictures.
Within days of putting up the vision board, I received a call from a former Reiki II student of mine who was experiencing terrible back pain. Her Reiki session with me calmed the twisted nerves in her back and once again, she was pain free. We decided to go out to dinner afterwards and she asked to invite three of her friends that were very excited to meet me. During dinner, I mentioned that as I had recently moved to the Los Angeles area, I was thinking of different ways that I could inform more people about myself and my Healing Practice. With great excitement, my student said that months ago her Chiropractor was looking for a Reiki Practitioner to work out of her office. She said that she would send my brochure and a letter of recommendation to her Doctor. One week later, I met Dr. Iris Williams on December 22nd. There was an instant connection between us and she asked me to join Halo Chiropractic.
A similar example of how the Universe does not work in straight lines came shortly after I moved to Los Angeles. Without consciously looking for it, through a synchronistic meeting, I was enthusiastically asked to join a Wellness Center in Culver City. Although I sprinkled my brochures and business cards around the clinic and spoke to many people, the clients seemed to be blocked from coming to me for some reason. The Reflexologist who worked there mentioned one day that he had a wonderful friend, who I just had to meet; as she was also a Reiki Master and a Theta Practitioner. Upon meeting each other, we connected immediately. She was very interested in the workshops that I had created and expressed interest in coming along in the New Year.
Now what does all of this have to do with my vision board you may well ask?
Looking back to my vision board, I asked for more money; and lots of it. And if the Universe worked in straight lines, taking us on a direct journey from point A to point B, then from the time I created my vision board and turned around, I would have fallen over a huge pile of money.
But, fortunately, life does not work like that, and I’ll explain why.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have chosen to incarnate to work on our spiritual growth by learning lessons that we draw to ourselves. Many times these lessons can only be learned with the help of others along our path in the journey of life. Sometimes we are the ‘life line’ for someone in their time of need and at other times, our prayers are ‘magically’ answered by just the right person, appearing at just the right time. You see, by drawing my student back into my life, she brought with her wonderful connections that opened up doors of possibilities. The two of the young women that came to dinner that night have become new clients. And, in addition, one of those young women recommended me to another friend of hers, who has since, also become a new client.
Since working at Halo Chiropractic, I have acquired new clients and received greater exposure for my work as a Healing Practitioner and motivational speaker. Not only that, I get to work in a nurturing, energetically welcoming and happy office in the middle of Hollywood. (Oh, by the way, on one of my former vision boards when I lived in Australia, I had pasted up pictures of Hollywood, California thinking that Pete would be working there. Well Pete has realized his dream and is working in the film industry in LA. But, strangely enough, it is I who am now working in Hollywood.
(You can play your own version of, the Twilight Zone’ theme music here.)
In addition to these wonderful occurrences, I received a call from a lovely lady who was looking for a Reiki Master/Teacher to study Reiki with and the Colonic Practitioner at the Wellness center recommended her to me.
Looking back, all of these things occurred within 3 weeks of focusing my intension on my vision board of acquiring more money.
Having seen very tangible results in the last month of exactly how the Universe works, I have decided to ‘tweak’ my original way of thinking. Instead of refocusing my attention on what I “want” to appear in my reality, I am going to accept the fact that I am “RICH BEYOND COMPARE” and accept and allow for the limitless possibilities and ways that the Universe/God/Source/Angels wish to manifest that in my reality.
The huge difference now will be that I will be able to clearly see the abundance in exactly what shows up, rather than looking everywhere else for my limited and preconceived notion of how the Universe should be answering my prayers.
And there within the great difference lies.
By choosing to live life this way, I now live a life of acceptance and joy for exactly what turns up in my reality.
For if it is there, it has been ordered by Divine Source to be the greatest good of myself and the greatest good of all concerned.
What a relief!! I no longer have to push, plead and beg for anything to arrive in my reality, in any other way than it is presented to me.
And with this feeling of letting go to what is, I feel so much more empowered as I have given myself permission to, “Do my best, and leave the rest.”
Caution:If you choose to accept what is, instead of constantly forcing what isn’t, you just might find yourself being happier, more balanced and more 'gosh darned' peaceful than you ever possibly imagined that you could be in your whole life!
Love and Blessings,
Candy Hough
Angel Healing House
831 277 3716
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