Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There are no Coincidences

I am one to believe that we are continually creating our reality in everything we think, say and feel. And with this belief, I live a conscious life of awareness -in the present moment -being mindful of signs and synchronicities to help me along my journey in life. Having said this..
Today I was skipping to the bank, when I almost trod on a tiny baby bird on the sidewalk. He was so sweet. I knelt down and picked him up. He loved sitting in my hand. I gave him some Reiki energy healing-perhaps he fell out of a tree-and then put him at the base of some bushes.
So lets look at this sign-Birds represent flying and freedom, they also are messengers that bring news. The fact that he was a baby, indicates to me that soon their will be a birthing of a new idea, a new connection or a new venture that will fly my way. And as I was on the way to the bank when it happened, it is something new which will be financially lucrative for me.
I'll keep you posted as to what flys into my life.
What's your interpretation??
Love and Blessings,

Monday, July 20, 2009

Creating You Reality

My whole life I have found money on the ground-OK it was in the form of coins..but the Universe just sent me a sign that I graduated on to allowing myself to receive in greater abundance. After a rather long hiatus from exercising, on my walk today, I found a dollar bill on the sidewalk. I immediately:
1. felt elated and took it as a sign that aundance-especially financial-will be flowing in easily, in increased value and through the most unexpected ways, and
2. thought maybe the angels are showing me signs of encouragement to exercise more often.

In examples of synchronicities like these, I am always quick to realise the higher perspective to whatever I bring to myself in my reality. If it is there, I know that I have created it and brought it to myself for a purpose-even the seemingly so called challenging things. Once we choose to have this kind of perspective on our lives, then we remain calm, in control and happy whatever turns up in our reality. The more conscious we are of creating our realities, the more we are able to positively and joyfully create them. Happy creating!!
Love and Blessings,

Revisiting the Past

Well, knock me over with angel's feathers. I must be psychic or something. HA! In my previous blog I wrote "don't be surprised if your high school sweet heart shows up on facebook, twitter, LinkedIn etc" and wouldn't you know it.....
My high school boyfriend and I have reconnected on LinkedIn. (It's all platonic I assure you, but eerie none the less. The eclipses in July are bringing up lots of shadows from the past, good and not so good- for us to take another look at.
Finding my high school friend is just another example of the power of the written word and the our thoughts. Remember:
"If you think you can, you're right"
"If you think you can't, your right."
Take that extra second to be conscious of what you think, say and feel. It's by these that you are creating your reality.
Love and Blessings,

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Energies of July-Reviewing the Past

The energies of July will continue to bring the past back to life. This process of introspection, will see many dealing with unresolved issues and relationships. It is truly a time of looking back. The month of July will see us experience 2 eclipses. The first was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 7th and the next is a New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 21st. These eclipses add power to the energies of the New and full Moons and are signaling the closure of a 19 year cycle and the birthing of a new 19 year cycle. These eclipses may bring people, situations, themes and circumstances we were dealing with in 1990 up for closure or revision.
Don't be surprised if your high school sweetheart, a college roommate, or an old work colleague magically appears on Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin, or just out of the blue-this is the month for it.
Have you experienced any blasts from the past??
Love and Blessings,

Monday, July 13, 2009

Living a Purposeful and Conscious Life of Awareness

Living a Purposeful and Conscious Life of Awareness.

1. You are not only here to bear witness to the extraordinary conscious evolution of Earth, but you are an integral part of her ascendancy. The more you consciously choose to take an active impassioned role, your life will reflect an exciting purposeful, magical journey.

2. You are what you choose to think, speak and feel. The more you consciously choose thoughts and emotions with love, non-judgement, compassion and acceptance, the more your reality will reflect this back to you.

3. Everything that appears in your reality, you consciously or unconsciously draw to yourself for your highest good. Change your perception and your reality will change.

4. The only person who can make you sad, angry, bitter, resentful or regretful is you. Become aware what you choose to keep replaying over and over again in your life. Do you choose to be right or happy

5. Put your focus and attention only on what you intend for your life and not on the how and when of it happening. In this way, you allow the greatest scope for sychronicities, magic and miracles to regularly and consistently appear in your reality.

These five points are a great start, as one begins to see their lives from a higher perspective.
What would you suggest to add to this list?

Love and Blessings,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do you choose to be 'right' or choose to be happy?

When it comes to anger, there are some who would say that it is healthier for us to remain calm, so that we can keep our energies high and positive. Yet, others often challenge this view with the idea that unexpressed anger “builds up,” somehow leading to resentment, high blood pressure, strokes or heart attacks.
Well, anger is not a measurable substance. There is no organ, gland, or other repository in our bodies for anger. The idea that anger accumulates is just a myth that can sometimes lead to the sort of “satisfaction of revenge”, actioned by many.
Making anger ‘quantifiable’ gives people justification to physically hurt others. By perpetuating anger, sadness, blame, resentment, bitterness, regret, and resentment, people only create an emotionally debilitating prison of their own making, that keeps them captive in a self-fulfilling prophecy of negative destructive energies. (If these negative emotions are held on to long enough in the emotional body, the physical body will start to break done as a warning to bring back joy, lightness, peace and balance in order to feel whole once again. Believe it or not, this feeling of balance and bliss is our natural state.

With this in mind…
God Bless Michael Jackson. When I tuned in to view his crossing over and at this time in the planets evolution, I immediately saw it from a higher perspective and my angels and guides completely confirmed this.
This wonderful soul who not only changed the music industry with his songs, innovations in videos, dance and fashion, but he used his extraordinary talents to try and help the world wake up to the fact that we are all one, no matter if we are black or white and to quote the song “We are the World.” His plea was so great to look for change within, in order to affect change without. Hence the song 'The Man in the Mirror”.
In addition to his massive musical talents, he demonstrated to the world the importance of play in our lives. (It’s probably hard to keep a straight face with Bobo the chimp and llamas as your friends.)
Yet, with all of this creativity, playing and talent there was an emotionally troubled side to this musical genius. Michael’s anger, sadness and resentment was from years of abuse from his father. As a result, he chose to perpetuate his anger and sadness and remain in a downward spiral of self-loathing, by butchering his appearance through constant plastic surgery-trying to change himself by changing the outside, In addtion, he chose to escape his emotional and physical pain, by medicating himself with prescription drugs.
The dichotomy here is overwhelming. On one hand he was the prophet trying to bring the world together in peace, harmony and -most of all- in love. And yet, each day he chose to look at his reflection in the mirror with angry, sad, unforgiving eyes.
From a higher perspective, there is an important reason as to why he choose to leave the planet now.
This is a huge wakeup call to the planet that the New Earth can no longer hold or tolerate sadness, anger, rage, resentment and bitterness or negativity of any sort. These emotions cannot stay on the Earth where we are ascending to fifth dimensional energies: as we all crystalline back to our original divine blueprint of unity and oneness.

With the knowledge that we are all one and each and every emotion that we have, say and feel, affects everyone else and everything else, even if one does not act out in rage toward another, we are still hurting the Planet and negatively affecting the whole, by just by harboring negative thoughts and feelings.
If we are human, we have all face challenges and hardships of one kind or another. Ultimately, it is our perception and the way we act, rather than constantly reacting, to these challenges, that make all the difference in a life of harmony, joy and peace and one of disharmony, sadness and anger.
The choice is always ours as to whether we choose to be right or happy.

Love and Blessings,