Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stepping Forward in Faith Equals Magic

At a recent holiday party, I was asked to explain my approach to helping another heal. I mentioned that I have always affirmed that I do not teach anyone anything, but I help clients to remember and reconnect to their own divine natures, which often is hidden underneath fear and negative and limiting programming. By connecting to their true essence, clients recapture the clarity and joy to step forward, hear and act upon their heart’s yearnings, and excitedly join in the magical and miraculous dance of life’s journey. It was then that one lady commented, “But how does one find their faith, when they have lost it.” I explained that faith is not something that we can ever lose; as it is inextricably part of our God given natures and is always within us. Connecting with our faith is merely a choice as to whether we choose to see beyond our limited visual sight, hear with our inner knowing and not rely solely on our ears, and follow the excitement in our hearts. She then replied, “Isn’t that a very illogical way of living?” To which I replied, “You bet it is!” Having lived this way for the past 10 years, my husband Pete and I have traveled quite an unconventional path that has lead us to amazing experiences, and magical opportunities and connections that our ‘linear logical’ minds could never have conceived. I know that many of you reading this newsletter are at a quandary as to trying to figure out what your life’s purpose is; as you want to be of best service. Well, back in 2005, this was not an issue for me. After my spiritual awakening in 2003, with my clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts reawakening within me, I reconnected with whom I truly was, established my beloved business Angel Healing House and became a Reiki Master/Teacher. I adored being a Healing Practitioner and an Intuitive Counselor and had started channeling and writing books the previous year. So when I was reading the newspaper one day and came across an advertisement for a job in a New Age/Crystal store, I had no idea why I began to feel exited and got shivers all up and down my body. The ad went on to say that the applicants must have knowledge of crystals, their characteristics and healing properties. Using crystals extensively in my Healing Practice, I had a thorough knowledge of crystals, minerals and gems. Shaking my head, I thought, “I love my Healing Practice, how could I ever think of doing anything else?’ I then closed the paper and got ready for my scheduled healing sessions. It was a few days later that I had prepared an early morning tea and took the paper out to our sunny back porch. The warmth of the sun felt so nourishing, that I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, a gust of wind came out of nowhere and blew the pages open to the back section of the newspaper. There on top of the opened page was a larger ad for the New Age/Crystal store. Upon seeing it, I received intense shivers all up and down my body and the same excited feeling. That evening I said to my husband Pete, “I don’t know why, but I am getting excited about the prospect of interviewing for this position at this store. But, I adore being a Healing Practitioner.” Not fully understanding where this exited urge was coming from, I decided to follow my excitement and interview for the position. I was chosen as one of 5 girls to work part-time, 2-3 days a week , at this beautiful store in the heart of the largest and busiest shopping malls near our home, on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia. When customers would come into the store and they would walk past me, I received psychic impressions as to what their physical, emotional and spiritual health issues and needs were. Standing in front of our vast array of books, the customers would ask me to recommend books to them. The customers were mesmerized by the messages that I was bringing forth to them and amazed on how I would know certain things. I would explain that I am a Healing practitioner and clairvoyant. Along with their purchases, they would ask for one of my brochures for Angel Healing House. This one act of handing my brochure out, would be re-enacted hundreds of time in the year that I worked there. In fact, in that one year, I drew to myself 200 new clients just from working in the store, not to mention the many recommendations and referrals I received from these 200 clients. This added clientele gave a tremendous boost to my meditation nights that I held in my house every 2 weeks; with often 25-30 people attending for each night. Now don’t get me wrong. Faithfully following the still small voice inside of ourselves, when all logic dictates otherwise, can be challenging to say the least. But the rewards can be untold and beyond measure. God can only work in miraculous, magical ways if we would only reconnect with our faith by stepping forward and following our joy and excitement. So what is blocking you from connecting with your Faith within? Are you still blocking the path to your Faith with negative feelings about staying in a job you dislike? Perhaps the path to your Faith is clouded by not respecting yourself enough to allow only honoring relationships in your life. Or is it hard to connect with your Faith because of low-self esteem and not feeling worthy or deserving of miracles in your life. Through Angel Healing House and the heavenly messages from my angels, I have been helping clients re-connect with their Faith and recapture the joy, bliss, peace and magic in their lives once more. Make 2012 the year that you clear away all obstacles on your own path, to accessing your divine Faith and stepping forward to all the miracles that are just waiting for you. To clear your path, call Candy on 831 277 3716. Happiest of New Years for an extraordinary 2012. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Magic in Our Lives Happens 'Off List'

Two weeks into the December holiday season, and the frenzy of people’s activities seem to be escalating with each passing day. With all the ‘to do’s’ such as decorating, planning social functions, cooking and baking, gift and re-gift giving, the proverbial list can get very long at this time of year. With all of these activities and many more, are you making your lists and checking them twice? I used to do that. I would diligently make lists and feel so much better as things got crossed off. Years ago, my life was so structured that I had a Day Runner organizer for my Filofax. I was constantly buying inserts, with tabs and plastic sections to prioritize organize and arrange my days. My life was so obsessively well ordered, that I had lists for my lists; as I desperately clung to controlling life. (From a higher perspective, I now know that because I allowed others to take control of my life, I tried to cling desperately to this one area that I ‘seemingly’ had control over.) Don’t get me wrong. While there is great joy in seeing one’s efforts and actions manifest in the accomplishment of tasks, it is really important to remember that the most amazing, miraculous things that occur in life happen off list. It reminds me of the amazing way I met my Twin-Flame, Pete. (A Twin Flame is the only other person in any space, time or dimension who is the divine completion of who you are. They are very different to soul mate relationships that come in with drama, irritation, agitation and push our buttons. Having drawn my own Twin-Flame to myself, I created the ‘Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop’ (which I will be presenting on Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 10:30 am in Culver City call 831 277 3716 for details) that explains the difference between soul mate relationships and Twin-Flame relationships and includes the very practical, grounded tools that I used in my life to manifest my own Twin-Flame.) In January of 2003, after I had found the inner strength and courage to honor and respect myself enough to leave a destructive and deceitful abusive relationship, I decided to write a decree to God. Before writing this very powerful sacred pact with Divine Source, I voiced aloud that I would never ever compromise myself and give my power away when it came to love. When I went on to create this decree and write down exactly who would manifest in my life, it was as if the pen, the voice of the Divine, and myself were writing it together. Upon completion of the decree, I saw it as a very important letter and slept with it under my pillow and read it out morning and night. Just as important was the fact that I showed God, that my actions, the words I chose to use and the feelings in my heart continually reflected a higher Source. In so doing, I lifted my vibrational energies physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. As I faithfully and consistently followed this daily and nightly routine, my clairvoyant vision began to pick up that I was going to meet my Twin-Flame by water. At that time, I lived across from the Broadwater on the magnificent stretch of beach called Surfers Paradise, along the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. So what did I do?? I bought the sexiest exercise outfit and walked for miles along the waterside esplanade every single day, thinking that I would meet him there for sure. Well I never did meet him along the esplanade, as my limited linear mind had told me it was going to happen. Through a set of unbelievable, synchronistic happenings, our paths divinely came together in a series of events that no detailed list could ever have scripted. (I go into details and recount these miraculous events at The Twin-Flame Relationship Workshop.) But suffice it to say that we met on a Saturday and Pete wanted to ask to marry me after 3 days, but waited until 5 days later to pop the question. Ten days after, I moved to his lovely beach home and two months to the day that we met, we were married on the beautiful stretch of coast. Over my years as a clairvoyant and psychic, my angels and guides have told me that the most amazing things happen off list because they want us to be surprised and astonished at the wonder and enchantment of our wishes and dreams manifesting for us. (After all, if we knew exactly how and when things were going to happen, we would miss out on the magic and excitement of life’s journey.). All we need to do is to place our intentions for what we desire for ourselves, set them firmly in our hearts, and have the complete faith and trust in God/Universe/Source that all our prayers will be answered in Divine ways and in Divine timing.. Yet, what if your faith and trust in yourself has been sorely tested and diminished because of a broken heart, hurt, sadness, anger, bitterness, resentment, and regrets? Through my practice, Angel Healing House, I have helped so many people with relationship issues; as they have found themselves constantly replaying compromise in order to be loved, giving their power away and/or finding themselves being used or controlled by someone dear to them. In the majority of cases, this has lead them to close down their hearts to receive love in their lives. With the combined healing Reiki sessions and Intuitive Counseling, my clients clearly understand why they have sabotaged love from coming into their lives and how to practically restore faith and trust in themselves in order to manifest and experience authentic, honest and honoring love. This holiday season as you are checking things off your list, remember to open yourself to the limitless possibilities of the magic of life that only occurs off list. Wishing you boundless opportunities to experience synchronicities wonder and miracles during this Holiday season and throughout the year!!! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Tale of Two Rose Bushes

By now, many people have heard about the Laws of Attraction and that by focusing our attention on what we desire, we will be the energetic conduit to help it manifest in our lives. This past year, I drew to myself an amazing example of how our energies can affect another living thing. When my husband and I moved into our lovely home in Los Angeles a year ago, two very dear friends decided to get together and buy me a house warming present. One of my friends is bright, open and receptive to the abundance of life. Her happy go lucky nature and optimism is infectious. Because of the Laws of Attraction that states, “like-attracts like”, the Universe matches her openness and brings to her a myriad of opportunities for prosperity to flow into her life. The other friend lives in constant fear and lack when it comes to not having enough. By controlling and telling the Universe how and when it should give to her-instead of ‘letting go’ and allowing the Universe to give to her-it has kept her staying in dishonoring jobs just for the paycheck, has kept her living in dishonoring conditions because she was so afraid to move and has kept her paralyzed to allowing an honoring love to enter her life. Each of these friends presented me with a beautiful rose bush in small pots. As one of the rose bushes was dark pink and other was a lighter pink, they were very easy to tell apart. The next day I went out and bought very large pots to transplant the roses in order to give them room to grow. Every week I would tend them, give them especially formulated rose food, talk to them and I even played classical music for them. Nourished, loved and looked after, they both had the same advantages in order to grow. Yet after a while, I began to notice a marked difference between the rose bushes. The optimistic and open friend’s rosebush produced many buds that burst forth in large blooms. As soon as one would open, another would burst forth; as if the buds were having a race. The bush was full of color, which created a wonderful canvas of dark pinks. The friend who is constantly talking about not having enough and cutting herself off from the flow of life, has a very different rose bush. In the year that I was given the rose bush, it has NEVER flowered!!! The plant looks healthy and produces so many buds. But instead of opening fully, the buds open only a fraction and then refuse to open anymore, and just wither and die. I have sought out expert advice for the rose bush and given it special supplements and attention, but to no avail. My friend’s limited view of life and her attention to lack, has squeezed the life out of so many areas of her life. I guess it really is no surprise that her rose bush is simply emulating the same limited and controlling energies that she demonstrates to life. This rose bush is the perfect teacher to show us the importance of • How our energies affect everything else and • The importance of opening ourselves to the limitless ways that the Universe can give to us. The month of August is all about clearing out any areas of our lives in which we are being inauthentic. By hanging on to something that is no longer honoring to us i.e. marriages, relationships, jobs, living conditions, health issues etc these dishonoring energies will seep in and affect all other areas of our lives. And like the rose bush, other areas of your life will fail to bring forth color and bloom. Because we are creatures of habit, it is sometimes difficult to step forward in faith; knowing that the Universe always will be there to assist, protect and guide you to your highest good. Through my healing practice, Angel Healing House, I have helped people connect and live their most authentic life for almost 10 years. My clients have often reported to me that with the shift in their perception and by making more beneficial choices, their whole reality started to change for the better. When it comes to the Laws of Attraction, the Universe will match the exact energies that you focus on. In addition, the Universe does not care how much we rationalize and justify our negative or pessimistic energies. It will only send you more of whatever energy you choose to keep perpetuating. By putting your energies on what you do desire, instead of excuses and reasons why you could never manifest them, you set the wheels in motion for the Universe to manifest the circumstances to allow your dreams to become reality. Every time you default back to an old programming of lack, remember the remarkable story of the rose bushes and consciously choose that which you do desire; not that which you don't. May the rose bush of your life not merely be alive, but may it thrive! Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Change Your Work to Your Passion

As of 2012, what if you never have to work another day in your life? Every night before going to bed, you would be so excited about getting up the next day and doing what you love? In fact you would never, ever again use the word work, to describe what you do. You might be thinking that this is just too good to be true. Well, that describes me to a tee; ever since I connected with the wealth within myself, and established my business Angel Healing House. You see, I adore what I do and I have never referred to it as work. I do not have days off from my business, as I don’t long for or need to have a break from what I do. I get energized and so darned excited by sharing my talents through my healing sessions, my intuitive counseling, by being an inspirational speaker and my gifts as a clairvoyant and angel practitioner. This is because after 47 years of searching, I discovered that who I am, in fact, is inextricably linked with what I love doing. As a result ever since 2003, I have felt whole, complete and wealthy. I was recently a presenter at the CrazySexyMoney Financial Seminar and wanted to demonstrate this different way of viewing wealth in our lives. To start off my talk, I asked the audience to close their eyes and think back to their youth and visualize themselves as a little child. I said, “See yourself as a little girl or boy, getting excited about sharing the things that you are good at, your achievements and your creativity.” As they were visualizing themselves, I asked them to feel what it felt like, to do what they loved doing. (Perhaps you would like to participate in this exercise and take a few moments to do the same thing before reading any further.) I then asked them to quickly open their eyes and complete the following sentence, ‘When I grow up I want to be a_________________.’ I then went around the room and had the participants say their answers out loud. Their answers reflected quite a diverse group. We covered most of the alphabet, as we had astronauts and actresses, to fireman to zookeepers and many other professions. After I thanked them all for participating, I brought it to their attention that no one in the room had said, ‘When I grow up, I want to be a rich person.” Now how is that possible??? Especially when one considers that most of the concerns of modern day women and men seem to be directed at scheming, planning, and machinating on how to get more money or network and connect with people who can help them get more money. There is a simple reason for no one saying that they wanted to be a rich person. The reason is that as a child, you knew that you were already divinely and inherently rich, wealthy and abundant because that was, and still is, your Source given nature. As a child, you knew who you were and what you adored doing. When I was a child, I used to get lost for hours and hours as I excitedly wrote and created the most wildly creative stories and tales. My parents say that I lived in another world. I loved telling and reading my stories to people. I then would take my stories and put on plays with my friends and younger brothers. (Ok, I must admit that my younger brothers were not always as enthusiastic in participating as I was; but then again, an older sister can be quite persuasive.) As I got older, instead of pursing what I creatively loved doing, I listened to the very practical advice of others, that I should do something sensible with my life like becoming a primary school teacher, a nurse or a secretary. I went on to become a wonderful primary school teacher. I was also a wonderful anorexic and wonderfully depressed, as I was living someone else’s representation of what my life should look like. As I had given up control of who I was, I sought to gain control over some portion of my life through food issues. I basically silenced the fullness, wealth and riches of my excitement within, and was literally and figuratively starving without it. Once I started living my own life and making my own empowered choices, amazing gifts and abilities started to be experienced. For nearly 10 years through my beloved business, I have excitedly written 6 books and created presentations and seminars, workshops, meditations, inspirational blogs and newsletters. As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Intuitive Counselor, I have helped clients break down programming, beliefs and fears in order to regain that childhood zeal, enthusiasm, and passion for life once again. Within those 10 years of seeing clients, it became quite clear that the overwhelming majority of my clients who were emotionally and physically un-well, ere also no longer excited by some or all aspects of their lives. And the majority of those clients were also miserable about their financial situations. When my clients expressed their financial concerns, these four sentences were used most often: 1. I am not rich. 2. I don’t have money. 3. I hate not having money 4. I am miserable without money. And although I have helped many people with this same exact concern, there was one client’s case that demonstrated the most clear correlation between wellbeing, wealth and excitement, and I shall call her Lauren. *Lauren was a beautiful, creative and highly intelligent young lady. She was also exhausted, depressed and had lost all motivation for her life. As such, she had to quit studying after her first year at college. During our session together, when I asked her what she loved doing, her face lit up like a Christmas bulb; as she told me of her love for fashion design. Her earliest memories were those of sewing patterns for clothes for her dolls and even the big family cat. This childhood passion followed her throughout her teens, as she sketched original designs and sewed clothes for her friends. Although it was blatantly clear how much joy she received from sewing and designing, her father had other ideas as to Lauren’s future career. Her father was a lawyer and had told Lauren that as soon as she received her law degree, that she would work at his law practice. Although she was not interested in the law, she did not want to disappoint her Dad, and she applied to law schools. She told me that as soon as she began to get accepted, she started to feel ill. In fact, once she went to college, she was in and out of the infirmary more times than she could count remember. Completely exhausted towards the end of her first year, she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. To help improve her immune system with Reiki treatments, she came to my healing practice. I asked her to close her eyes and said, ‘Imagine that you have all the certification, all the money and all the connections in the world. What would you be doing?’ Without a moment of hesitation she said, “I would be designing clothes.” She went on to tell me that she had a recurring dream that she was behind the scenes at a fashion show and that the people in her dream were speaking Italian. I told her that with each passing day that she was not fulfilling her hearts desires, she was denying who she was and her body was reacting with illness and exhaustion because of the sadness of her unfulfilled heart. I explained to her that if she started to make movement toward researching fashion design schools, that the Universe would pick up her excited energies and send her opportunities, people and connections to help fulfill her excited intentions. By the end of the session, Lauren’s whole demeanor had changed. She was sitting upright and was animated and excited about stepping forth on the path to making her love of fashion designing a reality; even if this meant disappointing her father’s dream for her. It was several years later that I received a letter and photo of Lauren at a fashion show in Milan, Italy. She told me that once she decided to quit law and to enroll in a fashion design school, her symptoms of illness magically began to disappear. The simple reason for this was because Lauren was happy, fulfilled and joyous as she was living her own dream; not someone else’s. When Lauren thought about designing fashion, she felt whole, and complete. And, as a result of that she felt wealthy and prosperous. Now we all may not all have chronic fatigue syndrome, but we know when we are not happy with our relationships, careers and health, What makes us stay in areas of our life that have ceased to become fulfilling and joyful, is the programming, belief or fear that somehow we are not allowed to be and to do exactly what we want to do. My clients are able to turn their lives around because they take their focus off of external abundance (money) and put their focus on their inner abundance (inherent wealth), by emphasizing the words, excitement, fun and creativity. My clients realize that: They are not rich, because they are not creative. They don’t have money, because they don’t have any fun. They hate not having money, because they hate not having excitement. They are miserable without money, because they are miserable without creativity. Each and Every one of us knows what truly makes us happy, gives us fun and ignites our spark of creativity within; and you do not have to be clairvoyant or psychic like myself to get in touch with this excitement. As of today, you have 24 days left in 2011 to proactively turn your life around, in order to start 2012 off as the year you stopped working and started to do what you adore. I help awaken clients to reconnect themselves with their passion, fun and creativity of life again. I can help you visualize a fulfilling life outside of the current box you find yourself in. (The sad part is that most of the times, it is a box of our making and we are the ones who continue to keep ourselves captured inside.) Call today on 831 277 3716 to start to peek out of the limiting and unfulfilling box that you may be finding yourself in, that stops you from being in complete bliss, joy and adoring what you do. Here’s hoping that you live your bliss by changing your work to your passion like I did. Love and Blessings, Claire Candy Hough 831 277 3716